MAY 5, 2010
MAY 5, 2010
1:10 p.m.Convene in Regular Session
Flag Salute
Roll Call
Election of Officers(postponed from April 7, 2010)
-Vice Chairman
General Update of Planning Activities
Matters Initiated by Commissioners
Presentation by Staff
Approval of Minutes
Matters Initiated by the General Public
1:30 p.m.PUBLIC HEARING: USE PERMIT #2010-003, Judy Mansfield, to allow a 616 sq. ft. second dwelling on an 11.24 acre parcel. The existing residence is 1700 sq. ft. in size. The project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15303(a) of the Guidelines. The parcel is zoned A-1 (General Agricultural District) and is designated “Intensive Agriculture.” The project site is located at 454-305 Highway 395, 3.6 miles north of Milford. APN: 135-020-51. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner.
1:35 p.m.PUBLIC HEARING: (Continued to June 2, 2010) NEGATIVE DECLARATION ANDUSE PERMIT #2009-081, Gregory Brehm (OPDE), to allow a 5 Megawatt single axis tracking solar power generation facility on a 28.5 acre parcel. The project is to allow up to 500 “MS-1E single axis trackers,” which are approximately 15.65 feet tall and have solar panels that are approximately 1,000 square feet. The project also proposes the development of a water well, septic system, 1,500 square foot office and a 3,000 square foot shop. The project site is zoned U-C-P-S (Upland Conservation, Public Safety Combining District), and is located north of the Sierra Army Depot, approximately one mile northeast of the Amedee Airstrip, and approximately 3,000 feet south of Wendel Road (Co. Rd. 320). APN: 133-080-48. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner.
1:40 p.m.PUBLIC HEARING: USE PERMIT #2010-013, Sierra Pacific Industries/Padoma Wind Power LLC, to allow a temporary 262 foot tall meteorological tower to be placed for no more than five years. The proposed tower may have marker lighting as to be determined by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15306 of the Guidelines. The project site is zoned T-P-Z (Timber Production Zone District) and is located approximately 6.6 miles north of the intersection of Bear Springs Road and Highway 299 and 6.3 miles northwest of Nubieber. APN: 001-060-19. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner.
1:45 p.m.PUBLIC HEARING: USE PERMIT #2010-014, Sierra Pacific Industries/Padoma Wind Power LLC, to allow a temporary 262 foot tall meteorological tower to be placed for no more than five years. The proposed tower may have marker lighting as to be determined by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15306 of the Guidelines. The project site is zoned T-P-Z (Timber Production Zone District) and is located approximately 10.5 miles northeast of the intersection of Pittville Road and Highway 44 and 11 miles southeast of Little Valley. APN: 051-100-10. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner.
1:50 p.m.PUBLIC HEARING: USE PERMIT #2010-015, Sierra Pacific Industries/Padoma Wind Power LLC, to allow a temporary 262 foot tall meteorological tower to be placed for no more than five years. The proposed tower may have marker lighting as to be determined by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15306 of the Guidelines. The project site is zoned T-P-Z (Timber Production Zone District) and is located approximately .85 miles north of the intersection of Bear Springs Road and Highway 299 and 2.75 miles southwest of Nubieber. APN: 013-030-55. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner.
2:00 p.m.PUBLIC HEARING: VESTED RIGHTS DETERMINATION #820.06.01, Steve Manning, Michael Kirack (Applicants); Red River Forests Partnership/Beaty & Associates, Inc. (Property Owner); to consider whether there are vested rights for an unnamed quarry located north of Highway 36 where it crosses the Susan River, in an area known as the “Devils Corral.” The applicants contend that the quarry was opened before a use permit or other entitlement was required and therefore does not require a use permit pursuant to the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act and Lassen County Code Section 9.60 et seq. APN: 115-200-55. Staff Contact: Gaylon Norwood, Senior Planner.
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For questions, please contact the Lassen County Planning and Building Services Department, 530 251-8269