Folly Lane Sports Ground
BA12 7RG
Tel: 01985 214755
Dear Member,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our small, friendly, but bubbling Rugby Club, whatever
your age, whatever you’ve joined as, and however much we see you over the coming months and
years. Warminster RFC is a developing Core Values Club, big on ‘Enjoyment’. Our aim is that everyone
and anyone who comes through our doors enjoys their experience in whatever capacity they visit, or
use our facilities. This applies to players, parents, spectators, visiting teams and officials, referees
and guests alike.
In return for your annual subscription you can expect some or all of the following from the Club:
- to have RFU critical injury insurance cover whilst playing.
- to have RFU insurance cover whilst carrying out committee based duties.
- to have RFU Public Liability cover in pursuance of Warminster RFC activities/events.
- to have the use of excellent facilities.
- to be able to hire the Clubhouse facilities.
- to receive free match food (Mini’s & Juniors only)
- to have access to International Tickets.
- to have quality pitches maintained and made available for training and matches.
- to play in organised league and cup competitions.
- to have quality changing facilities maintained and made available for training and matches.
- to receive excellent, structured training, delivered by suitably qualified coaches.
- to have coaching courses funded, or part funded, by the Club.
- to be part of a Club that continues to meet RFU Accreditation standards.
- to be invited to regular, well-organised ‘whole Club’ social events.
- to be invited to Minis & Juniors specific social events.
- to have access to Tuck Shop facilities (Minis & Junior).
- to be provided with full Warminster RFC kit on match days (All minis age groups).
- to be provided with match day team shirts, wherever sponsored (Junior & Senior squads).
- to be able to purchase a variety of Club kit – from Club stock, Club Shop or Scholars.
- to receive a fixture list detailing all matches.
- to have the opportunity to participate in the town carnival.
What does the Club expect from you, as a member, in return?
- to support the Club in its adherence to Rugby’s Core Values.
- to follow the Club’s simple ‘Code of Conduct’, which accompanies this letter.
- to pay your annual subscription on time.
- to support the Club in all of it social activities wherever possible.
- to pay your match fees. (Senior Players).
- to volunteer to help get thing done!
- to highlight the opportunity for any Sponsorship funding.
- to consider advertising your business at the Club.
- to make every effort to attend training sessions.
- to make a point of being available for matches, home or away.
- to make all visitors to Warminster Rugby Club very welcome (All).
- to consider using our sponsors businesses to meet your needs as a first port of call,
- to enjoy yourself whenever you are at the Club, whatever you are doing.
This will be our 7th season in our new Clubhouse and it will be a transition period as we lose the huge
financial constraint imposed on us by a Brewery Loan, in January 2016. We also have 2 main, local
sponsors in place, who want long term relationships with the Club and real potential for at least 2
more, plus major fringe benefits deriving from the Redrow Development on the South Western edge
of the town. Once we get to 2016, the Club for the first time on the Folly Lane site, will be
able to start shaping it’s own destiny, both in terms of improving service delivery and achieving
development goals, some of which should come on line quite soon after that.
All in all, this is an exciting, vibrant Club, with a lot to look forward to. What will keep it that way, and
indeed help to push it forward, is an active, committed membership, buoyed by a successful England
team at a home World Cup (Come on England!). The Club will always give back what you,
the members, put in, so please support it as best as you are able. It makes a big difference.
Best wishes to you all and here’s to a successful season for all those in the Amber and Blue jerseys!
Yours in rugby.
Glenn Marden