February 11, 2013
A regular meeting of the Glen Ridge Board of Education was held on Monday, February 11, 2013 at 7:06 pm in the Glen Ridge High School LGI room.
The meeting was held in accordance with applicable NJ Statutes governing public Board of Education meetings.
The Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence were observed.
Mr. Campbell
Ms. Eisen
Ms. Hilberth (left at 7:44 pm after Executive Session)
Mr. Kobernick (arrived at 7:09 pm during Executive Session)
Mr. Moran
Ms. Ginsburg
Not Present:
Mr. de Leeuw
Mr. Keppel
This is a regular meeting of the Glen Ridge Board of Education. Adequate notice of thismeetinghas been provided in that this Board notified the Glen Ridge Paper and the Star Ledger on June 11, 2012. Said notice was published in the Star Ledger onJune 14, 2012 and the Glen Ridge Paper on June 21, 2012. The date, time, and location of this meeting were also emailed to all recipients of the annual schedule of the Board's meetings.
John M. Mucciolo, Ph.D., Superintendent
Peter Caprio, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
7:09-7:43 pmExecutive Session - Room 108
Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. Campbell
WHEREAS, a matter to be considered by the Board of Education deals with personnel, negotiations and/or possible litigation, and
WHEREAS, public disclosure of this matter may be prejudicial to the public good,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this matter be considered in a meeting closed to the public; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of this meeting be sealed until the matter is resolved.
Adjourn to closed session
Campbell / de Leeuw / Eisen / Hilberth / Keppel / Kobernick / Moran / GinsburgAye / Not Present / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Not Present / Aye / Aye
Public Session - Ms. Eisen motioned to return to public session at 7:43 pm. Ms. Hilberth seconded the motion.
The Board honored Dr. Kamalakshi Lal Dishmon for her distinguished service to the community, wishing her well in her new home and future endeavors. Ms. Ginsburg reminded everyone about the Board vacancy and the February 15th deadline for applications. She also mentioned the letter/e-mail that the Home & School’s will be sending to legislators regarding possible loss or withholding of state aid.
Dr. Mucciolo reported that the budget is in the process of being developed and will be presented to the Finance Committee, the full Board and the public. State aid figures will be available after the Governor’s budget speech on March 1st or 2nd. The district continues its efforts to improve security, with the Glen Ridge Police conducting an after-hours security survey.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (Agenda Items) - None
COMMITTEE REPORTS (First meeting of the month only)
Curriculum Committee - None
Personnel and Policy Committee - None
Negotiations Committee - None
Finance and Facilities Committee - Mr. Kobernick reported on the Finance Committee’s teleconference meeting, which included discussion of budget challenges.
Ad Hoc Committee for Communications - None
Ad Hoc Committee for Alternative Funding - None
LIAISON REPORTS (First meeting of the month only)
Home & School Associations
Forest Avenue Home & School - Ms. Ginsburg reported that the Forest HAS is committed to provide financial support for the security improvements recommended by the administration. The HAS may also look into renovating the ceiling of the multi-purpose room.
Glen Ridge Association for Special Education (GRASE) - Ms. Eisen reported that the GRASE meeting was rescheduled due to weather conditions.
Glen Ridge Educational Foundation (GREF) - None
Glen Ridge Athletic Association (GRAA) - None
Glen Ridge Arts Patrons Association (GRAPA) - None
Glen Ridge Municipal Alliance Committee (MAC) - None
Gas Lamp Players - None
M-1 Board of Education Minutes
Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. Moran
Approve the Glen Ridge Board of Education executive session and regular meeting minutes of January 28, 2013.
Aye / Not Present / Aye / Not Present / Not Present / Aye / Aye / Aye
A-1 Uniform Memorandum of Agreement
Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. Moran
Approve the 2012 updated Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement between the Glen Ridge Board of Education and Law Enforcement Officials.
Campbell / de Leeuw / Eisen / Hilberth / Keppel / Kobernick / Moran / GinsburgAye / Not Present / Aye / Not Present / Not Present / Aye / Aye / Aye
A-2 First Reading of Revised Bylaws, Policies and Regulations - Tabled
Approve the first reading of the revised bylaws, policies and regulations of the Glen Ridge Board of Education as follows: (Exhibit A-2)
Bylaw #0132 - Executive Authority
Policy #2415 - No Child Left Behind Programs
Policy #2431 - Athletic Competition
Policy #3230 - Outside Activities (Teaching Staff Members)
Policy #3281 - Inappropriate Staff Conduct (Teaching Staff Members)
Policy #4230 - Outside Activities (Support Staff Members)
Policy #4281 - Inappropriate Staff Conduct (Support Staff Members)
Policy #8505 - School Nutrition
Regulation #R2431.1 - Emergency Procedures for Athletic Practices and Competitions
Regulation #R2431.2 - Medical Examination to Determine Fitness for Participation in Athletics
Regulation #R3230 - Outside Activities (Teaching Staff Members)
Regulation #R3281 - Inappropriate Staff Conduct (Teaching Staff Members)
Regulation #R4230 - Outside Activities (Support Staff Members)
Regulation #R4281 - Inappropriate Staff Conduct (Support Staff Members)
P-1 Appointments
Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. Campbell
Approve the appointment of the following staff as recommended by the Superintendent for the 2012-2013 school year:
a. Tim Aumack as a replacement special education teacher at Ridgewood Avenue School on BA Step 1 ($50,926 pro-rated) effective January 30, 2013 until the return of the permanent staff member.
b. Jennifer Kramer as a replacement English teacher at Ridgewood Avenue School on MA Step 1 ($56,388 pro-rated) effective February 1, 2013 until the return of the permanent staff member.
c. Ellen Grzymkowski as a replacement office secretary at Glen Ridge High School on 12 month secretary step 1 ($44,618 pro-rated) effective February 8, 2013 until the return of the permanent staff member.
Campbell / de Leeuw / Eisen / Hilberth / Keppel / Kobernick / Moran / GinsburgAye / Not Present / Aye / Not Present / Not Present / Aye / Aye / Aye
P-2 Volunteers
Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. Campbell
Approve the following volunteers for the spring 2013 season:
a. John Scanlan, Greg Lane, and Brendan Keneally as volunteer coaches for the boys lacrosse team.
b. Robert Rollo and Michael Paterno as volunteer coaches for the boys baseball team.
c. Anthony Miscia as a volunteer coach for the girls softball team.
Campbell / de Leeuw / Eisen / Hilberth / Keppel / Kobernick / Moran / GinsburgAye / Not Present / Aye / Not Present / Not Present / Aye / Aye / Aye
P-3 Head Custodian Stipend
Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. Campbell
Approve a head custodian stipend for David Rotondo in the amount of $19.28 per diem at Forest Avenue School effective January 21, 2013.
Campbell / de Leeuw / Eisen / Hilberth / Keppel / Kobernick / Moran / GinsburgAye / Not Present / Aye / Not Present / Not Present / Aye / Aye / Aye
P-4 Retirement Resignation
Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. Campbell
Accept, with regret, the retirement resignation of Mary Giblin, school nurse at Linden Avenue School, effective June 30, 2013.
Campbell / de Leeuw / Eisen / Hilberth / Keppel / Kobernick / Moran / GinsburgAye / Not Present / Aye / Not Present / Not Present / Aye / Aye / Aye
P-5 Substitutes
Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. Campbell
Approve the addition of Amanda Saito, Barbara Runser and Patrick Crann to the substitute list for the 2012-2013 school year.
Campbell / de Leeuw / Eisen / Hilberth / Keppel / Kobernick / Moran / GinsburgAye / Not Present / Aye / Not Present / Not Present / Aye / Aye / Aye
P-6 Coach
Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. Campbell
Approve Patrick Crann as the assistant boys lacrosse coach on guide 3 step 7 year 13 ($7,846) for the spring 2013 season.
Campbell / de Leeuw / Eisen / Hilberth / Keppel / Kobernick / Moran / GinsburgAye / Not Present / Aye / Not Present / Not Present / Aye / Aye / Aye
C-1 Field Trips
Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. Campbell
Approve the following field trips for students for the 2012-2013 school year:
a. Forest Avenue 2nd grade students to visit Glen Ridge High School for the Senior Citizens Luncheon on February 11, 2013 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.a)
b. High School Chinese Club (grades 9-12) to visit Chinatown and experience the Chinese New Year in New York City on February 15, 2013 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.b)
c. Forest Avenue 1st grade students to see a live performance of “Charlotte’s Web” being held at Montclair State University on April 25, 2013 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.c)
d. High School Heroes & Cool Kids (grade 10) to attend two training conferences being held at Bergen Community College in Paramus, NJ on February 5 and April 23, 2013 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.d)
e. High School 9th grade students to view a production of Romeo & Juliet being held at Castle Shakespeare Repertory Company in Budd Lake, NJ on April 25, 2013 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.e)
f. High School French Club (grades 9-12) to attend a French concert at Alliance Francaise and dine at Mon Petit Cafe in New York City on March 4, 2013 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.f)
g. High School French Club (grades 10-12) to attend a Tour of Paris, “City of Light” in Paris, France from February 15-22, 2014 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.g)
h. Ridgewood Avenue 4th grade students to visit the mines and rock collecting at Franklin Mineral Museum on April 30, 2013 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.h)
Campbell / de Leeuw / Eisen / Hilberth / Keppel / Kobernick / Moran / GinsburgAye / Not Present / Aye / Not Present / Not Present / Aye / Aye / Aye
B-1 Financial Reports
Moved: Mr. Kobernick Seconded: Ms. Eisen
Approve the following financial reports as recommended by the Finance Committee:
a. Bills list through January 31, 2013 in the amount of $2,672,332.91
b. Student activity account bills listsfor the month of January 2013 as follows:
Linden Avenue School / $2,468.20Forest Avenue School / $700.00
Ridgewood Avenue School / $1,928.50
Glen Ridge High School / $30,874.03
Glen Ridge High School Athletics / $23,093.11
Campbell / de Leeuw / Eisen / Hilberth / Keppel / Kobernick / Moran / Ginsburg
Aye / Not Present / Aye / Not Present / Not Present / Aye / Aye / Aye
B-2 Workshops/Conferences
Moved: Mr. Kobernick Seconded: Ms. Eisen
Approve attendance at workshops/conferences for the following:
a. Lisa Schrager to attend SMART Board training being held at Keyboard Consultants, Inc. in Fairfield, NJ on February 26, 2013 for a total registration cost of $25.
b. Shana Caulfield to attend health education workshops “STI 101” on March 21, 2013,“Yes We Can! (Sexual Orientation)” on May 23, 2013, and “HIV/AIDS 101” on June 6, 2013 all being held at Central Jersey Family Health Consortium (CJFHC) in North Brunswick, NJ for a total cost of $205.17 ($150 registration plus $55.17 travel).
c. Heather Kobylinski to attend a 5 part education series for the Intimate Partner Violence Advocate (IPVA) Certification Program to be held on March 19, April 16, May 6, June 18, and July 10, 2013 being held at Prevent Child Abuse NJ in New Brunswick, NJ for a total cost of $590.10 ($500 registration plus $90.10 travel).
d. Lisa Schrager to attend the workshop “Applications of Probability” being held at Conquer Mathematics in Fairfield, NJ on March 22, 2013 for a total registration cost of $105.
e. Jarrad Nardiello to attend Orton-Gillingham training being held at the Holiday Inn Secaucus Meadowlands from April 15-19, 2013 for a total cost of $975.
f. Maria DiCondina to attend the 2013 NJAHPERD Annual Convention being held at the Ocean Place Resort & Spa in Long Branch, NJ on February 25, 2013 for a total cost of $133.48 ($100 registration plus $33.48 travel).
Campbell / de Leeuw / Eisen / Hilberth / Keppel / Kobernick / Moran / GinsburgAye / Not Present / Aye / Not Present / Not Present / Aye / Aye / Aye
B-3 Donations
Moved: Mr. Kobernick Seconded: Ms. Eisen
Accept, with thanks, the following generous donations:
a. Eight (8) Ladybug SMART cameras (valued at $2,700) from the Forest Avenue Home & School Association to be used at Forest Avenue School for building-wide curricular activities. (Exhibit B-3.a)
b. Laptop cart with 25 laptop computers (valued at approximately $16,000) from the Linden Avenue Home & School Association for Linden Avenue School. (Exhibit B-3.b)
c. Pallet jack from the Glen Ridge Music Parents Association to be used by the custodial staff at Glen Ridge High School. (Exhibit B-3.c)