Annual Meeting of the United States Association for the Club of Rome
Saturday, September 24, 2011. 9:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Program: The Future of the Western Hemisphere: the next fifty years.
Presented to the members of the USA COR by the Authors of the report to the USA COR publication with emphasis on critical problems and their solutions.
Introduction & Population
AnitraThorhaug, Yale University & Andrew Oerke, Greater Caribbean Energy & Environment Foundation with Barry Hughes, University of Denver
Food & Water
Nancy Nicholson, Miami UniversityOhio, Norman Borlaug, Texas A & M,AnitraThorhaug, Yale University, Mary Jo Ryan Duncan.
A. Thorhaug, Nancy Nicholson, D. Jane Pratt, Noel Brown, Philip Marshall, Franklin McDonald, and David Seaborg.
Health Care
R.C. Jackson, MD Dept Medicine, Curacao, and E.J Allison, MD.Western North Carolina School of Medicine, Thomas Powers, Univ. San Francsico, Marcos Calderone, Floyd Robinson, University of Houston medical center.
Social Issues
Dana Raphael, Lewis Lipsitt, Mary Catherine Bateson, Michaela Walsh, Hadley Smith, D. Jane Pratt, Irene Tinker, Robert Docteurs, Roberta G. Welsh, NatukoUtsumi,.
G. P. Mitchell, Mitchell Energy, A. Thorhaug, Yale University, H. Tobar Univ. Guayaquil
Lunch meeting chaired by Francesco Stipo, President.
The Presidentwill report on the activities of the USACOR and discuss with the members recommendations and ideas for future activities. All membersare invited to get involved and offer suggestions. The implementation of members' recommendations will be discussed in the subsequent meetings of the Board of Directors.
The lunch meeting will last about 30 minutes.
Economic Issues
OrioGiarini, David Lehrer, Herman Daly (of Advice).
Poverty Alleviation
Andrew Oerke, GCEEF and John Schiller CARE Central West Africa.
Legal Issues
Francesco Stipo JD, Roberta W. Gibbs JD, Stanley Cohen, JD, Noel Brown, JD.
Language, Art and Culture
Andrew Oerke, GCEEF, Russell Quocksiter, Sylvia Zimmerman, poet, writer, Secretary General Argentine COR, Jeanette Lanzano, author, poet, Monterrey Mexico.
Rev. Father Thomas Berry, Rev. Father John Weaver
General Discussion of the Critical Problems, Recommendations,and solutions by membership and authors.
Book signing by authors.
This report “The Future of the Western Hemisphere” is available through through or, with the full set of graphs and charts from the hemispheric future on the first two and for a separate price with kindle.