If you have any questions about your poster and this event, please check in with the SUPER Poster Session Coordinator:
Smana Hitt at or 785-864-1605.
Time and Date:
The event will take place on Thursday, April 27, 2017 from 3:00-5:00 PM in The Jay Room at the Kansas Union. The room will open at 2:00 PM for you to set up your poster. Posters should be in place by no later than 2:45 PM.
Poster Format Instructions:
Posters will be displayed on 3 ft by 4 ft foot tri-fold poster boards (provided by the Psychology department). Your poster can be up to 3 feet tall and up to 4 feet wide (36 inches tall x 48 inches wide) but should be no larger. Smaller posters are acceptable but larger posters are not because the poster boards are only 3x4 feet. You will not be able to use glue or adhesives to affix your poster to the poster board. Push-pins and binder clips are allowed. Please bring your own. If you have presented this poster elsewhere, you may re-use the poster in part or whole.
Your poster will be printed for FREE by Jayhawk Ink.
Email the FINAL VERSION of your poster to Jayhawk Ink at with SUPER in the subject line and include the size of the poster.
All posters must be submitted to Jayhawk Ink no later than 5:00 pm Monday, April 24th.
At least 48 business hours are required to print your poster in case there are any issues.
· In most cases, your poster will be ready for pickup from Jayhawk Ink, which is located within the Kansas Union, 6 business hours after you submit it.
· Use of colors and/or pictures/graphics are okay. Use normal text fonts (arial, times new roman, calibri, etc), not a font you have downloaded from the internet. Downloaded fonts will not work with the poster printing software.
· When you email your poster, use one of the following file formats: PDF or Powerpoint
· Should your poster have a white border around the edges please pre-cut/pre-trim your posters before the SUPER Event so that they fit our 36 x 48 poster boards.
On Our SUPER Day!
When the SUPER day arrives, please make sure to stop at the check-in desk. We will open the room for set up at 2:00 pm. You will be given a nametag, abstract booklet, and be directed to the poster set-up location pre-
assigned to you. Please have your poster up and be ready to present by 2:45 pm. Guests will be arriving by 3:00 pm.
Please make sure to bring: Push-pins or Binder Clips to affix your poster to the provided poster boards.
This event is open to the public. Students, faculty and alumni will be in attendance to view your posters and learn about your research!
SUPER Poster Winners
Poster presentations will be judged by Psychology Department faculty.
Winners will be notified prior to the Psychology Major Recognition Ceremony on May 12, 2017 at 4:00 pm.
Winning posters will be shown in the looped PowerPoint slide show that runs in the auditorium prior to the ceremony. The lead author of each winning poster will come to the stage to receive a certificate. Co-authors names will be announced when the lead author’s certificate is presented. All authors will receive certificates but will not cross the stage due to time constraints. All authors will be allowed to have guests at the ceremony.
Further ceremony info will be provided to winners within a few days after the session has ended.
Websites With Poster Tips & Examples!
http://people.eku.edu/ritchisong/posterpres.html http://www.ncsu.edu/project/posters/