For Immediate Release
January 10, 2016
For more information, contact
Ann Hardiman, NYSACRA,
Michael Seereiter, NYSRA,
Study Demonstrates the Importance of a Direct Support Professional Credential
On January, 1, 2016, the New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) released a report with recommendations to establish a comprehensive direct support professional (DSP) credentialing design in New York State. Through the enacted 2014-15 State Budget, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York Legislature charged OPWDD to undertake a comprehensive review of the efficacy of a credential as well as career ladders and ongoing professional training for DSPs.
The study, “Implementing Direct Support Professional Credentialing in New York-Final Technical Report”, highlights a credentialing program that would provide statewide recognition for the contributions and competence of DSPs who apply for and meet the credentialing standards.
Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) are the line workers that assist people with disabilities to lead productive lives and to participate fully in their communities. Direct Support Professionals are employed by agencies in each of New York’s communities. These individuals work in group residential settings, independent apartments and homes, recreational and therapeutic day support settings and assist people with disabilities to obtain jobs.
The report provides an overview of the direct support professional workforce in New York and makes a number of recommendations to strengthen the direct support professional workforce. A key recommendation is to implement and publically fund a voluntary, phased-in NY DSP credential program, beginning SFY 2016-17. The New York State Association of Community and Residential Agencies (NYSACRA) and the New York State Rehabilitation Association (NYSRA) were selected to collaborate with OPWDD and The University of Minnesota (UMN) on the study.
NYSACRA and NYSRA were pleased to participate in this significant project that recommends a long-term structural commitment to a statewide DSP credentialing program and which strengthens the DSP workforce.
NYSACRA represents approximately 200 voluntary not-for-profit agencies throughout New York State. These dedicated agencies provide direct services and supports to thousands of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. The agencies are located in many communities across the state and provide jobs to the more than 75,000 direct support professionals who are relied upon to provide these important services and supports.
NYSRA is a statewide 501 (c) (6) organization representing rehabilitation providers who advocate on behalf of individuals with differing abilities and the agencies who serve them. NYSRA’s community providers offer a full spectrum of services to people throughout New York State, including individuals with developmental disabilities, mental illness, deaf and hearing impaired, and vision problems, in addition to addictions, traumatic brain injuries and veteran services.
To obtain a copy of the report:
To obtain a copy of the ExecutiveSummary.pdf <