Massachusetts Innovation Mentoring Initiative:

Rolling Mentoring Awards

Request for Proposals

RFP No. 2015-JAII-03

Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
Innovation Institute
75 North Drive
Westborough, MA 01581-3340

Procurement Team Leader:Sarah Rahman and Henry Fields

RFP Issued:October 14, 2014

Answers to Questions:Posted Within Seven Days of Receipt

Responses Due:Rolling through June 30, 2016

Applicant Interviews:As Requested by MassTech

1. Introduction

The Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (“MassTech”), in collaboration with the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development (“EOHED”), is implementing the “Massachusetts Innovation Mentoring Initiative” or “Mentoring Initiative” as a way to strengthen entrepreneur and startup mentoring activities in regions and communities across the Commonwealth.

Created as part of the 2012 Jobs Bill legislation and reauthorized by the Legislature and Governor Patrick in the 2014 Economic Development Bill, the Massachusetts Innovation Mentoring Initiative seeks to stimulate a broader range of participation in Massachusetts’ innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems. The goal of the Mentoring Initiative is to advance a diverse and sustainable portfolio of mentoring-related entrepreneurship support efforts across the state by boosting programs that demonstrate core competencies and capacity, targeting underserved populations and regions, and fostering new and novel approaches in mentoring—all of which strengthen the foundation of the Commonwealth’s innovation economy.

The Innovation Institute at MassTech (the “Innovation Institute”) is issuing this Solicitation for interested parties to apply for the Mentoring Initiative’s Rolling Grant Awards Program. These awards will generally be grants for up to $50,000 awarded to eligible organizations on a rolling basis from the solicitation issue date.

The following sections provide additional contextual background, and the Rolling Awards program framework, application process, and evaluation criteria.


(i) This Solicitation does not commit MassTech to select any grantee(s), pay any costs incurred in preparing an application, or award any grants. MassTech reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to make no awards or to award less than the maximum amount of funds potentially available through this Solicitation. MassTech reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to accept or reject any or all submittals received; to negotiate with any or all qualified applicants;to request modifications to proposals in accordance with such negotiations; to request supplemental or clarifying information from applicants; or to cancel, amend or modify the Solicitation in part or in its entirety at any time.

(ii) This Solicitation supersedes any prior oral or written communications regarding the awarding of funds under the Massachusetts Innovation Mentoring Initiative. Furthermore, the Chief Executive Officer of MassTech is the only individual that is authorized to make binding commitments on behalf of MassTech, which must be in writing.

2. Massachusetts Innovation Mentoring Initiative: Background

An ongoing challenge for the Commonwealth is the need to develop regional start-up ecosystems and communities of innovation bringing 21stcentury economic opportunities to all the citizensof Massachusetts.Building a strong foundation of mentorship in Massachusetts holds great promise for addressing this challenge and furthering the Commonwealth’sentrepreneurial and knowledge-based economy.

Mentorship from experienced advisors effectively builds the skills and networks that help turn an idea into a business or a startup into a success story. The guidance of a mentor enhances new entrepreneurs’ aptitude and confidence, building theirability to refine business plans, access financing, bring new products to market, and generally grow theirbusiness. Mentoring also helps to level the playing field and provide bridges and ladders for people of different backgrounds to take advantage of social, financial and technological platforms and networks that can unlock new opportunities for economic growth

3. Mentoring Initiative’s RollingGrant Awards Program: Program Objectives

The Mentoring Initiative Rolling Grant Awards Program is intended to help build a diverse and sustainable portfolio of entrepreneurship mentoring activities across the Commonwealth. These awards will be deployed in multiple arenas to supportmentoring-related efforts that serve to advance broader aims for entrepreneurship, economic development, and innovation ecosystems in different regions and communities of the state. The scope of these rolling solicitation awards may include (but not be limited to): (a) greater entrepreneurship engagement in Gateway Cities[1] or other largely underserved regions; (b) pilot new and novel mentoring approaches; and (c)enhancing core competencies in established and well-positioned mentoring initiatives, which represent best-in-class models suitable for replication and adoption in other regions of the Commonwealth.

The Mentoring Initiative Rolling Grant Awards Program is informed by the insights that the Innovation Institute at MassTechhas gained since launching the Mentoring Initiative in 2013. The Innovation Institute has taken advantage of previous opportunities to engage relevant practitioners and experts as part of a heavily subscribed Request for Information; a competitive Request for Proposals; an external review panel; and workshop on mentoring best practices at the 2014 Sandbox Summit, which the Innovation Institute co-sponsored.

4. Rolling Mentoring Awards: Program Framework

1. Application Process:The Application Process will proceed in two stages. Applicants will first submit a 2-4 page concept paper to the Innovation Institute, which will be subject to review by Innovation Institute staff and select outside reviewers. Selected Applicants may then be asked to submit a full project budget, timeline and project plan, including implementation and evaluation plans, incorporating reviewers’ feedback on the concept paper. Please see below for further details.

2. Application Timeline: Concept papers will be accepted on a rolling deadline basis from the issue date of this RFP through June 30, 2016, depending on the availability of funds.

3. Eligibility: This Solicitation welcomes applications from any industry association, economic development corporation, community-based organization, university/college or other nonprofit entity legally operating in Massachusetts. Applicants are encouraged to leverage, partner and coordinate with other local, regional and state organizations to build up a critical mass of support around their mentoring proposal.

4. Size and Distribution of Awards: The Rolling Mentoring Awards will generally be grants for up to $50,000 each. On a limited basis, the Innovation Institute may consider awards above this maximum for proposals that demonstrate, justify and validate truly exceptional mentoring approaches for addressing a compelling innovation economy need or priority. MassTech is interested in supporting efforts across the Commonwealth, but reserves the right to make more than one award in a single region or industry domain, based on the quality of applications received and compelling innovation needs that are identified by the Applicants.

5. Use of Proceeds: Applicants should propose uses of grant funding that are consistent with the values and foundational principles of the Mentoring Initiative, as described in sections 1-3 above. MassTech does not encourage proposals that seek to deploy this grant funding to support “paid mentors” but will consider proposals for increasing management/staffing capacity for mentoring programs. Capital expenditures are not encouraged under this grant and are limited to no more than 10% of the project funding provided by MassTech.

6. Cost Sharing/Match: MassTech seeks to leverage its funds to extend their impact and welcomes cost-sharing through matching funds or in-kind services for the activities proposed for this Solicitation. MassTech regards cost-sharing as an indication of strong support and validation of proposed mentoring concepts. Time spent by mentors in support of entrepreneurs, while highly valued, is not eligible to be counted as cost sharing/match. Applicants are encouraged to identify cost sharing/match, but it is not required in order to be eligible to receive a grant award.

5. Application Process

Phase 1: Concept Paper

In order to be considered for an award under this Solicitation, an Applicant must first complete and submit to MassTech a 2-4 page concept paper. The concept paper has a dual purpose: to describe succinctly the design of the project, and to outline its expected community and economic developmentimpact. The concept paper should include information identifying partners and regional characteristics and demonstrating the ability of the Applicant to drive change in the context of the local entrepreneurship ecosystem. As a general guideline, Concept Papers should include:

  1. A brief description of the Applicant, including names, affiliation and relevant qualifications and prior experience of lead organizers and partners and their role(s) advancing their surrounding local and regional innovation ecosystems.
  2. A high-level description of the project concept, funding request, implementation plan and timeline;
  3. An articulation of the need for the proposed mentoring effort and why it is distinct from other area efforts;
  4. Explanation of the value added to the surrounding community and/or region from the proposed mentoring activity;
  5. An account of how the Applicant is planning to or currently working with other local and regional organizations in delivering its services and deriving greater community- and/or region-wide benefit from the work.

Concept papers will initially be reviewed internally according to quality and completeness standards. After the initial review, the concept paper will be referred to a small group of external stakeholders with expertise in mentoring to determine whether an investment in the program would further the Mentoring Initiative’s goals. Concept papers will be evaluated according to the following criteria (not in any order):

Completeness of response based on the submission guidelines referenced above.

Clarity in identifying the target population, industry, or region that the proposal seeks to serve and articulating and justifying the unmet need that it seeks to address.

Creativity of the proposed mentoring approach in addressing the identified unmet need

Alignment and partnership with key stakeholders, especially other innovation-driven economic development efforts that may have the same target or focus as the proposal

Capacity and qualification of the lead organizersin executing the proposed new efforts.

Expected impact(s) in the identified region, community, or industry cluster that are in line with the amount of funds being requested.

The review and referral process will occur on an as-received basis, and the length of review will vary with the number of applications MassTech is processing at that time.MassTech reserves the right to select as many applications as the available funding will allowto further the goals of the Mentoring Initiative. During the review process, MassTech reserves the right to work with eachApplicant toimprove the likelihood that that their proposal is appropriate to the goals of the Mentoring Initiative Rolling Grant Awards Program, reflects best practices within mentoring, and makes adequate use of pre-existing resources. In-person visits to the project site by Innovation Institute staff to review capacity and planning efforts may also be pursuedpurused in this phase at the sole discretion of the Innovation Institute.

Phase 2: Implementation Plan, Timeline, and Detailed Budget

After the concept paper stage, selected Applicants may be invited to submit a full proposal, includingproject plan, implementation plan, project timeline and detailed budget. For Phase 2,invited Applicantswill need to submit the following:

  1. Project Narrative: based on the concept paper,this project description should summarize the proposed effort and funding request, incorporating changes agreed to during the concept paper review process;
  2. Implementation Plan: Please provide an implementation plan for your proposed efforts. Examples of information to include are outreach and communications; participant (mentor and entrepreneur) recruitment and selection;plans for program evaluation and associated metrics; and other pertinent details;
  3. Project Timeline: Please provide a target schedule for implementation and relevant milestones;
  4. Project Budget: Please provide your proposed budget information that addresses the following issues: What is the total budget for your proposed new mentoring efforts? How much of that funding are you seeking from MassTech under this Solicitation and how would the remaining project budget be funded? What specific activities would any MassTech award support? Applicants are required to use the MassTech Budget Template (set forth in Attachment C) to specify the cost details of the project;
  5. Letters of Support:If applicable, please include any letters of support and commitment for matching funds or in-kind services;
  6. Authorized Applicants’ Signature and Acceptance Form (Attachment B); and
  7. Exceptions and/or counterproposals, if any, to the General Terms & Conditions(refer to Attachment D).

A statement indicating compliance with the terms, conditions and specifications contained in this Solicitation must be submitted to MassTech. Submission of the signed Authorized Applicant’s Signature and Acceptance Form (set forth in Attachment B) shall satisfy this requirement. Submission of the signed Authorized Applicant’s Signature and Acceptance Form will also satisfy the requirement that all responses include an affidavit of the Massachusetts company’s compliance with all corporate filing requirements and compliance with state tax laws.

MassTech will enter into a General Terms & Conditions agreement with the selected Applicant(s) containing certain standard provisions (the “Agreement”) (see Attachment D for the standard form of the Agreement). MassTech reserves the right to amend the standard form of Agreement at any time without reissuing this Solicitation. Applicants should review the Agreement in Attachment D as they are required to specify any exceptions to the Agreement and to make any suggested counterproposals. A failure to specify exceptions and/or counterproposals will be deemed an acceptance of the Agreement’s general terms and conditions, and no subsequent negotiation of such provisions shall be permitted. Reserving one’s rights to negotiate terms after an award is made is unacceptable.

6. Solicitation and Notification Guidelines

a. Instruction for Submission of Responses:Applicants are cautioned to read carefully and conform to the requirements of this specific Solicitation. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Solicitation may serve as grounds for rejection of an Application.

(i) AllPhase 1 concept papers and Phase 2 materials must be submitted by electronic copy (.pdf or .doc and the budget template in excel format) to the email address: .

(ii) Applicants are cautioned to review Attachment A1 and A2 prior to submitting an electronic copy of their application. In accordance with the procedures set forth in Attachment A1 and A2, any information that Applicant has identified as “sensitive information” should be clearly outlined inthe electronic submission to MassTech.

b. Posting of Changes/Amendments to the Solicitation: This Solicitation has been distributed electronically using the MassTech and the COMMBUYS websites. If MassTech determines that it is necessary to revise any part of this Solicitation, or if additional data is necessary to clarify any of its provisions, a supplement or addenda will be posted to the MassTech and the COMMBUYS websites. It is the responsibility of each Applicant to check the MassTech and/or the COMMBUYS websites for any addenda or modifications to a Solicitation to which they intend to respond. MassTech, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and its subdivisions accept no liability and will provide no accommodation to Applicants who submit a response based on an out-of-date Solicitation document.

c. Questions about the Solicitation or the Solicitation Process: Questions may be submitted by electronic mail . Please include the Solicitation number in the email subject heading. Responses to all questions received will be posted to MassTech’s website within one week of being received.

d. Review and Selection of Applicants: Applications will be subject to an administrative review to determine compliance with the Solicitation requirements. Innovation Institute staff may contact the Applicant to request supplemental or clarifying information as part of the formal review process. The staff may also request an interview with or presentation by the Applicant. All awards under this Solicitation are subject to review and recommendation by outside reviewers as well, and may be subject to final review and approval by the Executive Committee of the MassTech Board of Directors.

e. Notification and Execution of Grant Awards: Notification of selection or non-selection of all Applicants who submitted conforming Applications will be mailed when the selection process is final.

f. Performance Period: In most cases grant award recipients will be required to fully implement their proposed activities over a 12month timeframe, effective from a start-date agreed upon with MassTech.

g. Reporting and Program Management Requirements: The reporting period for awardees will begin from the projectproiect start-date agreed upon with MassTech and extend for 12 months beyond the performance period. At a minimum, reporting requirements will entail progress updates on the project and budget and a final report summarizing activities, detailing metrics, and evaluating outcomes. Awardees and MassTech will mutually agree upon any follow-on reports, site visits and meetings (including an initial launch meeting) to review plans, activities, responsibilities and assess progress toward program goals.

h. Disbursement of Funds: MassTech will disburse funds on a cost-reimbursement basis in accordance with budget, payment terms, schedules and other conditions as detailed in its standard General Terms & Conditions Agreement (see Attachment D).

7. General Information

(a) All terms, conditions, requirements, and procedures included in this Solicitation must be met for an Application to be determined responsive. If an Applicant fails to meet any material terms, conditions, requirements or procedures, its response may be deemed unresponsive and disqualified.

(b) All responses, data, materials, proposals, documentation and information submitted in response to this Solicitation shall become MassTech’s property and are subject to public disclosure under the Massachusetts Public Records Law provisions in M.G.L. c. 4, §7(26) and the provisions regarding public inspection and access to such records in M.G. L. c. 66, §10. Applicants are required to sign the Authorized Applicants’ Signature and Acceptance Form, set forth in Attachment Bhereto. In this regard, Applicants are required to agree that MassTech shall have the unlimited right to make use of and disseminate all periodic reports, case studies and any other deliverables and work products. Any statements reserving any confidentiality or privacy rights in submitted responses or otherwise inconsistent with these statutes will be void and disregarded. The foregoing notwithstanding, MassTech has developed a set of procedures to deal with all documents submitted to it in response to this Solicitation, and those procedures are set forth in Attachment A1 and A2 hereto. By executing the Authorized Applicant’s Signature and Acceptance Form, appended hereto as Attachment B, Applicant acknowledges, understands and agrees to be bound by the procedures set forth in Attachment A1 and A2, and agrees MassTech shall not be liable under any circumstances for the subsequent disclosure of any materials submitted to it by Applicant pursuant to this Solicitation and/or in connection with any contract entered into between Applicant and MassTech as a result of this Solicitation process.