City Purchasing General Information 206-684-0444
Current Contract Information
ALERTSThis contract is not intended for anything that is more properly classified as Public Works.
This contract is limited to only those items expressly provided for in this contract.
Do not use for federally funded purchases without a specific review for your grant funding requirements.
Contract # / 0000002565
Contract Title: / Krazan & Associates Inc.
Detailed Description: / Laboratory services for field testing of soil and construction materials. This was bid.
City Buyer: / Carmalinda Vargas / Phone:
E-Mail: / (206) 615-1123
Current Term: / 4/28/09 / through: / 3/31/2014
Future Extension Options: / Yes, two years
For use by: / All City Departments
Order Limit: / NA
Contract Type: / Eight other blankets contracts were awarded they are;
Hayre McElroy & Associates LLC, 2573
Mayes Testing Engineers Inc, 2572
AMEC Earth & Environmental Inc, 2570
Kleinfelder West, Inc. 2571
Cascade Testing Laboratory, 2569
Otto Rosenau & Associates Inc., 2568
Professional Services Inc, 2566
HWA GeoSciences Inc, 2567
Each contract has its original bid in their contract, but the bid solicitation package, ad, blanket request, addendums, bid log sheet, bid tab; intent letters are in contract #2567, HWA GeoSciences Inc.
Freight Terms: / NA
Delivery ARO: / NA
Vendor Number
Vendor Name:
Address / Vendor #0000153646
Krazan & Associates Inc.
11715 N. Creek Parkway South
Suite #C-106
Bothell, WA 98011
Vendor Info / Contact: Jeff Mercer
Phone #: 425-485-5519
Fax #: 425-485-6837
WMBE Status:
Contract History:
Changes to contract since it was first awarded. / Contract Start date / 4/28/2009
Emergency Contact Information
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Phone Number – CELL
Emergency Phone Number – HARD LINE
E-Mail address
If your company has locations outside the Seattle area and outside of the State that the City can call in an emergency, please list that information.
Alternative Location Address
Alternative Location Business Phone
Alternative Location Emergency Phone
Alternative Location E-mail Address
Out of State Location Address
Out of State Location Phone – Business Hours
Out of State Emergency Hours
Out of State E-Mail Addresses
Notes: Vendor has stated he can offer 24/7 emergency response