Parish Council Meeting Minutes January 19th, 2015
Present: Fr. Phil Persico, Fr. Frank Bassett, Matthew Backes, David Bartsch, Bob Beitscher, Matt Beitscher, Fran Berger, Mary Coleman, Dot DiMaggio, Cathy Krug, Vickie Lalla, Maureen McLoughlin, Brian Morrow, Art Prudhomme, Erin Sica and Eileen Spies.
Opening - The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm by Parish Council President Brian Morrow and Fr. Phil offered an opening prayer.
A Fr Phil began the meeting with an overview with
a. The lease with Good Counsel Elementary School has been signed and they will be here in September
b. Plan to have the tabernacle cleaned correctly, removing the rug on the altar and replacing it with tiles to secure the altar
c. In the summer hoping to renovate the rectory kitchen
d. Looking forward to our Lenten schedule with morning prayer, tennebrae (chanting lamentations during the Holy Days), Stations of the Cross and the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday
e. Bible study will be done in Lent-24week course done every other week on the Gospel of St. Matthew
f. Unable to get anyone to do a retreat here
g. Mass schedule will be changed in June to 8am, 10am and 12noon not affecting the Saturday, 5pm Mass, in line with Holy Rosary so there is no excuse for someone not to get to Mass
h. The choir will be sharing the 10am Mass with the B.A.S.I.C.S. and the Youth group will do either Saturday at 5pm or Sunday 12 noon
B. FINANCE presented by Fran Berger:
a. The new windows for the rectory and the door for boiler room have been installed
b. We have updated our software with two new programs: one for the parishioners and the other for accounting.
c. Working on flock notes and the website
C. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION presented by Fr Phil
On course for confirmation to be celebrated with Bishop Walsh for April 21st and 22nd
D. RCIA presented by Fr. Frank
Fr Frank has two candidates who will complete their course this year and celebrated at the Easter Vigil
E. LITURGICAL SONG presented by Erin Sica
Planning for Lent and the Mass of Creation will be instituted for Lent
F. SOCIAL CONCERNS presented by Maureen McLoughlin:
a. Christmas Angels- we had 23 Angels who bought and wrapped presents that were distributed to Sr Alice in White Plains, Fr Nana and the Valhalla Schools
b. Operation Shoeboxes will be done in this coming November
c. The Knights Of Columbus were very generous with gift cards
d. The Christmas crafts were distributed forty crafts to six area nursing homes
e. Planning on doing Valentines crafts on January 28th in the cafeteria
f. Soup Kitchen-12 parishioners setup by Mary Coleman and Joelen Donohue cooked on 12/20 for 70 guests
g. Food Bank- no date as of yet
h. Planning on doing the St Patrick’s Day sing a long at Rosary Hill, info to follow
i. Anna Conte and six others cooked a meal at the Ronald McDonald House. Waiting for another date
j. Waiting for a date to plan a Spring breakfast run
G. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY presented by Maureen McLoughlin
a. We have approximately 25 members and our next Meeting will be Sat, March 7th from 11:30 to 12:30
b. Continue to hand out Prayer shawls and we have received wonderful thank you notes
c. We now have some baby blankets available for parishioners to give to sick babies
d. Planning a luncheon at Sergio’s for all prayer shawl members to celebrate our 1st anniversary
e. Next Prayer Shawl blessing will be on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12th
H. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY presented by Dot DiMaggio
a. The Christmas party at the Beehive was a success esp. when Santa Claus appeared (played by Fr Phil)
b. The Christmas Bake and Basket sale did very well the next one will be in March
c. On December 7th Santa Claus visited the children in the cafeteria after the 9:30am Mass-went over very well
d. Fourteen trays of cookies donated by Shop Rite was delivered to the shut ins of Holy Name
I. YOUTH GROUP- presented by Fr Phil in absentia Mike Williams
Planning on doing a pasta dinner with the Bingo Boys on February 13th and Fr Phil will be holding a meeting with them
on January 25th to plan the event
J. VICARIATE MEETING-presented by Vickie Lalla from the November Vicariate meeting
a. Our Lady of Mt Carmel, Elmsford is in need of items for their food pantry over 144 people a month
b. Discussion on “All things made new” –the Westchester County mergers are growing with two models
c. Other discussion revolved around where the Catholic Church will be in the next century and should there be a change in
d. Structure and gave us the projected Clergy under 75 breakdown
e. All mergers will be reevaluated some time in the future
f. Done according to the guidelines of Rome
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35PM and the next meeting will be February 16th, 2015