Alexandria City School Board

2000 N. Beauregard Street

Alexandria, VA 22311

Regular Meeting

Thursday, January 13, 2011

(7:30 PM)

Meeting Summary

1. Call to Order

Chairman Folkerts called the meeting to order. All Board members were present.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Cora Kelly School for Math, Science, and Technology students Megan Ulmer, Melissa Mukuna, and Jacob Dudash led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Moment of Silence

The Board observed a moment of silence in honor of the victims in Tuscon, Arizona.

4. Adopt meeting agenda

Mr. Wilson moved adoption of the meeting agenda. Ms. Maness seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

5. Communications & Addresses to the Board

Twenty four members of the community addressed the Board on the proposed early start waiver.

6. Chairman's report

Chairman Folkerts thanked all of the speakers for their comments. She asked Dr. Sherman to separate the two issues for consideration by the Board. She noted the Board will hold the vote on the early start waiver on January 20 at a called meeting. The Board will engage the community and staff on the question of additional time.

Dr. Sherman agreed he would separate the two proposals and would request the waiver to go forward to start the school calendar August 29. He will hold more discussions on the additional time with the community and teachers over the next two months.

7. Superintendent's report

Superintendent Sherman discussed the specifics of the waiver proposal to start August 29 that will include more student days before SOL and AP testing; increase the student days by 2 days to 185 days, provide professional development time for teachers without pulling them out of class, and with implementation of IAP’s eliminate parent teacher conferences at middle school.

Board members requested information on the logistics of starting school early, requested a review of the homework policy with staff, impact on sports practice schedules, what is the first day for staff, timing of IAP’s and IEP’s, will you add more days if this works well, adequate time for professional development and teacher planning, examples of how the additional time will be used, less SOL driven metrics, compensation, and time for more discussion.

Chairman Folkerts noted the Board will hold a called meeting January 20 before the budget work session.

Superintendent Sherman discussed the creation of a new position, Teacher Specialist-Cultural Competency and reported he has chosen Francis Chase to fill this position beginning February 1. Mr. Chase reviewed his plan for workshops he will hold with staff, community, and students.

8. Approval of Minutes

Ms. Carter moved approval of the November 15, 2010 meeting minutes. Ms. Morris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

9. Consent Calendar

Ms. Maness moved approval of the consent calendar. Ms. Gorsuch seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

The consent calendar consisted of the following items:

·  Appoint Margaret Fitzsimmons as the School Board Representative to City of Alexandria BFAAC

·  Accept FY 2010 CAFR and Annual Audit

·  Revised School Board meeting calendar 2010-2011

Items Pulled from Consent

Old Business and Action Items

10. Revised Division Education Plan for SY 10-11 and SY 11-13

Superintendent Sherman pulled the education plan from the agenda to revise the metrics based on the information from the Department of Education.

New Business

11. Bullying Prevention and Suicide Awareness

Robin Wallin, Greg Forbes, Kathy Thompson, Dannel Wilson, and Virginia Larsen discussed updating the suicide prevention guidelines and the training for staff members to respond to signs and symptoms of potentially suicidal students.

Virginia Larsen presented an overview of a recommended program for bullying prevention for implementation across all grade levels.

Board members requested information on the cost of implementing the bullying prevention program, does ACPS have sufficient cyber bullying guidelines, seasonal disorders, evaluation component in the program, who trains the staff and what staff members are trained, work with City agencies, bullying within the family and off school property, work with special education students, parent survey, and translation of materials.

12. Middle School and High School Programs of Studies, 2011-2012

Margee Walsh reviewed the proposed revisions for the middle and high school program of studies for 2011-12 school year including; CTE Completer Courses, IAP support, expanded honors and enrichment, restructuring the vocal music program, and expanding online opportunities. Ms. Walsh noted that no new courses will be offered at middle school. New course offerings at the high school include CTE completer courses, Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation II, Advanced Fashion, Biotechnology, Forensics, Algebra I and Geometry I extended, TC Writing tutors, TC Math fellows, and SAT Preparation.

Board members discussed the setting for online courses and requested a presentation of online courses, status of the financial literacy course requirement and the current financial literacy courses available at the high school, ethics course, technology training to ensure students are successful in online courses, and communication to parents.

13. FY 2012 Combined Budgets Presentation

Superintendent Sherman reported that the proposed budget meets the City Council guidance of 3.6% local allocation, no new programs, no changes to class size, supports existing programs, continues the modified open enrollment policy, enrollment of 12,381 students, salary step increases, no change in health benefits cost sharing, additional funding for extra time if proposal is approved, and increase in the total number of teachers.

Stacey Johnson reviewed the proposed FY 2012 budget including the framework for budget decisions that includes students, performance, fiscal approach, and shared priorities. The budget will expand instructional and professional time, address the impact of continued increases in enrollment, enhance essential productivity and accountability systems, and provide competitive compensation for all employees.

Ms. Johnson noted that in addition to the proposed, budgeted expenditures, ACPS is presenting a supplemental funding request to the City for programs that are beyond the K-12 mandate. These programs include pre-kindergarten education at 1.3 million to open four new classrooms and the fresh fruits and vegetables program at .6 million to provide fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks to all elementary schools.

Board members requested information on the compensation information in the WABE report, realignment of funds, and per pupil cost.

14. Announcements by Board Members

No announcements

15. Future meeting dates

January 20, 2011, 7:00 p.m., School Board Called Meeting & Budget Work Session January 27, 2011, 7:30 p.m., FY 2012 Budget Public Hearing & School Board Meeting February 1, 2011, 7:00 p.m., School Board Budget Work Session

February 7, 2011, 7:00 p.m., School Board Budget Work Session

February 10, 2011, 7:30 p.m., School Board FY 2012 Budget Public Hearing & School Board Meeting

February 17, 2011, 7:00 p.m., School Board FY 2012 Budget Public Hearing & Add/Delete Work Session

February 23, 2011, 7:00 p.m., School Board Final Add/Delete Work Session

February 24, 2011, 7:30 p.m., School Board Meeting & Budget Adoption Funding:

16. Closed meeting & certification of closed meeting (if needed)

No closed session

17. Adjourn meeting

Ms. Gorsuch moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Campbell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 12:25 a.m., January 14, 2011.