Please provide as much detail as possible to assist advocates in preparing for your request – thankyou.

Contact details

Contact Name: Meredith Griffiths


Phone/Mobile: 0466679989


Opportunity Information

Media Platform (e.g. daily newspaper, talk-back radio, current affairs television, magazine, on-line publication etc.):

ABC News – TV, Online, Radio

Media Outlet (who will publish/screen/air this piece?):


Style of Interview: How will this interview be conducted (e.g. telephone, in-person interview, live broadcast etc.)?

On camera but the journalist may need to be on the phone

Please indicate your time frames for this interview:

Wednesday 9th November 10am – 2pm

Where would you like to conduct the interview? Are you prepared to travel to an advocate?

Our camera operator will travel to the advocate

Due date for publication/screening/airing?

Wednesday 9th November 7pm

The Story

Please indicate the theme of your piece:

Latest data on prevalence of family violence in Australia

I would like to interview a woman who has experienced:

Family Violence

Please indicate the intended audience and aim of this piece:

Mainstream Australian TV audiences, alerting them to scale of problem

Please indicate any specific experiences you may wish an advocate to comment on (e.g. experience with the judiciary system, successful [or unsuccessful] conviction of a perpetrator, leaving a violent relationship etc.)

I don’t know just yet I’m sorry

Is this media piece linked to any other activity (e.g. White Ribbon, International Women’s Day, fund-raising etc.)?

Yes, the ABS Personal Safety Survey

Are you interviewing anyone else to help inform this piece?

Yes, the ABS and Our Watch

Advocate Safety

Do you require the advocate to have their photo taken, or would they be required to appear on television?

Yes please

If so, are you happy to use non-identifying pictures of the advocate to protect their safety?

Yes if necessary

Are you happy for advocates to use a pseudonym?

Yes if necessary


How did you hear about the Speaking Out program?

My colleague

Please provide other relevant information to assist the advocate in preparing for this opportunity:

Click here to enter text.

Thank you for completing the request for an advocate form.

We look forward to working with you on this advocacy opportunity!

Please return this form to:

Kate Gibson

Speaking Out Coordinator

0405 606 545

Please call or email Kate should you have any further questions