Scole C.E.V.C. Primary School P.E. & School Sport

Development Plan 2015-2017

Name: Claire Goldsmith Role: HLTA/PE Subject Leader

**Please use PE Subject Leader file, Assessment file & Sports Premium Funding File in conjunction with this document to see the whole picture of PE at Scole. **

1: Provision of High Quality PE for all students.
Participation rates in such activities as games, dance, gymnastics, swimming and athletics. / Action Points for PE Coordinator
Target Dates / How measured?
Success Criteria/Monitored by / Cost
£ / Impact
·  Continue to offer 2 hours high quality PE to every child in school from reception to year 6. / ·  Curriculum to continue to support 2 hours high quality PE for every pupil. Hall timetables blocked to ensure access to hall for all lessons.
·  Respond to changes in NC2014 with new resources/areas of activity. / ·  PE monitoring by subject leader. Timetables.
·  Subject leader reviews/evaluations. / £1500 Curriculum enhancement 2016
Equipment & resources
£694 2016 / Ongoing 2015-16
·  Re-apply for the afPE Quality Mark for Physical Education and Sport. (National Award)
·  Independent endorsement of PE provision from assessor.
·  Apply for Sainsbury’s School Games mark award yearly. / ·  Investigate award by contacting afPE.
·  Current afPE award expires on 30.11.17.
·  Collect data yearly to apply for wards at all levels and monitor participation levels. / ·  Achievement of award after submission and validation visit.
·  Raised profile of PE/Provides continued excellence/HQ PE sustainability.
·  Subject leader reviews/evaluations. / £
PE Subject Leader time to complete application. / Gold SSG mark awarded in 2015-16. To re-apply in September 2016.
·  All PE lessons to be outstanding, confirming to high quality PE. / ·  PE to remain high priority throughout school. Underpins school standards in aiming for outstanding Ofsted in next cycle. / ·  Head teacher lesson observations. External validation.
·  Subject leader reviews/evaluations. / NIL / Ongoing 2015-2016
2: Provision of opportunities for all young people to participate in a range of high quality activities.
“Alongside and enhancing our PE curriculum.”
Participation rates in such activities as games, dance, gymnastics, swimming and athletics. The range of provisional and alternative sporting activities. Partnership work on physical education with other schools and other local partners. / Action Points for PE Coordinator
Target Dates / How measured?
Success Criteria/Monitored by / Cost
£ / Impact
·  Deliver a range of learning opportunities using Sports premium funding.
·  Continue to raise profile of activities during National School Sports Week. / Coordinate a range of learning opportunities both in curriculum time & after school clubs which enhance our current PE provision.
·  Increase the number of sports activities that they offer to their pupils.
·  Increase the % of pupils taking part in 3+ hours of PE and Sport each week.
·  Target sports which are underrepresented in curriculum or those needed more CPD support. Use coaches to aid CPD for teachers.
·  Investigate sessions off site – e.g. Whittlingham (water sports) UEA facilities. / ·  Number/variety of sporting activities offered during year.
·  % of young people doing 3+ hours PE and Sport.
·  Registers/Subject leader/Head teaching monitoring.
·  Use of new activities in curriculum PE.
·  Subject leader reviews/evaluations. / £2836 ex.curricular
Provision 2016
Approx. £1150
spent on coaches (curriculum) 2016 / 100% of pupils in KS1 & 2 attended an extracurricular activity in 2015-16. (see Participation data)
New sports used – boxfit, zumba, ballet.
Ongoing in academic year 2016-17
·  Deliver an Olympic themed inclusive sport week/day 2015. / ·  Coordinate and plan an Olympic sports week/day, linked to Rio 2016 and Olympic values.
·  Increase competitive element of athletics field activities.
·  Leadership opportunities for trained Young Leaders. / ·  Number/variety of sporting activities offered during week.
·  Raise profile of athletic/competitive activities.
·  Feedback from pupil/staff/parents. / £132
Teacher release time & resources 2016. / Olympic themed sports day with athletic competition delivered in 2016. See website & results in PLT file.
·  Increase the number of links the school has with local community clubs. / ·  Support subject leader to improve links with local community clubs.
·  Invite in local clubs e.g. football, cricket, for taster sessions or after school sessions.
·  When clubs/activities finish get coach to hand out fliers etc. Use notice board in corridor.
·  Send a letter to parents saying how well their child is doing and give contact of local club. / ·  Number of links to clubs.
·  Monitoring by Subject leader.
·  Pupil numbers attending clubs.
·  Subject leader reviews/evaluations. / NIL / Ongoing 2016-17
3: Improve provision for all young people to develop their potential including target groups and G&T.
Participation and success in competitive school sports. The range of provisional and alternative sporting activities. How inclusive the physical education curriculum is.
Partnership work on physical education with other schools and other local partners. / Action Points for PE Coordinator
Target Dates / How measured?
Success Criteria/Monitored by / Cost
£ / Impact
·  Increase the % of pupils taking part in inter/intra-school competition by attending cluster sporting events or school sport opportunities. / ·  Attend cluster sporting opportunities for all pupils (fully inclusive) 2015-2017.
·  Deliver an inclusive sports day 2015-2017.
·  Ensure competitive opportunities are embedded in curriculum PE.
·  Participate in Small Schools Netball/Football League and friendly competitive matches (where cohorts allow.)
·  Consider more intra competitions – speed stacking, KS2 competitive lunchtime matches. / ·  % of pupils who have taken part in Inter School Competition.
·  % of pupils who have taken part in Intra School Competition.
·  Registers.
·  Number of competition entries from school.
·  Subject leader reviews/evaluations. / ·  £1053
Travel costs to events 2016
·  Teacher release costs
Variable / Ongoing in 2016-17
(see Participation data)
Participation in netball league ongoing.
·  Target G&T/HAP pupils with opportunities to engage, support and extension to their learning. / ·  Identify and select pupils to be evaluated against the 4 core multi abilities for G&T pupils. Visits to outside facilities/clubs/specialist coaches.
·  Arrange KS2 G&T/HAP trip to gymnastics academy in Spring Term 2016 for coaching session.
·  Review resources available to enhance provision. / ·  Subject leader reviews/evaluations.
·  Number of pupils on G&T register/HAP pupils. / ·  Travel costs to events
·  £200 coaching& £165 travel
Gym trip 2016
Variable / Ongoing 2016-17
·  Promote physical literacy in KS1 emphasising fundamental movement skills. / ·  Year R & KS1 lessons to provide necessary opportunities to promote agility, balance and coordination activities. Embed skills.
·  Lessons to have time built in to consolidate these skills before moving to KS2 PE curriculum. / ·  Subject leader reviews/evaluations.
·  Track achievement from yr R to year 6 using strong subject assessment data. / £150
EYFS PE resource package purchased 2016
NIL / Ongoing 2016-17 – skills embedding see termly assessment data file.
·  Target pupils who do not attend after school clubs/ least active pupils/FSM/LAC/ Self esteem/teamwork. (Healthy active lifestyles target) / ·  Draw up list to highlight targeted pupils.
·  Use Change4life club to target pupils at lunchtime.(ongoing)
·  Look at costing of and creating Homework boxes for use in reception/KS1 and for targeted pupils. / ·  Increase in pupils attending activities/clubs for targeted groups.
·  Pupils using homework boxes (if appropriate) & feedback from parents. / Variable £
Costs of homework boxes
Subject release time. / Ongoing 2016-17
·  Raise profile of healthy active lifestyles within PE lessons. / ·  Use Power of 5 initiatives throughout KS1 & 2 to improve fitness, stamina, suppleness & strength. (Ongoing)
·  Ensure high intensity workouts built into HQPE lessons throughout school.
·  Use new Cybercoach subscription to link dance/IT/fitness across school.(2015 -)
·  Monitor Norfolk LEA’s response to activity/fitness targets. (2015 -) / ·  Assessment ongoing throughout KS1&2 against Power of 5 standards.
·  Pupil reaction and feedback to Cybercoach activities.
·  Ongoing PE assessment data. / Cybercoach yearly subscription £133 / Ongoing 2016-17
·  Improve provision of physical activities/play at lunch, early mornings and break times to link to healthy active lifestyles agenda. / ·  Look into relevant training for MSAs for behaviour and active play. (Ongoing 2015)
·  CG to provide targeted MSA training to allow specific activities at lunchtime led by an adult.
·  Young Leader and Sports Monitor training for year 3,4 and 6 to provide leaders for Early Morning Activity session s and lunchtimes. (CG to provide)
·  Review and maintain lunchtime play resources. Liaise with MSAs. / ·  Increase in pupils participating in active playtimes.
·  Improved behaviour in playground/field. (Less red & yellow cards/behaviour issues.)
·  Evaluate pupil leadership in playground.
·  Targeted pupils participating in activities. / Approx £464 lunchtime
Resources 2016
Teacher release time
(Training) / Ongoing 2016-17 (unable to train MSA in 2015-16 – staffing changes.)
4: Leadership and Management of P.E. and school sport including sports premium funding.
Links with other subjects that contribute to pupils’ overall achievement and their greater spiritual, moral, social and cultural skills (SMSC). Review the impact that the funding has had on other factors. / Action Points for PE Coordinator
Target Dates / How measured?
Success Criteria/Monitored by / Cost
£ / Impact
·  Consider & investigate Level 5 Certificate in Primary school Physical Education Specialism for PE Subject Leader. / ·  Investigate afPE Award – Level 5.
·  To be run by Norfolk LEA from March 2016. / ·  Award Level 5 obtained.
·  Raised profile of PE.
·  Underpin school standards of HQ & towards outstanding. / (L5 - £1200)
Release time for study.(6 days approx)
TBC / To review 2016-17
·  Ensure assessment of PE curriculum is fully embedded across the school. / ·  Look at benefits/costs of Norfolk LEA’s PE assessment tracker. (Autumn Term 2015)
·  Attend Norfolk PE Conference 2015 to view launch for tracker.
·  Attend relevant training for assessment in PE linked to NC 2014. / ·  Subject leader reviews/evaluations.
·  Track achievement from yr R to year 6 using strong subject assessment data.
·  Clear assessment data available to Head/Governors/Ofsted. / £175
Training course & tracker 2016 / Tracker fully in use from Jan16. See assessment data file for pupil and whole school information.
·  Subject Leader to provide specific training to MSAs/other adults in PE related activity sessions. / ·  Train MSA to provide lunchtime activity sessions. (Ongoing from Sept 2015)
·  Subject leader to offer training to other schools. (Head teacher to arrange if appropriate.) / ·  Increase in pupils participating in active playtimes.
·  Improved behaviour in playground/field. (Less red & yellow cards/behaviour issues.)
·  Confidence of other adults to run activity sessions/PE related. / £
Variable for subject leader release time / To revisit in 2016-17 with link to Suffolk school for KS1 Festival.
·  Up skill teaching staff by observation of Subject Leader teaching & team teaching opportunities. / ·  Target teaching of PE in areas in which staff are less confident. Embed HQ principles throughout.
·  Staff to observe coaching from specialist coaches to aid CPD opportunities.
·  Observation of CG teaching & team teaching with staff. (Ongoing 2015)
·  Consider current PE schemes of work throughout school and appropriateness to NC2014 for non specialists. / ·  Raised confidence in staff members in teaching curriculum P.E.
·  Lesson observations.
·  Improved resource bank of teaching resources for all staff. / £1150 Curriculum coaches to upskill 2016.
EYFS PE resource package purchased 2016 / Staff including TAs have observed PE lessons of their choice to continue upskilling. Schemes of work & resources shown and discussed with whole staff in meeting. New EYFS scheme purchased.
·  Ensure all pupils leave year 6 able to swim 25m (End of KS2 target.) / ·  Review and cost current provision at Diss Swim Centre. (Ongoing 2015)
·  Consider if current schedule is best placed to help those non swimmers. / ·  Class registers of distances at end of term.
·  Progress of non swimmers monitored by school staff during sessions.
·  Subject leader to monitor sessions. / Not funded from SPF. / Provision to continue in 2016-17.
·  Evaluate sports premium funding spending. / ·  Use ongoing evaluation of provision provided by sports premium funding spending using set evaluation format. (ongoing 2015) / ·  Links/signpost pupils to community clubs.
·  Increase in numbers participating.
·  Raised PE/sport profile. / £132
PE Subject Leader time / Ongoing 2016-17
See SPF files & data.
·  Maintain clear records & evaluation of sports premium funding spending. / ·  Set up and maintain Sport premium funding file to record and evaluate spend.
·  Discuss & articulate PE vision with a 2 year Development Plan. (September 2015)
·  Ensure sustainability of provision – 2 hours HQPE.
·  Ensure website updated regularly with funding details (from April 2014) and PE information to showcase provision. / ·  Head teacher to monitor funding file, spend and website information.
·  Subject leader to write & update development plan. ( Ongoing) / £
PE Subject Leader time / Ongoing 2016-17
See SPF, PLT & Assessment file & website pages.

Completed -

Autumn 2015

spring 2016

Summer 2016 (End of year 1)