Some Corrections to the Collected Edition

As is inevitably the case with such projects, a number of erroneous readings have since been noted in the original printings of this series; the Trust’s policy has been to enter the appropriate correction as the volume in question has come up for reprint. In some cases, where this has been considered unlikely in the short term, errata slips have been prepared and inserted into the stocks held by the publishers in question.

It is realized that this does not satisfactorily address the position of those who purchased the original volumes on their first appearance, especially where libraries have installed the complete series. Hence the present decision to take advantage of the general accessibility of the web to distribute the most important such information in an easily-retrievable form. To avoid unnecessary complication the principal concern here is with incorrect notes (and clefs) not obviously rectified. Dynamics, notes and accidentals easily supplied or amended by analogy are in general not considered; nor are purely “cosmetic” details concerning (e.g.) alignment or layout. Some important cases affecting tempo or other performance indications are, however, included. (The Editorial Report volume should also be consulted by all users of this Edition)


Vol. 1. Irmelin

Page109, b. 115, Cor Anglais first note E natural

121, b. 202, Bassoon 2 last crotchet C natural

141, b. 321, 2nd Tenors Eb (not C) at half-bar

163, b. 466, Flutes 1 – 2 D natural on 4th beat

225, b. 26, Violins 1 – 2 last note C natural

227, b. 43, 45, Clarinet 1 A natural

239, b. 128, Trumpet 1 to have dotted rhythm on 1st beat

240, bb. 134, 138-9, Clarinets 1 – 2 Ab and Eb

Vol. 2. The Magic Fountain

Page 61, b. 466, delete Bass Drum note; entry to be in b. 467

110,b. 40, work to read “Jossakeed”

184, b. 40, Violins 1 last crotchet Ab

265, b. 521, Trumpet 1 dotted minim Bb

Vol. 3. Koanga(errata slip added 8/1996)

Cast list: 1st sopranos Renée/Jeanne; 2nd ditto Hélène/Marie

Page 8, bb. 2 – 4 Hélène only

9, last note, and p. 10, bb. 1 – 4 Renée only

114, bb. 4 – 5, Flutes 1 – 2 to read as Harps

369, Aurore (not Jeanne)

375-7, voices a 2/ a 3/ a 3 (i.e. Marie to middle stave and Hortense to lower ditto)

378, last bar, Slow Curtain

Vol. 4. A Village Romeo and Juliet(second, improved printing 1994; errata slip added 1996)

Page 11, system 2, b. 3, Flute 1 last note Eb (not G)

18, system 2, b. 5, Solo violin last note G (not F)

21, system 2, b. 6, Cellos last note Bb

22, last bar, Bassoon 3 and Cellos E natural

29,4 bars from end, oboes E natural

55, b. 1, Oboe 1 Eb

– at cue 36 solo violin for 4 bars (div. stave for Violins 1 – 2)

66, b. 1, Trombone 3 / Tuba Db

90, system 2, b. 7, chorus Tenors Ist note Ab

120, b. 4, Horn 4 G (not A)

124, b. 3, Violin 1 A natural

161, cue 55, Più vivo

– cue 56, Altos, 2nd note Eb (not G)

163, system 1, b. 7, Bassoon 3 and Contra Db

– 2 bars after cue 62, Cellos D natural

185, last bar, Harp C naturals

189, system 1, b. 5, Vreli’s 2nd note G (not A)

Vol. 5. Margot la Rouge (errata slip added 8/1996)

Page 14, b. 134, direction to read elle sort

30, b. 277, La Poigne 3rd quaver Bb

91, b. 731, flat sign to Horn 3 (not 4)

94-5, bb. 754-7, Trombones 1 – 2

107, b. 842, Horn 1 2nd note D (not C)

Vol. 6. Fennimore and Gerda(errata slip added 8/1996)

Page 19, at cue 18, Claudi to read in bass clef

28, 5 bars after cue 28, Voice 3rd note A (not Bb)

67, 3 bars before cue 74, Flute 2nd note C (not D)

91, b. 3, Trombone 2 Cb

103, 2nd system b. 3 at cue 106, 2nd Horn E natural

Vol. 7. Folkeraadet

Page 62, b. 68, Bassoon 2, 3rd note D (not C)

Vol. 8. Hassan

Page 22, 1st system, bar 1, Violins 5 -6 A, E on 1st beat

126, b. 1, Flute D natural at half bar

194, b. 5, Violins 1 – 2 last note G (not A)

207, b. 3, Tenors 2nd crotchet Eb

Vol. 9a. Appalachia(revised edition 1990, errata slip added 7/1997)

Page 12, b. 3, Oboes 1 – 2 A natural

19, 2nd system, b. 3, Violas 2nd half bar F (crotchet) E, Eb quavers

22, b. 3, Oboes 2 – 3 5th note C (not A)

34, b. 3, Cellos bottom note of chord B natural

44, b. 3, Violins 1 Eb at half bar

55, b. 1, Cellos 5th note E (not C)

56, b. 1, Horn 3 D, C#, C, B (Horn 4 rests)

57, b. 2, Violas 3rd note C (not E)

82, b. 4, Trombone 2 4th note B natural

98, b. 1, Bass Drum note should be on 3rd beat

98, b. 3, Dble Bass 3rd note E natural, 4th note G

102, b. 5, Cellos 2nd minim E (not F)

113, b. 1, Chorus Altos last note E (not D)

Vol. 9b. Sea Drift(revised edition 1988, errata slip added 8/1996)

Page 7, b. 1, Dble Bass G naturals

27, b. 5, Bass Clarinet F#

35,b. 2, Clarinet 2 D#

49, last bar, Bass Clarinet natural sign to high F

53, b. 3, Trumpet D#

59, at cue 17, Violas need Alto clef

65,b. 4, Flute, add trill sign to note

66, last bar, to read husky-nois’d

66, last bar – 67 b. 1, Bassoons 1 – 2 tacent

Vol. 10 A Mass of Life(second, improved printing 1994)

Page10, b. 2, Chorus 1st Altos flat to 1st D; natural to last D

52, last bar, Chorus 1st Sopranos 1st note G (not A)

87, b. 3, Clarinet 1 G#

Vol. 11b. The Song of the High Hills

Page 7, b. 1, Clarinet 3 last note A# (not G#)

37, b. 4, Bassoon 1 first note B (not C)

37, at cue 33, Trombone 1 last note G natural

38,b. 4, Trumpet 2, minim F#

Vol. 12a. An Arabesque

Page11, last bar, 1st Violas delete # to D; 2nd Violas 5th crotchet D natural

Vol. 13a. Songs of Farewell

Page 12,b. 86, Flute and Clarinet, add #s to 4th and 10th quavers

19, b. 134, Violins 1 2nd note Bb

Vol. 14. Paa Vidderne

On page 1 Trombones & Tuba should have 4-flat signature; on p. 25

Trombone 3 should have 1-sharp signature, as also on p. 28 b. 2

Vol. 16. Maud

Page35, b. 21, Voice 3rd note C#

68, b. 88, Violins 2 (upper stave), 1st note of last group G (not A)

Vol. 17. Supplement. Early Part Songs (corrected reprints 1994 and 12/1999)

Page 2, Words of Durch den Wald are by Robert Reinick

Words of Ave Maria are by Emanuel Geibel

21, 2nd system, read Lilienstäben

30, b. 3, underlay to be grű-nen-de

Vol. 18a. 22 Songs (corrected reprint 2009)

Page 65, b. 21, Piano RH Db

Vol. 18b. 16 Songs (corrected reprint 2006)

Page 9, b. 1, add Nicht schleppend

11, b. 6, Piano RH to agree with p. 13 b. 2

11, b. 7, (and 13, b. 3) RH G# in last group

13, 4th system, b. 2, add Etwas langsamer

29, Allegretto (lightly) to be moved to 2nd bar

29, b. 1, note A in 1st chord to be dotted and on a separate downstem

Vol. 19. 19 Songs (corrected reprint 2009)

Page 79, system 2, last bar, add notes G, F# under LH minim chords

80, system 4, b. 2, add note G under first LH minim chord

Vol. 20. Florida(revised edition 1986; fully corrected edition 2006)

Page 5, at cue 2, Piccolo last note G# (not A)

22, b. 5, Clarinet 2 first note F#

67, bb. 3-4, Bassoon 2 A (not D)

69, b. 6, Horn 1 C (not D)

75, b. 3, Violas 3rd note G (not F)

106, b. 3, Violas last note Fx (not Gx)

Vol. 22. On the Mountains

Titlepage: to read Nun bin ich gestält . . .

Page 21, b. 152, Flutes 1 – 2 first note C (not A)

Vol. 24a. Life’s Dance(errata slip added 6/1999)

Page20, b. 1, Strings to agree with woodwind

20, last bar, Violas need alto clef

32, 3 bars before cue 17, Horns 2 & 4 to have crotchet downstems on F#

33, cue 17, Cymbals so stark wie mőglich

Vol. 24b. Brigg Fair(revised edition 1989)

Page31, b. 1, Cellos need natural sign to B at half-bar

39, at cue 38, delete f in brass; add hairpins in Trumpets, Trombones & Tuba;

at the 3/4 , dynamic to be f in Horns;

add f in Trumpets, Trombones & Tuba

Vol. 26. Dance Rhapsody No. 2

Page 105, b. 234, exchange clefs for Timpani and Tambourine

Vol. 27b. Miscellaneous Orchestral Works(errata slip added 7/1997)

Air and Dance, Page 2, bb. 1-2, solo Violin bowing as Violas at cue E

Song of Summer, Page 23,b. 72, Trombone 2 last note D (not C)

25, b. 82, crotchet = crotchet

Vol. 28. Suite and Legende

Page 70, b. 123, Horn 4 should read (minims) Bb, A

Vol. 29a. Piano Concerto(revised edition 1990; corrected reprint in HPS 895, 3/1995)

Page 41, system 2, b. 2, Clarinets first note of triplet E natural

Vol. 29b. Cello Concerto(some corrections in HPS 910, 1992; further errata slip 7/1997)

Page 2, b. 16, Moderato tranquillo (delete con moto)

4, b. 24, Allegro moderato

28, b. 144, Solo ossia 8th and 9th notes to read Bb, Gb

39, b. 205, Allegro moderato

47, b. 248, Harp RH 3rd beat top G natural

Vol. 30. Double Concerto(corrected score 1992)

See items “starred” in Editorial Report; also

Page31,system 2, Violins 1 add minim G under D at half-bar

Violin Concerto(corrected score 1992)

Page68, last bar, Solo 2nd group, last 2 notes probably E, G# above stave

89,1st system, b. 2, Bassoon 1 6th note F natural

93,2nd system, b. 1, Cor Anglais G# crotchet and quaver A to follow

– – b. 2, Violins 2, A natural in 3rd beat group

Vol. 31a. Early Works for Violin and Piano(corrected and improved issue 2002, which includes Beecham’s editing of the Légende)

Romance, Page 6, b. 93, Piano LH minim G#; also G# in RH and on cue line

b. 94, Piano RH 3rd quaver A#

Légende, Page 56, last bar, natural to C in LH chord

57, last system, 1st bar, RH Db in 1st chord

Vol. 31b. Three Violin Sonatas(corrected and improved issue 2003)

Sonata (no. 1) Page 1,b. 10, Piano RH add dotted minim B to first chord

5,b. 9, Piano delete LH ties

19, last bar, Piano LH chord to read B# (bottom note)

Solo part Page 6,line 10, b. 2, B at half-bar (not A)

(A number of precautionary accidentals were not inserted until this 2003 issue)

Sonata no. 2 Page 25, b. 8, Violin Gb at half-bar (not Fb); also in solo part

(this was still passed over in the 2003 printing!)

Vol. 31c. Works for Cello and Piano(reprinted 1995)

Page18,b. 233, Piano LH last note A natural

–b. 234, Piano LH ? add minim C at half-bar

Supplementary Volumes

2. (Grieg Orchestration) fp London RFH 15 June 1993, RPO Per Dreier

Page 77, bb. 84-5, Cornets 1 – 2, F natural each time

  1. (Piano Concerto)

Page 16,b. 116, Horns 2 – 4 should repeat b. 115 for a half-bar

20,b. 141, Bassoon 1 needs # to small note C

67,b. 185, Violins 1 1st beat Gb / Bb (not Bb / Db)

  1. (Unfinished Works)

Page 60,b. 83, RH lower note C# at half-bar (not D#)

63,b. 119, LH delete flat before minim G

  1. (Scandinavian Songs)

Page 7, b. 24, delete Etwas langsamer

8, The last 4 bars were apparently rewritten thus for the German

translation; originally the 2nd verse ended exactly as the first

26,Appendix, first bar, Voice Ab (not Gb)