This section of the Architectural Association, Inc. Health & Safety Manual specifies the overall policy and management strategy in place at the Architectural Association and by which the Architectural Association ensures its compliance with applicable health and safety regulations.


The AA Council, whose members are the Trustees and Directors of the Architectural Association (Inc.), are required as part of the AA’s charitable objects to provide and maintain buildings, equipment and procedures for the study of architecture. The Council have delegated the management of its buildings, equipment, implementation of health and safety procedures and this policy to the Director, who accepts on behalf of the AA Council the responsibility for compliance with health and safety statutes and best practice according to the AA’s obligations under the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Acts and all regulations that follow.


Day-to-day responsibility for health and safety in the workplace is the responsibility of all academic, technical, and administrative staff as a condition of employment.

The AA accepts that it has a duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all its employees, students and other persons who may be affected by its undertakings. This duty includes, so far as it is reasonably practicable:

  • The provision and maintenance of safe plant and systems of work;
  • Arrangements for ensuring safe use, handling, storage and transport of substances;
  • The availability of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all employees, students and visitors;
  • The provision and maintenance of a safe working environment for employees with adequate facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work; and
  • The establishment of management structures and appropriate resources that allow for the development of a safety culture within the School and general workplace.

This duty also extends to coordinating the activities of all building users and maintaining coordinated risk assessments and emergency plans.


The Director has appointed a Head of Facilities whose role includes responsibility for health and safety standards and practices within the AA at the operational level. The Head of Facilities is assisted by a Health and Safety Officer who is responsible for working with individual heads of department to communicate relevant information regarding statutory and internal policy developments, and to develop and maintain adequate and appropriate health and safety records within each department, including (but not limited to):

  • Training schedules and records
  • Equipment maintenance records
  • Risk assessments
  • Contingency plans
  • Incident reports


Employees have a legal duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who might be affected by their acts or omissions. Employees must co-operate, so far as is necessary, to enable the AA to fulfill and comply with health and safety obligations. The AA expects every individual staff member at every level to show high personal standards with regard to health and safety matters, and to transmit these standards to all colleagues and students.

All employees and students should also be aware that failure to comply with health and safety requirements may lead both to disciplinary action by the employer and prosecution by the Health & Safety Executive.

*Health and Safety Policy is reviewed and updated regularly to ensure its contents are up to date. The Policy incorporates changes in legislation.

Issued by the Council of the Architectural Association (Incorporated) on June 2013

Legal Obligations

Day-to-day responsibility for health and safety in the workplace is the responsibility of all academic, technical, and administrative staff as a condition of employment. It is the position of the Architectural Association, Inc. (“the AA”) that it is the duty of all line managers to oversee and manage compliance with health and safety for the staff for whom they are responsible and for the departmental and physical area(s) in which they work. Overall management for health and safety in the workplace will be managed by the Head of Facilities /Health and Safety Liaison/ Health & Safety Officer in collaboration with the Director.

The principal act governing health and safety in the workplace is The Health & Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974, which provides for a safe place of work governing all employers, employees, contract workers, visitors and maintenance contractors. The enforcing body is The Health & Safety Executive, whose officers have wide-ranging powers. Officers may serve improvement or prohibition notices, which have far-reaching consequences upon the offending organisation. Breaching health and safety law can be both a criminal and civil offence punishable by substantial fines and/or imprisonment.

The following acts and regulations apply to the AA as a workplace:

  • The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
  • Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992
  • Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • The Equality Act 2010
  • Health & Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996
  • Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005
  • Health & Safety First Aid Regulations 1981
  • RIDDOR - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
  • Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2012
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
  • Dangerous Substance and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002
  • The Electricity at Work Act 1989
  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
  • Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
  • The Work at Height Regulations 2005(Amended 2007)
  • Manual Handling Operations 1992 (Amended 2002)
  • Control of Noise at Work regulation 2005
  • Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
  • Food Safety Act 1990
  • Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013
  • The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 (Amendment 2002)
  • Safety Signs and Signals Regulations 1996

Level 1, 2 & 3 Responsibilities

Level 1: Directors/Trustees (AA Council), and Director (Brett Steele) Leadership of the Architectural Association hold Level 1 responsibilities and health and safety accountability, and oversee the implementation, monitoring, and maintenance of an effective safety management system for occupational health and safety consistent with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other legislative requirements. In the delegation of these duties, this level of staff will refer to the framework for area responsibilities (below) which allows all duties to be delegated to competent staff that work within those areas.

Leadership functioning at Level 1 may take on some of the varied roles in Levels 2 and 3 in order to assist staff at these levels in ensuring the promotion of a safety culture, which is pro-active and responsive.

Level 2: Health & Safety Liaison (Anita Pfauntsch) and Health & Safety Officer (Jillian Berry), Head of Finance (Geoff Parrett), and Head of Human Resources (Tehmina Mahmood) hold Level 2 responsibilities. The Health & Safety Liaison/ Health & Safety Officer will implement and maintain an effective system of management for occupational health and safety consistent with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other legislative requirements. They will work to the following guidance:

  • Setting a clear Health & Safety Policy
  • Written health and safety policy statements will be made available to all staff
  • Procedures and guidelines relating to specific occupational health and safety issues relevant to the Architectural Association School and the wider community of members and visitors will be developed and disseminated
  • A frequent review of the policy and procedures will be undertaken
  • Allocating responsibility for health and safety management and delegating authority
  • Health and safety responsibilities will be integrated into staff job descriptions
  • Where appropriate, authority will be delegated to first aiders, fire wardens and other safety officers to undertake their specific occupational health and safety duties
  • Staff performance will be evaluated with reference to health and safety responsibilities and standards
  • Consultative practices regarding health and safety issues between management and staff will be established and maintained
  • Allocating sufficient resources for health and safety management
  • Health and safety activities will be incorporated into the strategic planning for the Architectural Association and all departments
  • Time for undertaking training and other health and safety tasks will be scheduled as a part of normal job duties
  • Budget allocations will be made for health and safety resources, including hazard control measures, protective equipment, training and furniture modifications
  • Contractors policies and purchasing controls which require conformity with the Architectural Association’s health and safety standards will be prepared
  • Implementing a risk management programme
  • A risk assessment system for identifying hazards, evaluating risks, and designing and implementing hazard control measures will be established
  • Appropriate documentation of procedures and interventions arising from risk assessments will be ensured
  • Health and safety considerations will be incorporated into the design specification, purchase, hire, lease and supply of new plant, including equipment, materials, products and substances used in the workplace
  • The performance and effectiveness of the risk management programme and other health and safety management systems will be monitored actively
  • Implementing a system for hazard and accident follow-up
  • A system for accident, incident, and injury reporting and investigation will be implemented
  • A system for the reporting of workplace hazards will be established
  • Implementation of corrective action arising from accident investigation and hazard reports will be ensured. Copies of actions taken will be maintained in a central health and safety file
  • Implementing procedures for workplace rehabilitation
  • Procedures for workplace rehabilitation for injured or ill employees returning to work will be implemented
  • Health and safety information, training and supervision will be provided as required and on request
  • The Health & Safety Manual and relevant information on Architectural Association equipment, hazardous substances (COSHH file) and work specific hazards will be periodically updated, and updated information disseminated to all staff
  • Induction and refresher training will be provided to ensure staff are able to discharge allocated health and safety responsibilities
  • Occupational health and safety aspects of work undertaken by staff and students will be adequately supervised
  • Establishing and disseminating emergency procedures
  • Fire wardens and first aiders will be appointed in sufficient numbers for each of the Architectural Association’s buildings
  • Training in emergency evacuation procedures, and testing for fire, emergency, and other safety equipment will be conducted at least once each year.

Level 3: Line Managers, Supervisors (including tutors supervising students), and All Staff. All employees are required to assist their employer in successfully implementing the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, and other legislative requirements. Each employee has a duty to take reasonable care of his/her own health and safety and to protect the health and safety of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions whilst at work and engage in appropriate training to meet legislation. To assist in this function, all employees should refer to the following guidance:

Line Managers and Supervisors will be expected to:

Initiate specific risk assessments of relevance to their functional area/activities

  • Consult the Health & Safety Liaison/Health & Safety office or other staff with Level 2
  • Report health and safety shortfalls and defects in protective arrangements to appropriate members of staff as identified in risk assessments, operating procedures, and/or Health & Safety Manual.
  • Responsibilities on identifying effective risk controls and practice notes
  • Ensure risk assessments are recorded and approved as appropriate
  • Check and document that safety devices and procedures are effective
  • Inform, instruct, train and supervise staff and students as necessary to enable them to work safely.
  • Draw attention to emergency procedures and safety requirements relating to relevant work practices in the induction of staff, students and/or visitors

All other staff will be expected to:

  • Use any machinery, equipment, substance, means of protection or safety device provided by the Architectural Association in accordance with their training and any instructions they have received
  • Inform their supervisor or member of staff with Level 2 responsibility of any matter they consider represents a serious and imminent risk to the health and safety of any person
  • Report any shortcoming in safety precautions or arrangements to their supervisor or member of staff with Level 2 responsibility
  • Refrain from introducing potentially hazardous substances or dangerous work equipment into use before a suitable and sufficient assessment of the requisite safety arrangements has been made and approved by the appropriate manager(s)

Area Responsibilities

Issues / Items / Responsibility
Environmental / Temperature
Air Quality
Water Treatment / Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
Lighting / Emergency Lighting
Overhead lighting
Task lighting / Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
All Department Heads
Electrical / Electrical Safety
Portable Appliances Testing
Mains Testing / Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
Work Stations / Workstation Set-Up
Cable Management
Reflection and Glare
Window Blinds / All Department Heads
All Department Heads
All Department Heads
All Department Heads
All Department Heads
All Department Heads
Kitchen / Catering
Food Hygiene
Hazard Analysis (HAACP) / Catering Staff
Catering Staff
Catering Staff
Sanitation / WCs/Washrooms
Cleaning / Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
Manual Handling / Training / Light Handling
Training / Specialist Handling
Trolleys & Handling Aids / All Department Heads
All Department Heads
Facilities Staff
Building / Lifts
Mechanical Equipment
Plant & Boilers
Working at Heights / Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
Signage / Mandatory
Prohibition / Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
Disability / Access / All Department Heads
Accommodation / Accessible WCs
Fixtures & Fittings
Emergency Egress
Inclusive Design
Access / Facilities Staff
Facilities Staff
All Department Heads
Facilities Staff
All Department Heads
Facilities Staff
Fire Safety / Fire Marshall Training
Evacuation Procedures / Head of Facilities/H&S Officer
Head of Facilities/H&S Officer
First Aid / First Aid Training
First Aid Kits
Accident Books / Head of Facilities/H&S Officer
H&S Officer
H&S Officer
Contractors / Control of Contractors
Method of Work Statements
Licenses/Permits Verification
Risk Assessments / All Department Heads
All Department Heads
All Department Heads
All Department Heads
Documentation / Health & Safety Policy
General Risk Assessment
Fire Risk Assessment
Workstation Risk Assessment
Manual Handling Risk Assessment
COSHH Risk Assessment
Disability Audit
Warehouse/Transport / The AACouncil/Director/all Department Heads
All Department Heads
Head of Facilities/H&S Officer
All Department Heads
All Department Heads
All Department Heads
All Department Heads
Hooke Park Director

Key Health & Safety Contacts

Health & Safety Liaison/Health & Safety Officer:

1/ Anita Pfauntsch, Head of Facilities

Tel: 020 7887 4055 (internal 4055)

Fax 020 7916 8455


2/ Jillian Berry, Health & Safety Officer

Tel: 020 7887 4008 (internal 4008)


Human Resources:

1/ Tehmina Mahmood Head of Human Resources

Tel: 020 8887 4096 (internal: 4096)


Health & Safety Executive:

1/ HSE

Westminster Office, Tothill Street, London,



Higher & Further Education Advisory Committee:


Wren House, Hedgerows Business Park, Colchester Road, Springfield, Chelmsford,

CM2 5PF.


Camden Council:

1/ Health and Safety Team, Camden Town Hall, Extension Argyle Street


Tel: 020 79744 444


Dorset Council:

Environmental Health Section, Dorset County Council CountyHall,Colliton Park Dorchester


Tel: 01305 221000




This section of the Architectural Association, Inc. Health & Safety Manual includes general health and safety information of relevance to all staff. General risk assessment forms and procedures are also included here with instructions for use.

All permanent and temporary/casual employees (including student workers) of the Architectural Association should read thoroughly the information included in this section in order to familiarise themselves with the range of their responsibilities under the Architectural Association’s health and safety policies, management procedures and standards.

Questions or comments about the materials and information included in this section may be directed to the Health & Safety Liaison / the Health & Safety Officer or the Head of Human Resources.

Line Management & Departmental Responsibilities

The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements which the Architectural Association has made for implementing its Health and Safety policy are set out below.

Overall and ultimate responsibility for health and safety at the Architectural Association rests with the AA Council and the Director of the School who has authorised the Head of Facilities, with the help of the Health and Safety Officer, to be the Health & Safety Liaison and to supervise arrangements on his behalf. Health and Safety Committee, formed of staff representatives, work with the Health & Safety Liaison/Health & Safety Officer who should be informed of all health and safety problems which staff cannot put right themselves.

Line managers, as set out below, are responsible for general health and safety compliance in their area and for the staff, such as permanent staff, all casual staff, volunteers, students, members and visitors.

All staff at every level are responsible, as a condition of employment, for health and safety compliance and good practice for the organisation as a whole.

Line Manager / Responsible For / Department / Area
Pascal Babeau / Daniel Swidzinski
Darko Calina
Isabelle Kacou
Middrag Ristic
Samy Hedin / Catering
Sue Barr / Digital Photo Studio
Valerie Bennett / Byron Blakeley / Photo Library
William Fausset / Robert Busher
Trystrem Smith / Wood & Metal Workshop
Modelshop Workshop
Marilyn Dyer / Belinda Flaherty
Clement Chung
Danielle Hewitt
Imogen Evans
Kirstie Little
Kristelle Jacobs-Rowan
Maria Cox
Roberta Jenkins
Rob Sparrow
Sabrina Blakstad
Saira Soarez
Sanaa Vohra / Registry
Kathleen Formosa / Cristian Sanchez-Gonzalez / Company Secretary’s Office
Julia Frazer / Alexander Medrano
David Hopkins
George Christoforou
Mathew Bielecki
Paul Fairman
Toby Jakeman
Wesley Faure / Computing
Martin Self / Charlie Corry-Wright
Chris Sadd
Edward Coe
Jeremy Ralph
Merry Hinsley / Hooke Park
Geoff Parrett / Aneta Krygier
Angela Denny
George Brown
Lisa Simmonds-Davies
Margaret Hayde
Sandra Simmonds
Themalka Wickramasekere / Accounts
Alex Lorente / Bobby Jewel
Jennifer Kieff
Joanne McCluskey / Membership Office
Charlotte Newman / Andrew Whitakker
Isabel Hardingham
Sonia Makkar / AA Bookshop
(AA Publications, Ltd.)
Joel Newman / Benjamin Deakin
Tim Parr / Audio/Visual
Tehmina Mahmood / Rosanna Innocenti / Human Resources
Vanessa Norwood / Lee Regan
Sebastian Craig / Exhibitions
Frank Owen / Evangelos Mavridis
Sarah Handelman
Zeynep Gorgulu / Digital Platforms
Anita Pfauntsch / Arkadiusz Osman
Bogdan Swidzinski
Colin Prendergast
Ebere Nwosu
Jillian Berry
Lea Ketsawang
Leszek Skrzypiec
Maciej Koprak
Mariusz Stawiarski
Marcin Falfus
Michal Zaczek
Peter Keiff
Sam Dargan / Facilities
Anita Pfauntsch / Hiroe Shigemitsu
Mary Lee
Philippa Burton / Reception/Reception
Eleanor Gawne / Aileen Smith
Beatriz Flora
Ed Bottoms
Simine Marine / Library
Brett Steele / Academic staff
Administrative staff / Director’s Office
Tom Weaver / Angela Denny
Kirsten Morphet
Claire Barrett
Claire Lyon
Pamela Johnston
Rosa Nussbaum
Wayne Daly
Zak Kyes / AA Publications
Print Studio
Angel Fernando Lara Moreira / Henry Cleaver / Digital Prototyping Lab

Employees at special risk