Management Directive #14-02

Date Issued:05/07/14
New Policy Release
Revision of Existing Procedural Guide dated
Revision Made:NOTE: Current Revisions are Highlighted
Cancels: Procedural Guide 1200-501.30, Travel Policy, Travel Advance and Expense Reimbursement


This Management Directive supports child safety and timely legal permanency, by setting forth procedures for travel of staff and children to destinations outside Los Angeles County and adjacent counties.


This directive is applicable to all new and existing referrals and cases.


Travel covered in this policy is to locations outside Los Angeles and adjacent counties. The eight counties considered as adjacent to Los Angeles County are:

MD 14-02 ( Rev.05/14)Page 1 of 15

  • Kern
  • Orange
  • Riverside
  • San Bernardino
  • San Diego
  • San Luis Obispo
  • Santa Barbara
  • Ventura

MD 14-02 ( Rev.05/14)Page 1 of 15

Under Los Angeles County Code sections 5.40.050 and 5.40.110, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) has delegated authority to Department Heads to approve employee travel for both ‘County business’ and ‘Administrative’purposes.

County business, also known as Case Related business in DCFS, may include travel for such purpose as:

  • Meeting child visitation requirements
  • Completing a home evaluation of birth parents/relatives or prospective adoptive parents
  • Making a home visit
  • Returning a child to legal residence
  • Bringing a detained child back to Los Angeles County

Administrative travel includes:

  • Meeting with legislative program and financial staff in Sacramento or Washington, D.C.
  • Attendance at conferences, meetings or training sessions

It is Los Angeles County policy that staff must obtain permission for travel from their Department Head or his/her designee prior to actual travel. For staff on approved travel, DCFS will reimburse travel expenses and event fees for attendance at conferences, meetings or training sessions. Reimbursement for lodging, meals, travel and Capital Cities incidental expenses may not exceed the amounts allowed by the County Code (Attachment 1).

The length of County Business or Administrative travel may be determined by the Department Head or his/her designee. In the event that staff decides to extend approved travel into a vacation by use of personal time, DCFS reimbursement will cover only those expenses incurred during the actual hours approved for conducting county business. Specific examples include airport parking, shuttle service charges, additional hotel nights, and car rental fees.

Rental Cars

Rental Carsare an available option on the travel request. Cars rented will be mid-size or smaller, based on need. When requested and approved, car rental vouchers will be issued separately by the Central Travel Coordinator located at:

DCFS Finance

425 Shatto Place, Rm. 204

Los Angeles 90020

(213) 351-3241

Rental Car Insurance – Domestic

The countyhas made provisions for insuring rental cars against third party liability and physical damage to the rented vehicle. Therefore, travelers must decline all insurance coverage except: coverage for additional drivers (when applicable) and coverage for drivers under 25 years of age (when applicable).

Rental Car Insurance – International

The traveler should ask if the rental agency accepts the county's self-insurance. If not accepted, travelers should accept all insurance coverage when renting cars in a foreign country.

Any questions regarding this Travel Policy may be directed to the Finance Division Central Travel Coordinator at (213) 351-3241, who has overall responsibility for DCFS travel. Additional travel coordinators have been designated at various site locations to handle travel arrangements once authorization to travel has been received.



Travel authorization to attend conferences, meetings or training outside Los Angeles and adjacent counties is requested using the PS 1-85, Administrative Travel Request. A copy of the Request for Approval of Purchased Training and the conference agenda or materials must be attached to the request.

Staff Requesting Travel Authorization Responsibilities

  1. Complete the PS 1-85, Administrative Travel Request (ATR), specify rental car option and forward to your immediate supervisor for review. Attach a copy of the conference agenda or materials. The ATR must be submitted and approved 10 days in advance of planned departure. Travel Requests that require air travel should be submitted 30 days prior to departure, if possible. (See Part D. of this Procedural Guide)

Immediate Supervisor Responsibilities

  1. Review the ATR and attachments for completeness and accuracy. Evaluate purpose of trip and if trip is necessary.
  1. If complete and accurate, initial the ATR and forward original to the ARA/Office Head for signature. If incomplete, return to requestor for corrective action.

ARA/Office Head Responsibilities

  1. Review the ATR and attachments for completeness and accuracy. If approved, sign on the line for Office Head and forward to Regional Administrator (RA) for review. If incomplete, return to requestor for corrective action.

Regional Administrator Responsibilities

  1. Review the ATR and attachments for completeness and accuracy. If approved, initial and forward the ATR to the Bureau Chief for signature. If incomplete, return to requestor for corrective action.

Bureau Chief Responsibilities

  1. Review the ATR and attachments for completeness and accuracy. If approved, sign on the line for Chief’s signature and forward to the Bureau Chief of Finance and Administration for signature. If incomplete, return to requestor for corrective action.

Bureau Chief Finance and Administration Responsibilities

  1. Review the ATR and attachments for completeness and accuracy. If approved, sign as designee on the line for Department Head’s signature. Forward copy to requestor and forward original ATR to the office Travel Coordinator. If incomplete, return to requestor for corrective action.

Staff Requesting Travel Authorization Responsibilities

  1. After receipt of case copy of the approved travel request, work with the office Travel Coordinatoron the actual travelplan.

Travel CoordinatorResponsibilities

  1. Upon receipt of approved travel request, work withstaff and one of the following four contract travel agencies to make national and international travel reservations for air, rail, bus and ship carriers, car rentals and hotel reservations:

Travel within California and to Reno, Nevada is booked exclusively on YLOCAL via Southwest Airlines.


  • All reservations including YLOCAL (800) 786-9273


  • Non-YLOCAL reservations (888) 640-4443 YLOCAL reservations (877) 247-6220


  • All reservations including YLOCAL (800) 582-1956


  • All reservations including YLOCAL (800) 360-7852
  1. After booking travel arrangements forward/fax a copy of approved ATR and itinerary to:

Central Travel Coordinator

DCFS Finance

425 Shatto Place, Rm. 205

Los Angeles, CA90020

Fax: (213) 427-6197

  1. After booking travel arrangements, give the staff requesting the travel authorization an itinerary.

NOTE:Most air travel is ticketed electronically. The individual Travel Coordinators will distribute tickets when necessary for their national and international bookings. The Central Travel Coordinator will distribute all car rental vouchers.

Central Travel Coordinator Responsibilities

  1. Maintain Travel Request Logs of Administrativeand Case Related travel requests. Assign a request number in the upper right corner of each travel request. Distribute all car rental vouchers.
  1. Monitor cancelled refundable and non-refundable travel reservations.

If the ticket is refundable, and was purchased through one of the contract travel agencies, return the tickets to the Auditor-Controller, Room 502 Hall of Administration, for refund by the appropriate agency.

If the ticket is non-refundable, the office TravelCoordinator should retain the ticket for a minimum of one year. (Some airlines will honor an unused ticket beyond one year; check with issuing contract travel agency before destroying unused tickets.) Non-refundable bookings may be re-booked for the same staff within one year with proper travel documents. The contract travel agent will attempt to schedule the traveler on the same airline as the original ticket and will provide further instructions on the use of the original ticket at that time.


Travel authorization for the child, CSW or attendant for destinations outside Los Angeles and adjacent counties is requested using a DCFS 304, Case Related Travel Request. The CSW is also responsible for determining the need for an attendant.

It is the position of both the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and the Los Angeles County Juvenile Court that transportation of a child is a case work decision to be approved by the RA and does not require a court order.

NOTE:CSWs will be reimbursed for business use of personal cars in accordance with current County mileage reimbursement provisions. To be reimbursed for the use of their personal car for business, travelers must provide the following on their Expense Report:
  • Purpose of the trip;
  • Date and location of the travel;
  • Odometer readings; and,
  • Receipts for tolls and parking

CSW Responsibilities

  1. Complete the DCFS 304 summarizing the request for transportation, e.g., case name, number, child(ren)’s name, age, travel dates, car rental and attendant information. The DCFS 304 must be submitted and approved 10 days in advance of the planned departure or as soon as possible for emergency or urgent situations.
  1. Forward the completed DCFS 304 to your SCSW for approval. Provide any necessary supporting documentation, if appropriate.

SCSW Responsibilities

  1. Review the DCFS 304 and check for completeness and accuracy. If correct, initial the DCFS 304 and forward original to the ARA. If incomplete, return to requestor for corrective action.

NOTE:The ARA is the final level of approval, if the attendant is a volunteer or the child’s relative. The RA’s or his/her designee’s approval is required,if the attendant is a CSW.

ARA/RA or Designee Responsibilities

  1. Review the DCFS 304 for completeness and accuracy. If approved and the attendant is not a CSW, sign the DCFS 304.
  1. If the attendant is a CSW, forward the DCFS 304 to the RA for approval. If authorized to sign for the RA sign the DCFS 304.
  1. Return a copy of the approved DCFS 304 to the CSW and forward the original DCFS 304 to the Travel Coordinator.
  1. If the DCFS 304 is incomplete /inaccurate, return to CSW for corrective action.

Travel Coordinator Responsibilities

  1. Upon receipt of the approved DCFS 304, work withstaff and one of the following four contract travel agencies to make national and international travel reservations for air, rail, bus and ship carriers, car rentals and hotel reservations.

Travel within California and to Reno, Nevada is booked exclusively on YLOCAL via Southwest Airlines.


  • All reservations including YLOCAL (800) 786-9273


  • Non-YLOCAL reservations (888) 640-4443 YLOCAL reservations (877) 247-6220


  • All reservations including YLOCAL (800) 582-1956


  • All reservations including YLOCAL (800) 360-7852
  1. After booking travel arrangements forward/fax a copy of approved ATR and itinerary to:

Central Travel Coordinator

DCFS Finance

425 Shatto Place, Rm. 205

Los Angeles, CA90020

Fax: (213) 427-6197

  1. After booking travel arrangements, give the CSW an itinerary. Most air travel is ticketed electronically. The individual Travel Coordinators will distribute tickets when necessary for their national and some of their international bookings. If travel arrangements have been cancelled after purchase of tickets, refer to page 5 for specific guidelines. The Central Travel Coordinator will distribute all car rental vouchers. When a rental car has been approved, refer to page 2-3 for specific guidelines.

Travel authorization for Independent Living Program (ILP) eligible youth is requested using the ILP - Needs Request Form.

YDS SPA Manager Responsibilities

  1. Confirm the youth’s ILP eligibility and document need before completing ILP- Needs Request Form. Forward the completed ILP- Needs Request Form to YDS SPA Manager for review and approval. The ILP- Needs Request must be submitted and approved 10 days in advance of the youth’s planned departure.

Supervising ILP CoordinatorResponsibilities

  1. Review ILP-Needs Request Form for completeness and accuracy. If correct, initial request and forward to ILP Program Director for signature. If incorrect, return to YDS SPA Manger for corrective action.

ILP Program Director or Designee Responsibilities

  1. Review ILP-Needs Request Form for completeness and accuracy. If correct, sign and date ILP-Needs Request Form. Return copy of approved request to the YDS SPA Manger Coordinatorand forward original to the Travel Coordinator. If incorrect, return to YDS SPA Manager for corrective action.

Travel Coordinator Responsibilities

  1. Upon receipt of approved ILP- Needs Request Form travel request, work withstaff and one of the following four contract travel agencies to make national and internationaltravel reservations for air, rail, bus and ship carriers, car rentals and hotel reservations. Travel within California and to Reno, Nevada is booked exclusively on YLOCAL via Southwest Airlines.


  • All reservations including YLOCAL (800) 786-9273


  • Non-YLOCAL reservations (888) 640-4443 YLOCAL reservations (877) 247-6220


  • All reservations including YLOCAL (800) 582-1956


  • All reservations including YLOCAL (800) 360-7852
  1. After booking travel forward or fax copy of approved ILP- Needs Request Form together with the arranged itinerary to:

Central Travel Coordinator

DCFS Finance

425 Shatto Place, Rm. 205

Los Angeles, CA90020

Fax: (213) 427-6197

  1. After booking travel arrangements, give the YDS SPA Managera copy of the itinerary for their file. Provide the Case-Carrying CSW a copy of the itinerary for their file. The individual Travel Coordinators will distribute tickets when necessary for their national and some of their international bookings. If travel arrangements have been cancelled after purchase of tickets, refer to page5 for specific guidelines. The Central Travel Coordinator will distribute all car rental vouchers. When a rental car has been approved, refer to page 2-5 for specific guidelines.
  1. Returnacopy of the completed ILP-Needs Request Form to YDS SPA Managerfor filing in case folder.

A Travel Advance is a sum of money received prior to travel that is advance reimbursement for anticipated expenses, such as event registration, transportation, lodging, capitol city incidental expenses and meals. The costs of specific categories may not exceed the amounts shown in the latest “Travel Expense Reimbursement Rates” which are per day and per person allowances. The Auditor-Controller issues updates for Travel Expense Reimbursement rates, as necessary. The latest updates to these rates are effective July 1, 2011(See Attachment 1).

The qualifying length of travel for an advance is at minimum, three (3) days and two (2) nights. Any discrepancy between anticipated and actual expenses is corrected after travel through the Expense Claim.

NOTE:The Request for Travel Advance may be used for both the transportation of children and when attending a conference. In addition, the Request for Approval of Purchased Training Purchase should be used to pay for registration while the Request for Travel Advance is to be used for travel expenses.

Staff requesting a Travel Advance Responsibilities

  1. Complete the DCFS 875 no later than 8 business daysbefore the warrant request date. This form is available on LA Kids. Forward the DCFS 875, along with a copy of the approved Administrative Travel Request (ATR) and DCFS 304 to Office Head for approval.

ARA/Office Head Responsibilities

  1. Review the DCFS 875 and any supporting documents. If approved, sign and return a signed copy to the staff requesting the Travel Advance and submit the original to the Finance Officer for final approval, no later than 7 working days in advance of the warrant request date to:

Central Travel Coordinator

DCFS Finance

425 Shatto Place, Rm. 205

Los Angeles, CA90020

Fax: (213) 427-6197

Finance Division Staff Responsibilities

  1. Review request for completeness and accuracy. If correct, process the request. The staff person requesting travel authorization will be called to pick up the Travel Advance warrant when the request has been processed.

Reimbursement of travel expenses incurred by DCFS staff is claimed via the Expense Claim form.

DCFS Staff Responsibilities

  1. Complete the Expense Claim within two (2) weeks after the completion of the trip.
  1. When a Travel Advance is received and the Expense Claim amount is larger than the amount of the Travel Advance, state on the Expense Claim the difference between the two amounts and submit your claim for the balance.
  1. When a Travel Advance is received and the Expense Claim amount is less than the amount of the Travel Advance, state on the Expense Claim the difference between the two. Submit a check or money order for the difference, payable to the County of Los Angeles, DCFS, with your Expense Claim.
  1. When a Travel Advance is received and the Expense Claim amount is equal to the amount of the Travel Advance, indicate on the Expense Claim that the travel expense was equal to the advance.

NOTE:Failure to submit to Finance an Expense Claim covering a trip within 30 calendar days after Travel Advance was received, may result in a full deduction of amount advanced from staff’s payroll warrant.
  1. Only claim the dates approved on the Travel Request for lodging, meals, ground transportation, Capital City incidental expenses, parking, and porter expenses. See Attachment 1 for the maximum allowable travel reimbursement rates.
  1. Attach a copy of the approved Travel Request and all original expense receipts to the Expense Claim. When a receipt is not available, prepare a memo with the approval signature of the Office Head/RA, containing a full explanation of the expense and the reason for the missing receipt.

NOTE: Original receipts are required for transportation, parking, and lodging.
Reimbursement for lodging without a receipt will be $20.00 per night. Original receipts are also required for car rental and any training materials purchased at the training site whether paid by the County or traveler. Receipts must be submitted with the other required receipts within the required time frame. Receipts are not required for meals. Meals are not allowed on a one-day trip to adjacent counties. The CapitalCity allowance can only be claimed if the business conducted required presence in the primary cities listed in Attachment 1. The Board of Supervisors has authorized expansion for capital city incidental expenses to other cities on a case-by-case basis, with approval by the Auditor-Controller.
Reimbursement for meals must be made only when travel extends for a minimum of 4 hours during the normal working day, ending after 7:00 p.m. to qualify for dinner reimbursement. In order to be reimbursed for the cost of meals, travel must begin before the times reflected on the following schedule:
Breakfast6:00 a.m.
Lunch11:00 a.m.
Dinner5:00 p.m.
  1. Forward the original Expense Claim and attachments to the Office Head for approval. Retain copies for your files.

Office Head/RA Responsibilities