New Registrar

We would like to welcome Dr Nicola Roberts to the Practice.

Dr Robertsis our new GP Registrar and she will be joining us from the 5th August 2015

for 12 months.

Payments By Debit Card

The payment by debit card service is now available at the Practice and can be used to pay for prescriptions and private services.

Meningococcal ACWY Vaccination

Patients who start University this year (Freshers) are eligible for this vaccination and appointments can be booked with the Treatment Room nurse to have this vaccination by telephoning the Practice. Eligible patients will receive notification from UCAS regarding this vaccination.

There is also an urgent catch-up programme running for the same vaccination for patients born between 1/9/1996 and 1/8/1997, and the Practice will be sending letters to these patients requesting they make an appointment.

Flu and Shingles Vaccinations

The 2015/16 Seasonal Flu Vaccination period will soon be upon us, clinics are estimated to commence at the end of September 2015. Notices will be displayed at the practice once the clinic dates have been set.

NHS Health Checks

Aimedat adults in England aged 40 to 74,the NHS Health Check isasophisticated check of yourheart health, itchecks yourvascular or circulatoryhealth andworks out your risk of developing some of the most disabling– but preventable– illnesses.

Think of your NHS Health Check as beingyour"midlife MOT". It checks that some of your body's most important systems are all running smoothly. Among other things, your blood pressure, cholesterol, and BMI will all be checked and your resultsgiven to you.

Crucially, your NHS Health Check can detect potential problems before they do real damage. Everyone is at risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and some forms of dementia. The good news is that these conditions can often be prevented.

Your NHS Health Check will assess your risk of developing these health problems andgive you personalised advice on how to reduce it.

You'll be invited for an NHS Health Check every five years if you are between 40 and 74 years old, as long as you don't have an existing vascular condition.

At the check, you'll be asked some questions about your lifestyle and family medical history. You'll also have some routine tests. From these, your healthcare professional will be able to give you an idea of your risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and type 2 diabetes. It'sfree of charge, including any follow-up tests or appointments, if you have received an invitation for a health check please contact reception to book your appointment. If you would like to check if you are eligible for a health check, reception can also advise you on this.

Latest Attendance Figures

In June 2015 96.09% of patients attended their appointment with a GP. Please advise the Practice if you are unable to keep your appointment, as the 3.91% of patients who did not cancel their appointment meant 19 hours of lost GP consultation time.

We are working hard to offer patients a variety of ways to advise us if you are unable to keep an appointment. Appointments can be cancelled or changed via the following methods:

  • Via the telephone with a receptionist (increased phone lines now available)
  • Automated telephone system – available 24/7
  • Face to face at the Reception desk
  • Systmonline
  • New SMS Service – a text message reminder will be sent to you which will allow you to send a text to cancel your appointment

Minor Ailment Scheme

If you do not pay for your prescriptions some minor conditions can be treated by a Pharmacist for example: Hayfever, Conjunctivitis, Insect bites and stings, Cystitis and aches and pains. Please ask for a leaflet for more information. You do not need to wait to see a Doctor as you can get advice and treatment from North Lincolnshire Pharmacies

Please ask at Reception if you need further information on any of the above services