Serving firefighters in the Minnesota counties of: SaintLouis, Koochiching, Itasca, Lake, Cook and Carlton
By-laws of the Arrowhead Regional Firefighters’ Association
adoptedby a membership vote at McDavitt Fire Dept. on Dec. 4, 2014 and
EFFECTIVE on January 1, 2015.
As follows:
The organization shall be known and designated as the Arrowhead Regional Firefighters’ Association, also known as Region #3 of the Minnesota State Fire Department Association (MSFDA).
To entitle any Fire Department to become a member of this Association, it must be an organized department, paid, partly paid, volunteer, independent, or contract department within the State of Minnesota in the area of counties listed below: Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Carlton, Itasca, & Koochiching counties.
The objectives of this Association shall be:
- To promote the general welfare of member departments
- To provide more efficient fire service to member communities through training opportunities, communication of hazards and sharing of fire experiences.
Section 1
The mission of the Arrowhead Regional Firefighters’ Association shall be to continuously improve the safety awareness and operational efficiency of member departments. The mission shall be accomplished through the communication of training opportunities, Fire Service Hazards, fire experience and administrative knowledge. The Arrowhead Regional Firefighters’ Association shall use associate membership in other fire and safety organizations to provide member departments informational updates in fire prevention, safety, firefighter welfare and fire-related legislation. It is the goal of this mission to accomplish a zero death and injury rate, a decrease in fire loss, and competent fire organizations in the Arrowhead Region.
Section 2
There shall be an Advisory Committee attached to this body consisting of the:
1.President of the Arrowhead Regional
2.Vice President of the Arrowhead Regional
3.Secretary/Treasurer of the Arrowhead Regional
4.Minnesota State Fire Department Association Representative
5.Minnesota State Fire Chiefs’ Association Representative
6.Volunteer Firefighters’ Benefit Association Representative
7.Two At-Large Members appointed by the President of the Association
8.Fire Marshall’s Office Representative
9.Arrowhead Training/F.I.R.E. Center Representative
10.Training Advisors: Area Technical Colleges
11.Editor of the Northland Fire Wire
12.Any and all such committee heads, permanent and/or temporary, as shall be appointed by the President of this Association.
This committee shall meet prior to each regularly scheduled meeting of this Association, and may meet at such special times as called for by its President. This committee shall operate as an advisory committee making recommendations to the membership regarding legislation and matters of importance to the Arrowhead association, suggest meeting agenda topics, and other tasks as deemed proper by the President.
Section 1
Each Officer shall be either an active member of a current member department of the Arrowhead Association, or by having attained Honorary Life Membership in the Arrowhead Association.
The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, and a Secretary-Treasurer. All officers to be elected for two (2) year terms. The President and Vice President shall be elected during theannual(winter) meeting of EVENnumbered calendar years and the Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected during the annual(winter) meeting of ODD numbered calendar years. All of the officers shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and qualified. New terms will begin January first of the year following election and run until December thirty-first of the second year of the term or until their successors have been duly elected and qualified. The Secretary-Treasurer must be bonded for not less than $1,500.00. Nominations for officesto be voted on at anannual (winter) meeting shall be made at the meeting immediately prior to that annual (winter) meeting. Additional nominations may be made at the annual (winter) meeting.
Section 2
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association. The President shall appoint all committees except the Executive committee. He/she shall also perform or cause to be performed such duties as pertain to his/her office.
Section 3
The Vice President shall perform his/her duties of the President during his/her absence or inability to perform his/her duties. In the absence of both of the officers, the members shall elect a President Pro Tem from their number.
Section 4
It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to keep a correct record of all the proceeding of this Association and conduct correspondence pertaining to his/her office. He/she shall receive all money due this Association. He/she shall make a written report to the Association at all or each regular meeting. He/she shall perform such other duties as the Association shall from time to time designate. He/she shall be compensated at the rate of $100.00 per month.
Section 5
It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to keep an accurate account of all financial transactions made by him/her and he/she shall submit a written report to the Association at each meeting. This report shall show the amount of money received and the disbursements made with a bank statement attached.
Section 6
Any officer may be removed from his/her office at any time by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the next regular meeting. Motion for dismissal must be accompanied by a show of good cause in writing.
Section 7
Whenever a vacancy occurs from any cause, the Association membership shall elect one of their members to fill the vacancy until the next regular annual (winter) meeting.
Section 1
The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer.
Section 2
The Executive Committee shall audit the books of the Treasurer prior to the annual meeting.
Section 3
Committees for purposes not specified in By-laws shall be appointed by the President of the Association. The President of the Association may serve as Chair of such committees or appoint any committee member as Chair.
Section 1
1.Call to order, Pledge of allegiance to flag, roll call of officers and departments.
2.Honoring of deceased members.
3.Reading of minutes of previous meetings.
4.Treasurer’s Report
5.Report of committees.
6.Application for membership – balloting on new members.
7.Old business
8.New business
9.Election of officers
10.Good of the Association
11.Selection of next meeting site – Adjournment
Section 2
Regular meetings of the Association should be held not less than two times during a calendar year with dates and time of day as directed by a vote of the members at a regular meeting, except that one meeting shall be within the first seven (7) days of each December and shall be known as the annual (winter) meeting
Section 3
Special meetings of this Association may be held at any time and/or place upon order of the Executive Committee. Notice of Special meetings shall be given in writing to each member department at least 30 days prior to said meeting. Only such business as the meeting was called for may be voted upon or transacted.
Section 4
Representatives from 11 member departments shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 5
Each department affiliated with this Association shall be allowed five (5) voting delegates at each meeting to vote upon business of the Arrowhead Association. The Arrowhead Association’s representative to the Minnesota State Fire Department Association (MSFDA) Board of Directors will be elected at the Arrowhead Association meeting immediately prior to the annual conference of the MSFDA in odd numbered years for a two (2) year term beginning at the close of the annual MSFDA conference of that year. Nominations for the MSFDA director election shall open one meeting prior to the meeting of the election, with nominations also accepted at the election meeting.
The Arrowhead Association’s representative to the Minnesota State Fire Chief’s Association (MSFCA) Board of Directors will be electedby members of the MSFCA only - according to procedures established by the MSFCA.
Section 6
The host department of a meeting of the Association shall have a split-the-pot raffle. Fifty percent (50%) of the proceeds of the raffle will go to the winner of the raffle and the rest of the proceeds to go to the Arrowhead Region general fund.
Section 7
Departments hosting meetings of the Arrowhead Regional Firefighters Association are encouraged to provide a lunch for the meeting attendees. The costs of such lunch shall be borne by the host department. Attendees that partake of the lunch shall pay the host department-upon registration at the meeting-a fee not more than the amount set by a majority vote of the membership present at annual (winter)meetings of the Association. Such maximum fee shall remain in effect until changed by a future vote at an annual (winter) meeting. Attendees not partaking of the lunch shall not be required to pay any lunch fee.
Section 1
The Association shall have a single fund to be used to defray the expenses of the Association.
Section 2
MSFDA and MSFCA representatives’ respective annual conference expenses not covered by the attendee’s home fire department, host State association or other entitymay be reimbursed by the Arrowhead Association to authorized delegates upon presentation of proper documentation of expenses. The Arrowhead will limit the number of representatives reimbursed to five active members of the association. The delegates representing the Arrowhead Association to include MSFDA and MSFCA board members, elected officers of the Arrowhead Association, or other individuals as designated by the Arrowhead Advisory Committee. Expenses to include housing, mileage, meals and registration fees.
Expenses for travel other than annual MSFDA and MSFCA conference attendance shall be reimbursed according to policies approved by the membership.
Section 3
The fiscal year of the Arrowhead Association shall be the same as calendar years.
Section 1
The membership fee for this Association shall be $65.00 per calendar year.
Section 2
Dues become due and payable January first of each calendar year.
Section 3
Membership will be terminated upon nonpayment of dues after two months and second notice of account due.
Section 1
That Honorary Life Membership may be granted by a vote of the membership to persons who have served for the good of the Association and have received a favorable recommendation by the Advisory committee prior to such vote. These people, through retirement, as outlined in Minnesota Statute 69.05, are no longer active members of a unit belonging to this Association. They shall be able to vote, hold elected office and serve on committees.
Section 1
All proposed changes of these By-laws shall be laid over until the next Regular meeting. The Secretary shall notify all member departments in good standing of the proposed change in the Association By-laws. Any member department not able to be represented at stated meeting may vote on change by proxy.
By-Laws of the Arrowhead Regional Firefighters’ Association