Project Title: National Health Interview Survey Project Dates: 2000 - indefinite

Target Audience: Civilian, non-institutionalized, adults and children in the U.S. Method: Face-to-face interviews

Topics: Selected health topics, includingtuberculosis

Principal Investigator(s): NationalCenter for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Controland Prevention

Project Description:The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is a multi-purpose health survey conducted by the NationalCenter for Health Statistics (NCHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and is a principal source of information on the health of the civilian, non-institutionalized, household populations in the United States. From each family selected to complete the NHIS, one adult and one child (if any children under age 18 are present) are randomly selected, and information on each is collected. The NHIS sampling and interviewing has been conducted weekly since 1957. Between 1982-1996, the survey was expanded into two types of questions, theCore (a set of basic health and demographic items that remained stable from one survey year to the next) and Supplement (one or more sets of questions on current health topics that vary with each survey). Recognizing that adults and children have some health conditions and requirements unique to their respective age-groups, the Core and Supplement questionnaires were developed, based upon these agegroup parameters. The Core questionnaire items have been revised every 10-15 years, with the last major revisions occurring in 1982 and in 1997. Tuberculosis (TB) questions were first included in the 1994 and 1995 Adult AIDS Supplement surveys. In 2000,theTB questions were revised and incorporated as permanent questions into the Core/AdultAIDS-Section. In 2005, the sampling schematic was adjusted to oversample black and Hispanic populations, to allow for more precise estimations of health in these populations. The questions below were excerpted from the larger NHIS. For more information on the NHIS, please go to

National Health Interview Survey: Adult/Core: AIDS-Section

2000 – 2006

TBHRDThe next questions are about tuberculosis, or TB. Have you ever heard of tuberculosis?

(1)Yes (ADS.210)

(2)No (A_AIDS_END)

(3)Refused (A_AIDS_END)

(9) Don’t know (A_AIDS_END)

TBKNOWHave you ever personally known anyone who had TB?



(7) Refused

(9) Don’t know

TBHow much do you know about TB – a lot, some, a little, or nothing?

(1)A lot (ADS.230)

(2)Some (ADS.230)

(3)A little (ADS.230)

(4)Nothing (ADS.250)

(7) Refused (A_AIDS_END)

(9) Don’t know (A_AIDS_END)

TBSPRDHow is TB spread? (PROBE: Can TB be spread in any other way?)

FR: Show Flashcard A17. Mark all that apply. Enter (N) for no more.

(1)Breathing the air around a person who is sick with TB

(2)Sharing eating/drinking utensils

(3)Through semen or vaginal secretions shared during sexual intercourse

(4)From smoking

(5)From mosquito or other insect bites



(9)Don’t know

TBCUREDAs far as you know, can TB be cured?




(9) Don’t know

TBCHANCWhat are your chances of getting TB? Would you say high, medium, low or none?





(5)Already have TB

(7) Refused

(9) Don’t know

HOMELESSHave you ever spent more than 24 hours living on the streets, in a shelter, or in a jail or prison?



(7) Refused

(9) Don’t know


If a member of your family were diagnosed with TB, would you feel ashamed or embarrassed?


If you are or member of your family were diagnosed with TB, would you feel ashamed or embarrassed?



(7) Refused

(9) Don’t know


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