Datum: 17.08.2015
Zeichen: i-institutsbeschreibung_e.docx
Company Profile – Short Version
Project Partner ika
Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika), RWTH Aachen University
The Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) of RWTH Aachen University is Europe’s leading institute in automotive engineering and directed by Professor Lutz Eckstein. Starting from the idea to innovative concepts for components and systems up to vehicle prototypes the staff of the institute creates and designs the future vehicle. In cooperation with car manufacturers and suppliers, ika is making an acknowledged contribution to help solve current and future global challenges.
The divisions Chassis, Body, Drivetrain, Electrics/Electronics and Driver Assistance represent the classic automotive domains and cooperate closely with the cross-divisional departments of Strategy and Consulting, Vehicle Concepts, Acoustics, Thermal Management as well as Driver Experience and Performance in an interdisciplinary manner. This wide range of expertise enables analysing and optimising the vehicle as a whole, while paying attention to the complex interactions between the individual subsystems. The divisions are linked by focusing on the various features of the vehicle; safety, energy efficiency and driving experience.
In this process ika is involved in the development of the idea, up until the completion of a finished prototype, focusing on the demands of sciences and industry. The institute’s extensive infrastructure is the basis for intensive research for large parts of the automotive industry, as well as for publically funded research by the EU as well as on a federal and national level. In addition to the drive, battery, chassis and tire test benches it also comprises acoustic, thermal dynamic and servo hydraulic research facilities. Furthermore it is_enriched by a full vehicle crash test facility, a driving simulator, by test tracks as well as latest measurement technology and up-to-date simulation environments.
ika employs more than 135 members of staff and about 200 student assistants. In addition to that, more than 200 student research projects, bachelor, master and diploma theses are part of our research and development projects.
Company Profile – Long Version
Project Partner ika
Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika), RWTH Aachen University
The Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) of RWTH Aachen University is Europe’s leading institute in automotive engineering and directed by Professor Lutz Eckstein. Starting from the idea to innovative concepts for components and systems up to vehicle prototypes the staff of the institute creates and design the future vehicle. In cooperation with car manufacturers and suppliers, ika is making an acknowledged contribution to help solve current and future global challenges.
The Institute for Automotive Engineering is divided into ten areas of research, which emphasise and concentrate on the educational domain as well as on public and industrial research projects. The divisions Chassis, Body, Drivetrain, Electrics/Electronics and Driver Assistance represent the classic automotive domains and cooperate closely with the cross-divisional departments of Strategy and Consulting, Vehicle Concepts, Acoustics, Thermal Management as well as Driver Experience and Performance in an interdisciplinary manner. This wide range of expertise enables analysing and optimising the vehicle as a whole, while paying attention to the complex interactions between the individual subsystems. The divisions are linked by focusing on the various features of the vehicle; safety, energy efficiency and driving experience.
Thereby the ika’s work ranges from developing mere ideas to the completion of finished prototypes with the orientation on the demands of sciences and industry. The institute’s extensive infrastructure is the basis for intensive research for large parts of the automotive industry, as well as for publically funded research by the EU as well as on a federal and national level. In addition to the drive, battery, chassis and tire test beches it also comprises acoustic, thermal dynamic and servo hydraulic research facilities. Furthermore it isenriched by a full vehicle crash test facility, a driving simulator, by test tracks as well as latest measurement technology and up-to-date simulation environments. Virtual methods and actual validations are tightly linked in order to design innovative concepts and solutions. Trendsetting methods for best-fitting conception and design of innovative systems and components and their integration to the overall system are a special focus. The future vehicle is thus regarded as an integral part of energetically and logically networked, sustainable mobility.
ika employs more than 135 members of staff and about 200 student assistants. In addition to that, more than 200 student research projects, bachelor, master and diploma theses are part of our research and development projects.