• The CSDA Training Scholarship fund was established to provide awards for the education, training and professional development of employees of Local Child Support Agencies with current membership in the Child Support Directors Association.
  • The scholarship can include money toward registration, lodging, transportation costs and meals for a single training event,up to $1,200 for in-state training and $2,000 for out-of-state training.
  • CSDA will not pay a per diem for any meal that is included in the cost of the conference or lodging, unless the applicant has a compelling reason why the provided meal was not suitable to his/her special needs.
  • Lodging is reimbursed at the single occupancy room rate. CSDA recommends that hotel reservations bemade pending approval of the scholarship application.
  • Mileage is reimbursed at the current IRS rate.
  • Applicants must have the LCSADirector’s approval and verification that the applicant meets any county eligibility requirements for travel.
  • This application must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the training event. If materials about a training not sponsored by CSDA are not yet available in final form, draft materials are acceptable.
  • All communications regarding potential or submitted scholarship applications should be directed to CSDA staff. Scholarship applications should contain all relevant information to be considered by the Scholarship Committee in making its decisions, and there should be no independent conversations with members of the Scholarship Committee about submitted applications.
  • In making its funding recommendations, the Scholarship Committee will consider the financial needs of the applicant LCSA; the applicant’s demonstrated commitment to continued professional growth in the child support program; the applicant’s and the LCSA’s history of scholarship awards; and the applicant’s ability to leverage their learning into benefits for their LCSA and/or the entire child support program.
  1. Applicant Information

LCSA admin allocation
Telephone: / Fax #:

Please describe the type of work you do and the length of service with the agency:

  1. Training Event Information

Title of Training Event:
Host Organization:
Event Location:
Event Dates:
  1. Statement of Expected Benefits from Attendance**

Please provide on an additional sheet of paper a short original statement of how you plan to use the knowledge you obtain to benefit yourself, your customers, your LCSA and/or the child support program in general.

** If training event is not CSDA sponsored, please attach a complete agenda, training curriculum and registration form.

  1. Cost Estimate:

Registration Fee: / $
Airfare: / $
Mileage ($.575 cents per mile driven x _____miles): / $
Lodging (Lodging expenses up to current state rate + tax – Cost per night x Number of nights): / $
Meal Allowances (Based on Current CSDA rules and regulations – see below) / $
Meals / Per Diem / # of Days / Amount
Breakfast per day / X / $ 9.00 / X / = / $
Lunch per day / X / $13.00 / X / = / $
Dinners per day / X / $29.00 / X / = / $
Total Estimate Costs / $
  1. LCSA Director’s Attestation (initial in appropriate boxes) & Comments:

Yes / No / Comments
Applicant meets county requirements to travel
Applicant has demonstrated commitment to program
Applicant will benefit from training
Applicant’s Signature: / Date:
Director’s Approval / Date:

* * * * *

Please return this application and related documentation to

Lisa Bispham via e-mailat:
