Appendix 2: eduPersonAffiliation -- values depend on the categories of people
eduPersonAffiliation -- values depend on the categories of people
The different categories of people at the university
The following tables list the various categories of people that can be found at the university and the eduPersonAffiliation values that correspond to these categories. Some people can belong to several categories—in fact, this is frequently the case—and thus cumulate the values of the various categories (e.g., alumni + emeritus researcher + retiree + internal internship director). In such cases, it is necessary to respect the exclusion between affiliate and member.
The tables start with the eduPersonAffiliation table as specified in Supann 2008 and is completed Supann 2009 by the two left-hand columns:
- the “Cat” column, which allows the category in question to be identified more easily, and
- the “Source” column, which indicates the specific database that can be used as a directory data source for each category of people.
- Managed: student registered at the institution and/or staff paid by the institution,
- Hosted: recorded in the personnel database(s) but not paid by the institution, and
- Not hosted: not recorded in the personnel database(s) of the institution
Meaning of the acronyms in the "Source" column (i.e., databases that provide the data for the directory):
- SCO: management tool used by the Registrar's office to manage the students registered at the institution (e.g., formation initiale[*], continuing education)
- RH: management tool used by the Human Resources department
- RE: management tool used to manage researchers (e.g., useful for finding out if a researcher or a doctoral student is hosted by an "official" research laboratory)
- HC: overtime hours (i.e., outside of the regular hours paid by salary)
- REF: a reference to another database or table containing information, for example, about:
- Former students or staff (e.g., alumni, retirees, emeritus faculty)
- People enrolled in certificate programs or in continuing education programs
- Interns and guests
- Public figures and external contacts (e.g., members of the Board)
- Visitors (e.g., those holding library reading privileges or WiFi access rights)
- Another institution's database
See the definition for eduPersonAffiliation in section 7 for the associated semantics.
Please note that, for reasons of international compatibility, staff has been reintroduced with the previous meaning of the term employee, and that library-walk-in is no longer used.
Use of eduPersonAffiliation
The columns labeled “Stu”, “F”, “E”, “A”, “AL”, “R”, “RD”, “Eus”, “M”, “Sta”, “T” et “RR” correspond respectively to the values forstudent, faculty, employee, affiliate, alum, researcher, retirede, emeritus, member, staff, teacher and registered_reader.
A- Students managed by the institution (EG)
Cat / Source / Category of individuals / Stu / F / E / A / AL / R / RD / Eus / M / Sta / T / RREG1 / SCO / Students who have registered at the institution / X / X
EG2 / SCO / Students who have not registered at the institution but are enrolled in classes; students from other institutions taking classes at the institution (e.g., Doctoral students) 1) / X / X
EG3 / SCO / FOAD/EAD students who have not registered at the institution but are enrolled in classes; FOAD/EAD students from other institutions taking classes at the institution; student-interns in language centers / X
EG4 / REF ext. / Outside students who have not registered at the institution and are not enrolled in classes; students in continuing education programs that do not give degrees / X
EG5 / RH+RE+SCO / Doctoral students who are hosted and registered at the institution 2) / X / X / X
B- Students/learners not managed by the institution (ENG)
Cat / Source / Category of individuals / Stu / F / E / A / AL / R / RD / Eus / M / Sta / T / RRENG1 / REF / Students enrolled in night classes, students auditing classes, students participating in the Open University, ... / X
C- Staff managed by the institution (PG)
Cat / Source / Category of individuals / Stu / F / E / A / AL / R / RD / Eus / M / Sta / T / RRPG1 / RH + RE / Professor/Researchers managed by the institution / X / X / X / X / X
PG2 / RH / Researchers managed by the institution, who have a contract with the institution 3) / X / X / X / X
PG3 / RH / Full-time teachers managed by the institution, who are not involved in research activities (e.g., ATER [instructor/doctoral student], monitors, primary and secondary teachers working at the university level) / X / X / X / X
PG4 / RH + HC / Part-time personnel whose primary activity is teaching4) / X / X / X / X
PG5 / RH + HC / Part-time personnel whose primary activity is NOT teaching5) / X / X / X
PG6 / RH / Contracted full-time personnel managed by the institution, who are neither researchers or teachers (e.g., BIATOS, apprentices, CES, HS) / X / X / X
PG7 / RH + HC / Part-time non-teaching personnel / X / X / X
D- Staff hosted by the institution with a contractual link (PH)
Cat / Source / Category of individuals / Stu / F / E / A / AL / R / RD / Eus / M / Sta / T / RRPH1 / RH+RE / Researchers from a public scientific or technical institution (e.g., CNRS or INRA), hosted by institution / X / X / X
PH2 / RH+RE / Doctoral students from another institution, hosted by a laboratory in the institution / X / X / X
PH3 / REF / Guest researchers hosted by the institution (with a hosting agreement) / X / X / X
PH4 / RH+RE / Non-research personnel from a public scientific or technical institution (e.g., ITA, CNRS), hosted by the institution / X / X
PH5 / RH / External non-teaching personnel, who are hosted by the institution (e.g., regional contract, rectorat contract) / X / X
PH6 / REF / Student intern, hosted by the institution / X / X
PH7 / RH / External teaching personnel, who are hosted by the institution / X / X / X
PH8 / RH / Guest professors 6) / X / X / X / X
PH9 / REF / Emeritus faculty 7) / X / X
E- Individuals not managed and not hosted by the institution (PNGNH)
Cat / Source / Category of individuals / Stu / F / E / A / AL / R / RD / Eus / M / Sta / T / RRPNGNH1 / HC / Unpaid external teaching personnel, who are not hosted by the institution / X
PNGNH2 / REF / External non-teaching personnel, who are not hosted by the institution / X
PNGNH3 / RH or REF / Public figures, University Council members or members of the university's divisions / X
PNGNH4 / REF / Business contact people who need to consult digital workspace pages and publish documents / X
PNGNH5 / REF / Guest researchers, who are not hosted by the institution (e.g., visitors who need access to the internet, the digital workspace and WiFi) / X
PNGNH6 / SCO or REF / Former students who maintain a relationship with the institution 8) / X
PNGNH7 / RH or REF / Retired people who maintain a relationship with the institution / X
PNGNH8 / REF / Internship directors and other people who need to access certain online resources linked to classes (with or without payment), hence the "teacher" value 9) / X / X
PNGNH9 / REF / People holding library reading privileges / X
PNGNH10 / REF / Visitors who need access to the internet, the digital workspace and WiFi
1) In fact, these students should register at the institution at zero cost and thus be put in the previous category because it is not possible to enroll in classes without registering at the institution.
2) A doctoral student who is hosted and registered at the institution is necessarily managed by the institution.
3) This category includes, for example, the personnel who receive research grants, foreign researchers associated to the institution by contract, and the post-doc positions.
4) This type of personnel must have an authorization and, as a result, be included in the HC management tool.
5) This type of personnel must have an authorization and, as a result, be included in the HC management tool
6) Decrees # 85-733 and 91-267
7) Normally, emeritus faculty are hosted by the institution because they can give seminars and direct dissertations/theses, for example.
8) Generally, alumni are in the registrar's database (SCO), but they can also be in another reference database.
9) If this person is an internal staff member (with a "member" value), the "affiliate" value must be withdrawn.
[*]This refers to students who have been enrolled continually at the university and have not interrupted their studies with a 2-year (or more) break.