If a school district has a website, then it must post the following:


1. Notice of School Board Meetings (Texas Government Code § 551.056)[i]

Board Meeting Notice. These are the same notices that the School District must already post before the board meetings. Should also follow Board Meeting Notice rules.

Examples of links on a District Website

2.School Board Meeting Agenda (Texas Government Code § 551.056) i

Agenda Packet. This is different from the Notice itself. This could be attached as a PDF file to the date of the meeting on the notice page or it can be a separate web page. See Below . . .

Examples of links on a District Website


3. Campus Report Card (Texas Education Code § 39.362)[ii]

Information from the most recent campus report card for each campus. This is also known as the School Report Card Report (SRC Report) and can be posted as a PDF File. The District MUST provide a report for each campus. Must be posted no later than the 10th day after the first day of instruction annually.

4. Performance Report for the District (Texas Education Code § 39.362)ii

Information on the most recent performance report for the district. This is also known as the Academic Excellence Indicator System Report (AEIS Report) and can be posted as a PDF File or as a link to the reports on the TEA website. Must be posted no later than the 10th day after the first day of instruction annually.


5. Most Recent Performance Rating (Texas Education Code § 39.362ii and Title I, Part A, § 1116[iii])

The most recent performance rating for the district. Must be posted no later than the 10th day after the first day of instruction annually.

6. A Definition of Each Performance Rating (Texas Education Code § 39.362) ii

A definition and explanation of each performance rating. This can be done by taking the AEIS glossary and posting it as a PDF File or linking to the definitions on the TEA website. Must be posted no later than the 10th day after the first day of instruction annually.

7. Conflict Disclosure Statements and Questionnaires (Texas Local Government Code § 176.009) [iv]

Conflicts Disclosure Statements relating to vendors. These are the files that board members and school district vendors have to file with the district when there could be a conflict of interest involving the school district, board member and potential vendors.

8. Group Health Coverage Report and Plan (Texas Education Code § 22.004)

For a district that does not participate in the uniform group coverage program established under Chapter 1579 of the Insurance Code (TRS ActiveCare), as provided by Subchapter D of that chapter, a report must be available for review, together with the policy or contract for the group health coverage plan and be posted on the district's Internet website if the district maintains a website. The report must be based on the district group health coverage plan in effect during the current plan year, and must include:

(1) Appropriate documentation of:

(A) the district's contract for group health coverage with a provider licensed to do business in this state by the Texas Department of Insurance or a risk pool authorized under Chapter 172, Local Government Code; or

(B) a resolution of the board of trustees of the district authorizing a self-insurance plan for district employees and of the district's review of district ability to cover the liability assumed;

(2) the schedule of benefits;

(3) the premium rate sheet, including the amount paid by the district and employee;

(4) the number of employees covered by the health coverage plan offered by the district;

(5) information concerning the ease of completing the report, as required by the executive director of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas; and

(6) any other information considered appropriate by the executive director of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

9.School District’s Employment Policies (Texas Education Code § 21.204(d))[v]

Employment Policies. Many districts already do this when they include a link to the district’s own board policy on TASB’s Policy Online service. However, if there is no link to TASB’s policy online service or the district does not subscribe to the TASB policy online service, then the district must still provide its employment policy online either by 1) providing a link to TASB’s online policy or 2) placing their employment policy on their website.

10.Employment Vacancies. (Texas Education Code § 11.1513(d) and (e)) [vi]

Employment Vacancies/Opportunities. This mandates that all certified and licensed job vacancies in the district be posted for a time that can vary depending on the time of the vacancy. In lieu of posting notices at each campus, districts may post on their Internet site, instead.

11.Campus Improvement Plans.[vii]

If the Commissioner of Education has appointed a campus intervention team for an underperforming campus, the resulting campus improvement plan must be posted on the district’s web page before the school board holds a hearing on the plan or an updated plan.

12.Highly Qualified Teachers (NCLBP.L. 107-110, Section 1119 (b)(1)(A))

The No Child Left Behind Act requires each district to publicly report progress toward meeting the “highly qualified” teacher requirements as defined by the Act.

13.Trustee Election Reports (Texas Election Code § 254.04011) xviii

Campaign reports filed by Board of Trustee candidates in cities over 500,000 population or with a student enrollment over 15,000 must be posted on the school district’s Internet site within five days after the report is filed with the district.

14. Minimum Personal Leave Program (Texas Education Code § 22.003(c-1).xx

If the employee handbook is online, it must include information regarding the personal leave program the same as a paper or electronic version of the handbook, and any paper or online form to apply for leave must include an option for assault leave.

15. Written Electronic Communications Accessible to the Public (Texas Government Code § 551.006)xxi

In 2013, the Legislature decreed that communications between board members about public business or public policy controlled by the board is not a violation of the Open Meetings Act if the message board is prominently displayed on the district’s home page. Messages posted there by government officials must remain online for at least 30 days, and archived for at least six years.


16.Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate (Texas Tax Code § 26.05(b)) [viii]

If a district adopts higher Maintenance and Operations Taxes than the year before, then the district must have the following language on its homepage: “[District] ADOPTED A TAX RATE THAT WILL RAISE MORE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS THAN LAST YEAR’S RATE.” And the school district must also include the following statement if the tax rate exceeds the effective M&O rate . . . “THE TAX RATE WILL EFFECTIVELY BE RAISED BY (insert percentage by which the tax rate exceeds the effective M&O rate) PERCENT AND WILL RAISE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS ON A $100,000 HOME BY APPROXIMATELY $[approximate dollar amount]”.

17. Notice of public hearing on a tax increase (Texas Tax Code § 26.05(c))

The notice of a public hearing on the tax rate increase must be posted on the district’s web site from the date the notice is first published until the second public hearing is concluded.

18.Landowner Bill of Rights (Texas Property Code § 21.0112) [ix]

Landowner Bill of Rights. Real estate property may be acquired by eminent domain, and the Texas Attorney General is required to create a Bill of Rights for the Landowner. Texas Property Code requires that school districts must post this Bill of Rights at times when the district plans on applying eminent domain. You can post the PDF file yourself or link to the current copy on the Attorney General’s web site.

19.Electricity, Water, and Natural Gas Costs (Texas Government Code § 2265.001) [x]

A governmental entity responsible for payments of electric, water, or natural gas utility services shall record in an electronic repository the governmental entity's metered amount of electricity, water, or natural gas consumed for which it is responsible to pay and the aggregate costs for those utility services. The governmental entity shall report the recorded information on a publicly accessible Internet website with an interface designed for ease of navigation if available, or at another publicly accessible location.

20.Summary of Proposed Budget (Texas Education Code § 44.0041) [xi]

The proposed district budget. The proposed budget information must include spending per student as well as the overall amount spent on instruction, instructional support, central administration, district operations, debt service and any other category designated by the commissioner of education. Also, must be compared to the budget from the previous year.

21. Adopted budget (Texas Education Code § 39.084) [xii]

The district must post its adopted budget as soon as it has final approval of the school board. The link to the adopted budget must be “prominent” and the budget must remain online for at least three years from date of adoption.


22.Testing for Home School Students (Regarding Standardized Test) (Texas Education Code § 29.916) [xiii]

The date the PSAT/NMSQT or any college advanced placement tests will be administered and must include instructions for home schooled students in the district who wish to participate in the college advanced placement tests.

23.College Credit Programs (Texas Education Code § 28.010) [xiv]

Each student enrolled in grade nine or above must be given information of the availability of programs in the district under which a student may earn college credit, including advanced placement programs, dual credit programs, joint high school and college credit programs, and international baccalaureate programs. The district may provide this notification via the district’s web page.

24. High School Graduation Plan (Texas Education Code § 28.02121)

Each district must publish information provided by TEA regarding the benefit of choosing a personal graduation plan with the distinguished level of achievement plus more or more endorsements to achieve a class rank in the top 10 percent. The information must be provided in the language parents are proficient if at least 20 students in a grade level speak that language.

25. Transition and Employment Guide (Texas Education Code § 29.0112)

The district must post on its web site the transition and employment guide provided by TEA for students enrolled in special education programs. The district must also provide written information and, if necessary, assistance to access the electronic version of the guide.

26. IDEA Procedural Safeguards (20 U.S.C. § 1415(d)(1)).

A school district may post a copy of the IDEA procedural safeguards on its website. The notice must fully explain IDEA’s procedural safeguards in an easily understandable manner, and in the native language of the parents if it is clearly not feasible to do so.


27.Policies for Physical Activity (Texas Education Code § 28.004) [xv]

Statement of the policies adopted to ensure that elementary, middle and junior high students engage in at least the amount and level of physical activity required by Section 28.002(1).

28.Number of times in preceding year the district health advisory committee has met (Texas Education Code § 28.004).xiv

The number of times the preceding year the district’s school health advisory committee has met.

29.Policy Regarding Vending Machines (Texas Education Code § 28.004) xv

District’s policies regarding vending machines and food service guidelines for restricting student access to vending machines. May post PDF or link to policies CO and FFA.

30.District Policies on Tobacco Products (Texas Education Code § 28.004) xv

District’s policies and enforcement procedures for the use of tobacco products by students and others on school campuses or at school sponsored or school-related activities.

or link to your policy FNCD.

31.Parents can Request their Child’s Physical Fitness Assessment (Texas Education Code § 28.004) xv

Statement providing notice that parents can request, in writing, their child’s physical fitness assessment (FITNESS GRAM) results at the end of the school year.

32.List of Required and Recommended Immunizations (Texas Education Code § 38.019)[xvi]

A list in English/Spanish of all required and recommended immunizations (must be updated yearly and posted “prominently”).

33.Health Clinics in District that offer Flu Vaccine (Texas Education Code § 38.019) xvi

Health clinics in the district that offer the influenza vaccine, to the extent those clinics are known to the district.

34.A Link to the Department of State Health Services Internet website (Texas Education Code § 38.019) xvi

A link to the Department of State Health Services Internet website where a person may obtain information relating to the procedures for claiming an exemption from the immunization requirements of Section 38.001. Note that the link must be presented in the same manner as a link to information about immunization.

35. Procedure for reporting bullying (Texas Education Code § 37.0832(e)) (starting with the 2012-13 school year).xvii

The procedure for reporting bullying must be posted on the district’s Internet website to the extent practicable.


  1. Names of members of governing body (Texas Education Code § 12.1211).xviii

The posting must be on the charter school’s home page.

  1. Posting of chief executive officer salary. (Texas Education Code § 12.136). xix

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(a) This section applies only to a governmental body or economic development corporation that maintains an Internet website or for which an Internet website is maintained. This section does not apply to a governmental body described by Section 551.001(3)(D).

(b) In addition to the other place at which notice is required to be posted by this subchapter, the following governmental bodies and economic development corporations must also concurrently post notice of a meeting on the Internet website of the governmental body or economic development corporation:


(3) a school district;


(c) The following governmental bodies and economic development corporations must also concurrently post the agenda for the meeting on the Internet website of the governmental body or economic development corporation:


(3) a school district that contains all or part of the area within the corporate boundaries of a municipality with a population of 48,000 or more;


(d) The validity of a posted notice of a meeting or an agenda by a governmental body or economic development corporation subject to this section that made a good faith attempt to comply with the requirements of this section is not affected by a failure to comply with a requirement of this section that is due to a technical problem beyond the control of the governmental body or economic development corporation.


Not later than the 10th day after the first day of instruction of each school year, a school district that maintains an Internet website shall make the following information available to the public on the website:

(1) the information contained in the most recent campus report card for each campus in the district, as determined under Section 39.305;

(2) the information contained in the most recent performance report for the district, as determined under Section 39.306;

(3) the most recent accreditation status and performance rating of the district under Sections 39.052 and 39.054; and

(4) a definition and explanation of each accreditation status under Section 39.051, based on commissioner rule adopted under that section.


(C) publicize and disseminate the results of the local annual review described in paragraph (1) to parents, teachers, principals, schools, and the community so that the teachers, principals, other staff, and schools can continually refine, in an instructionally useful manner, the program of instruction to help all children served under this part meet the challenging State student academic achievement standards established under section 1111(b)(1);

[iv] § 176.009. POSTING ON INTERNET.

(a) A local governmental entity that maintains an Internet website shall provide access to the statements and to questionnaires required to be filed under this chapter on that website. This subsection does not require a local governmental entity to maintain an Internet website.

(b) This subsection applies only to a county with a population of 800,000 or more or a municipality with a population of 500,000 or more. A county or municipality shall provide, on the Internet website maintained by the county or municipality, access to each report of political contributions and expenditures filed under Chapter 254, Election Code, by a member of the commissioners court of the county or the governing body of the municipality in relation to that office as soon as practicable after the officer files the report.

[v] § 21.204(d). TERM CONTRACT.

(d) The board of trustees shall provide each teacher with a copy of the teacher's contract with the school district and, on the teacher's request, a copy of the board's employment policies. If the district has an Internet website, the district shall place the board's employment policies on that website. At each school in the district, the board shall make a copy of the board's employment policies available for inspection at a reasonable time on request.

[vi] § 11.1513(d) and (e). EMPLOYMENT POLICY.

(d) The employment policy must provide that not later than the 10th school day before the date on which a district fills a vacant position for which a certificate or license is required as provided by Section 21.003, other than a position that affects the safety and security of students as determined by the board of trustees, the district must provide to each current district employee: