Gasper de Portola Middle School

18720 Linnet St, Tarzana, CA 91356


Dear Parents or Guardians:

Welcome to Mr. Terrien’s Horticulture Class! There are several things that your child will need to know in order to succeed in this class. I have listed below this year’s class rules, procedures, grading scale, and academic objectives. I have also attached a recommended supply list. I encourage you and your child to review this letter.


Class Rules:

·  Be Prompt,

·  Be Prepared,

·  Be Polite,

·  Be Productive


Class Procedures:

1. The school will send home a progress report every five weeks. This is not a final grade. The student will be given multiple opportunities to improve.

2. Parents may request a parent conference with all teachers by calling 818-654-3300 to schedule an appointment, or by emailing me directly at .

3. Students need to keep horticulture work in a folder and bring to class each day along with other school supplies (pencils, pens, paper, color pencils)

4. Work habits grades are based on attendance and participation. Cooperation grades are based behavior in class.


Grading Scale: Quizzes/ Tests 20%

A = 90-100 % Class work 70%

B = 80- 89 % Participation 10%

C = 70- 79 % Total 100%

D = 60- 69 %

F = 59 % and below

Note: All assignments will be graded on this scale and averaged together.


Work Habits:

E = Excellent / S = Satisfactory / U = Unsatisfactory
Classwork / Student turned in all classwork and had excellent participation / Student has turned in most classwork and had good participation / Student has turned in very little classwork and had poor participation
Supplies / Student comes everyday with all necessary supplies / Student comes most of the time with the necessary supplies / Student hardly ever comes with the necessary supplies


E = Excellent / S = Satisfactory / U = Unsatisfactory
Absences / Student has all absences excused / Student has only 1 or 2 absences not excused / Student has more than 2 absences not excused
Tardies / Student has been tardy 0-1 time / Student has been tardy 2 times / Student has been tardy 3 times
Behavior / Student shows Excellent behavior (i.e. raises hand to speak, starts assignments readily, eager to learn) / Student shows Satisfactory behavior (i.e. sometimes talks, sometimes ready to learn) / Student shows Unsatisfactory behavior (i.e. talks too much, gets out of seat without permission, disruptive)


The objective of this course is to expose students to the science of Horticulture. Students will deal with the art and science of vegetable and fruit garden planting and growing. Because of this objective we will spend a majority of time working in the garden.

Horticulture Supply List:

ü  Garden hat

ü  Gardening gloves

ü  Pens and pencils

ü  Color pencils

ü  Writing paper


Periodically, I may ask students to bring in material to do craft activities. Any help you can provide with materials would be greatly appreciated.