Attachment B - Project Information Document(PID)
Applicants are advised to complete and submit this template in response to the Request for Offset Units (RFOU) #ON-002889. This Project Information Document is not an agreement to purchase Offset Units and is not an agreement to enter into an Offset Purchase Agreement (“OPA”). The Province is not bound to enter into an OPA with any Applicant.
A key qualification criterion for Offset Units purchased by Climate Investment Branch is evidence-based documentation demonstrating how the Project meets or will meet therequirements set out in the BC Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act(“GGIRCA”), the Greenhouse Gas Emission Control Regulation(“GGECR”), and the Desirable Offset Project Criteria as set out in Attachment A of the RFOU.Note that terms capitalized but not defined herein have the meaning given to such terms in GGIRCA, GGECR and the Request for Offset Units to which this PID was attached (the “RFOU”), however if any terms are defined in GGIRCA or GGECR and the RFOU, the definitions in GGIRCA or GGECR prevail.
Applicants are expected to complete this template in full. Applications should include copies of referenced documents and supporting documentation for any information included below wherever possible. Please label all supporting documentation to reference the applicable PID section, and append in the same order.If the project is early stage, Applicants are expected to include all available information, provide estimates where information is lacking, and make note when further details may be available.
PID submission date:[day, month, year]Emission offset project title:
Project proponent:
Other participantsinvolved in the Project: / [list and describe role(s) in relation to the project (proponent, facility owner, facility operator, consultant, etc.)]
Project description: / [the purpose and objective of the Project, including a technical description of the Project and an explanation of how it will achieve a Project Reduction]
Baseline Scenario description: / [a technical description of the Baseline Scenario selected by the Proponent]
Functional equivalence: / [describe how the function and quality of products or services is the same in the Baseline Scenario and Project]
Climate risk adaptation and/or resilience: / [describe any measures within the Project that help the service, facility(ies) or organization better adapt to or cope with higher intensity and/or duration environmental variations associated with current and projected climate change (e.g. flood resilient buildings)]
Project location(s): / [location description, address (if applicable), GPS coordinates, and a location map (if available)]
Project Plan: / [draft, validated, or accepted Project Plan, including title, version and date, if available.]Validation Statement: / [Validation Statement accepted by the director under the GGECR, including title, version and date, if available]
Greenhouse gas types: / [list the greenhouse gases that will be reduced by the Project; the gases must be one or more of the gases listed in the Carbon Neutral Government Regulation Schedule]
Protocol: / [name, version and date of Protocol identified in the Project Plan and used to quantify the Project Reductions asserted in the applicableProject Report(s) under the GGECR ]
Demonstration of ownership: / [explain how ownership of the Offset Units will be demonstrated in accordance with the GGECR. Describe or attach the evidence that will be used to support this assertion (ownership of land or equipment, quitclaims, contractual arrangements, etc.)]
Barriers test: / [identify the financial, technological or other obstacles to carrying
out the Project that are overcome or partially overcome by the
incentive of having the Project Reduction recognized as Offset Units]
Incentives: / [identify the tax and funding incentives considered]
Applicable regulation: / [explain how greenhouse gas reductions from the project are in excess of any existing or anticipated regulations that the Proponent must meet
Leakage: / [identify and describe the factors that were taken into account for Leakage]
Permanence: / [for sequestration and storage Projects, explain the steps that will be taken to ensure the greenhouse gases remain stored or sequestered for 100 years after the end of the Project Crediting Period; otherwise mark as ‘not applicable’]
Project Type: / [identify relevant Project Type (as listed in Attachment A -Desirable Offset Project Criteria)]Project Attributes1: / [identify relevant Project Attributes (as listed in Attachment A –Desirable Offset ProjectCriteria) along with justification and substantiation for having selected these Project Attributes]
Other benefits / [describe any additional social, economic or environmental co-benefits of the Project, besides the GHG reduction]
Note: 1) Final determination of a Project’s Project Attributes is at the Province’s sole discretion.
Project Report Period(date range) / Estimated Project Volume1(tCO2e) / Minimum Volume2 (tCO2e) / Maximum Volume2
(tCO2e) / Maximum AdditionalVolume3
(tCO2e) / Unit Price
($/tCO2e) / Delivery Date(s)
Add rows as needed
1)Estimated project reduction (i.e. the anticipated available volume from the Project).
2) Proposed delivery volumes. See OPA template for Minimum Volume, Maximum Volume and Maximum Additional Volumedefinitions (
3) Proposed Maximum Additional Volume can range from zero to unlimited.
Project feasibility / [where estimated volumes are less than 5,000 tonnes per annum, address offset project feasibility, demonstrating how the project is expected to be commercially viable. If this section is not applicable, insert ‘not applicable’ in this section]Commercial readiness / [describe the stage of project implementation. If the project is in the testing or pilot stage, briefly list remaining hurdles]
Risks/Uncertainties / [briefly explain the key risks faced by the proposed project and the mitigations planned or implemented to address each risk.
Risks could include: regulatory, quantification, performance (of the project) or permanence]
Project start date:[day, month, year]Expected lifetime of the Project: / [XX Years]
Crediting Period:[day, month, year] to [day, month, year]
Implementation details: / [the chronological plan for the Project, setting out key events in thedevelopment of the Project Plan and the Project and the dates those events are to occur]
Contact name and title:Organization:
Describe role(s) of Applicant in relation to the Project: