UNIVERSITY OF OREGONRequest to Submit New Information



The complainant or respondent may file a request to submit new information after the close of the fact-gathering process and up to the beginning of the Administrative Conference. To file a requestto submit new information, you must explain to the Decision-maker what the new information is and the reason the information was not available during the fact-gathering process. The Decision-maker will review the request and grant the request if the there is good cause to accept the new information. Good cause generally does not include that the party simply chose not to provide the information earlier in the process.

If the Decision-maker grants a requestto submit new information, the Decision-maker will incorporate the new information into the Record and share this information with both parties. In addition, the Decision-maker will have the discretion to postpone the conference, or to reconvene the conference at a later time, as appropriate, to allow sufficient time for additional fact-gathering.

Arequest to submit new informationshould provide the Decision-maker with the following information:

Step 1: Description of the new information

In writing, describe the new information you are seeking to add to the Record.

Step 2: Basis for Request

In writing, explain the reason this information should be added to the Record and why it was not available during the fact-gathering investigation. Be as specific as possible and provide information that you believe supports your request.

Note: Filing arequestis a University procedure, not a civil or criminal procedure. Briefs containing legal argument will not be accepted as part of your request.

Step 3: Timely Delivery to the Decision-maker

Requests for admission of new information or witnesses should only be made at the conference if the new information or witnesses only became known on the day before the conference or the day of the conference.In all other circumstances, requests for admission of new information or witnesses should be made as soon as the new information or witness became known, and at the latest no less than two days prior to the conference.


If you have any questions regarding how to file a request, please contact me at:


Date ______

Name (Printed) ______

Student ID ______

Case Number ______

Your Status in the Complaint___ Complainant___ Respondent

Date of Administrative Conference______


Date ______

Name (Printed) ______

Student ID ______

Case Number ______

Your Status in the Complaint___ Complainant___ Respondent

  1. Please describe as specifically as possiblethe new information you are seeking to add to the record.
  1. Please explain the reason this new information should be added to the Record and include the reason the new information was not available during the fact-gathering investigation.