MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday, 25 June 2009 at the Fire Station, Kimbolton.

73/09 PRESENT Councillors Mrs R Lloyd (in the Chair); Mrs D Gooderham; R Gooderham; K Hutchinson; T Sutton; Mrs D Hellett; D Poole; P Seabrook and Mrs V Blair.

IN ATTENDANCE District Councillor J Gray; County Councillor P Downes; PCSO Carol Corn and colleague; C L Thatcher,Clerk to the Council plus seven members of the public.

74/09 APOLOGIES were received from Councillors C Ayrton and L Farrer.


A resident of Stow Longa said that he would like to speak about the proposed windfarm at the former Kimbolton airfield.

Councillor P Seabrook declared an interest in this item, left the room and took no part in the discussion.

Councillor Mrs V Blair joined the meeting at this point.

It is said that the likely height of the turbines and blades will be 400 feet and that the noise level at night could be 25db. This method of generation is inefficient.

He also stated that Broadview Energy has been censured by the Advertising Standards Agency on 5 counts of misleading information. He asked that the Parish Council helps to raise awareness of the proposals and requests a link with other parishes for a unified response. Access to local experts and assistance with lobbying will be available.

The Chairman agreed that item e) under Matters Arising on the agenda could be dealt with now, since it related to a fact-finding visit made by some councillors from Kimbolton and Stow Longa to a windfarm .

Councillors Hutchinson and R Gooderham wished it minuted that they were very concerned about the visit because they thought it could be misconstrued and that is why they did not go. They said that there are some misconceptions about this and asked what facts have been found.

The Chairman said that, firstly, the views of the Monitoring Officer were sought as to whether members should go on this visit and he raised no objections.

Secondly, she had learned that the turbines seemed very quiet. She had stood within 20/30 feet of them. They were a little more noisy when they repositioned to catch the wind.

Councillor Mrs Gooderham commented that they were not going very fast. Councillor Poole said that the only real noise was the electric motor and that the earlier versions with gears were noisier.

Councillor Gray joined the meeting at this point.

It had been determined that not much agricultural land was lost and that digital TV was not normally affected. Money is given to the community per kw generated, though at present it is not known how this will be distributed.

Councillor Gray said that in Warboys a Trust Fund was established and funds are shared between the villages and amount to about £15000 p.a.

Councillor Hutchinson said that the public exhibition is not going to tell us very much at all, if it is not yet known how many turbines and where they are to be placed etc. There will be a full round of public participation when the application is submitted and the Environmental Assessment will be available at an early stage. Perhaps the Parish Council will look at a public meeting when the application is submitted.

The members of the public present left the meeting at this point and Councillor Seabrook re-joined the meeting.

76/09 MINUTES of the meeting of 14 May 2009 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.


Councillor Downes said that he would like a view on a petition presented by Stonely residents concerning traffic speed along Main Road. It will be presented to the Area Joint Committee on 13 July and he is asking for a new safety audit.

It was agreed to seek funding via the Jointly Funded Minor Improvement Scheme for reactive signs and to try to determine the marking system for the Scheme.

Councillor Downes left the meeting at this point.


a) Mandeville Hall/Youth Club The Clerk reported that building works are progressing well. He has heard that the former Youth Club building has now been sold and he hoped to be able to arrange to move the pool table from there soon. Councillor Gooderham said that if this could be arranged for next Monday evening, which is the Fire Service drill night, he could offer assistance.

b) Community Service Workers. Councillor Mrs Blair said that she is arranging a meeting soon.

c) Visit to Scout premises. Councillor Mrs Gooderham said that we had all had a look round following the village ‘walkabout’ and she thanked Ian and Michael for their hospitality. She said that the Group had about £4000 in the bank of which about £2000 will be needed for paint and repairs and new heaters. She hoped that this Council might be able to support the Group by giving a further donation before too long.

d) Visit to Teaching Block, Kimbolton School. Those members able to attend this visit were impressed by the building and the facilities therein.

e) Windfarm. This item dealt with earlier in the meeting.

f) Policing. The Clerk read the list of crimes and incidents provided by PCSO Corn and members noted that certain crimes and incidents were not included in the list. Left out are those not of general interest, such as domestics. Members thought that all recorded incidents in the village should be reported.

It was agreed to write to the Chief Constable regarding the lack of community policing. Councillor Seabrook will attend the forthcoming Neighbourhood Policing meeting.

g) Cemetery Extension. The Clerk reported receipt of a letter from the Planning Officer in which she states that the groundworks we have undertaken so far are insufficient to be considered as a ‘start of work’ and therefore our planning application has expired. Councillor Hutchinson said that he has spoken to Steve Ingram of the Planning Department and he is hopeful that a revised letter will be forthcoming.

h)Speedwatch. Following Mr Roy Benford’s attendance at our last meeting consideration was given as to whether to join the Speedwatch Scheme. It was decided that speeding motorists should be dealt with by the police and that monitoring speed through the village was a police matter. It was therefore agreed to take no action and to advise Mr Benford accordingly.


0900575 Brothers House, East St – erect conservatory.

Councillor Mrs Blair declared an interest in this item, left the room, took no part in the discussion and did not vote.

It was proposed by Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Poole and agreed to recommend approval.

The Clerk reported receipt of a letter informing that the appeal relating to 17 Hatchet Lane had been lost.

Councillor Seabrook pointed out inconsistency in approach by the Planning Officer.


Working Parties. There were no reports.

Outside Bodies. Kimbolton School. Councillor Seabrook said that the School was considering an extension to their dining facilities and photographs and plans of ideas had been shown. When final details of the scheme are drawn up the Bursar will consult with this Council prior to any application.


The Clerk read an e mail from Councillor Farrer regarding his having erected goalposts at Pound Lane. It was agreed to write to Councillor Farrer and thank both him and his team for their generosity in the provision of materials and time in providing the goalposts.

A letter has been received from the Kimbolton Royal British Legion informing of vandalism to the flagpole in the churchyard and asking if Council could arrange repairs quickly as next Saturday is Armed Forces Day and they are manning a stall in the churchyard and would like to fly the Union Jack.

The Clerk was authorised to seek repairs by the House of Flags and to buy a flag to replace the one stolen. Councillor Mrs Hellett said that her husband, Matthew, would pay the cost of repairs.

A letter received from Messrs Crowsons requesting a plaque to commemorate the late Mr R H Robinson. This was agreed. The Clerk told of the confusion caused by a telephone request for the burial of ashes to be arranged which had led to some minutes delay in the burial. He had already written to Mr Robinson’s widow explaining the situation and apologising. Council also agreed to write and offer their apologies and sympathies.

Declaration of Interests Forms have been received from Hunts District Council inviting members to advise of any changes since election or to report no changes.

Letter received from Ms Denham asking for the use of the cemetery extension as a horse paddock pending useage by us. It was agreed not to allow such use.

Invitation to participate in the Jointly Funded Minor Improvements Scheme has been received and it was agreed to seek funding for reactive signs in Main Road Stonely.


The following were approved for payment:

J Richardson Cemetery cottage painting £800.00 no VAT

Topps Tiles Grout for cottage £20.49 inc “

GR8 Stoves Ltd Multi fuel stove £390.51 “ “

C & S Fox Ltd Stage 4 Mandeville Hall £9895.29 “ “

J Richardson Materials for exterior painting £200.00 no “

Vernon Fairhurst Chimney lining and fitting stove £1737.00 “ “

Buildbase Slabs £288.94 inc “

J Richardson Painting £650.00 no “

A J Easton Services Ltd Carpet cleaning £60.00 “ “

John Seymour Carpets Carpet for lounge & dining room £597.41 inc “

Hartley Electrical Services Cottage electrical work £2162.58 no “

Stilton & Partners Balance cottage works £7125.00 “ “

F R Kidman Tree work £260.00 “ “

K Fergusons Ltd Grass cutting £5579.97 inc “

Playsafety Ltd RoSPA Playground inspections £144.90 “ “

Fishers Sundries £90.22 “ “

MHB Services Streetlight maintenance £87.30 “ “

Payroll costs. Salaries, NI,PAYE & Pension £1975.48 no “

B & Q Doorknobs £29.96 inc “

Disappointment was expressed at the mess left by the painters in the Cottage, with paint on floors and fittings and that some panes of glass had not yet been replaced. The Clerk was instructed to withhold the final payment until rectification had taken place.

Members thanks Councillors Mrs Gooderham and David Poole plus both Adam and George for all the hard work they had put in, in preparing the cottage for the Open days.


Councillor Gray referred to two planning enforcement matters in the parish.

He also said that the District Council was moving towards evening Council meetings and were suggesting neighbourhood panels comprising HDC, the police, health etc.

It was also intended that Parish Councils would have the right to attend Scrutiny Panels and ask for matters to be investigated.

Councillor Gray left the meeting.


It was agreed to exclude the press and public from the meeting for the next item in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.


Councillor Hutchinson said that he thought the decision on rent level should be that of the full Council and not of the ‘one or two members ‘phoned’.

Councillor R Gooderham left the meeting at this point.

It was proposed by Councillor Poole, seconded by Councillor Seabrook and agreed that the Cottage be offered to Mr & Mrs King at a rent of £700 pcm, subject to references etc.

Councillor Hutchinson’s proposal that the Cottage be let only to a local person was unanimously defeated.

Councillor Mrs D Gooderham left the meeting at this point.


Councillor Seabrook said that at the Easton Road bridge area the road surface was poor. He also said that signage in the parish was poor in places. Hush Court did not have a sign.

He would like the police informed about children riding motorbikes in public areas.

Councillor Mrs Hellett reported that the fencing by Rookery Lane bridge had been repaired.

Councillor Sutton asked whether the matter of the shop at Crown House had been resolved.

Councillor Hutchinson noted that it was now 10.30 p.m. and two members have left. He suggested a cut-off time of 10 pm. For meetings.


The next normal meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 30 July 2009 at the Fire Station, commencing at 7 pm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2245 hours.