Instructions for completing Form #3 are in Section II.A.3 in the EPC Manual
Anne Arundel Community College Educational Policies and Curriculum Committee /

Form #3 - New Course

Date Submitted:__1/5/12_
School / School of Health Professions, Wellness, and Physical Education / Department / Health Information Technology
Claire L. Smith / 1/5/12 / Tracey Lloyd / 12/1/2011
Signature of Approving Dean / Date / Signature of Approving Department Chair/Program Manager / Date
Kelly Hugo / 10/18/2011
Initiator / Date / Phone Extension of Initiator / X7115
EPC Subcommittee Review /
EPC Committee Action
/ 2/15/12
Approved Disapproved / Date
Susan Fox / 1/13/12 / Academic Council Action / 3/8/12
Subcommittee Chair / Date / Approved Disapproved / Date

New Course Information

  1. Suggested Course Prefix & No.:
/ HET 113 / Approved Course Prefix & No. :
  1. Suggested Course Title:
/ Introduction to Health Information Technology 2
  1. Credit Hours
/ 2 /
  1. Anticipated date of initial offering:
/ Spring, 2013
  1. Lab Fee/Yes (If yes, submit Form 10A)No
Instructional Fee / Amount:
  1. Other Fees (Travel expenses, admission fees, etc.) YesNo
/ Amount:
Brief justification of other fee:
  1. Will this course be cross listed with other departments? YesNo If yes, please list course Prefix & No. ______
Signature of approving cross listing department: ______
  1. Check any or all that apply:
/ Submit Form: / Approved
Program Requirement
Specify program
Health Information Technology
Program Elective
Specify program / N/A
General Education / #6 – General Education Course
Diversity / #12A – Diversity Course
Computer Competency / #7 – Computer and Information Technologies Worksheet
Special Topics course
/ #5– New Special Topics Course
If you checked general education, select all of the following categories that apply:
Arts and Humanities
Biological & Physical Sciences
English Composition
Interdisciplinary Studies and Emerging Issues
Computer Technology
Social and Behavioral Sciences
  1. Statement of purpose and need for the course:
/ The program received recommendations from the external, national surveying organization that the HET 111 course (HET 111-3 credits) needed to be two courses, and that the two courses should be taught in consecutive semesters
  1. Complete Catalog Description
/ HET 113
Introduction to Health Information Technology 2
2 credits – 30 hours of lecture; one term.
Learn electronic health information systems and their design, implementation, voice recognition technology and application. Continue to build on knowledge of imaging technology, information security and integrity, data dictionaries, modeling, and warehousing to meet health care system needs. Apply policies/procedures to facilitate electronic health records and other administrative applications.
Prerequisite: HET 111 (with a C or better).
  1. Does this course require any of the following? If so, please list these along with other notes and special requirements in the course description.
  2. Co-requisites: Yes No
Restate Co-requisite statement from the catalog description:
  1. Prerequisites: Yes No
Restate Prerequisite statement from the catalog description: / BIO 231 or BIO 233, BIO 232 or 234, CSI 112 or CSI 113, MDA 113, MDA 114, HET 111 (all prerequisites must have a grade of C or better).
  1. Has this course been taught as a special topics course? Yes No
If yes, enter the course number and semester(s) taught:
  1. Credit Hours: - __2___
    Choose one:
    Credit-bearing course Developmental equivalent credit hours

  1. Contact Hours Calculation
    List contact hours per semester. Please read “Time Requirements for Award of College Credit” in Section III.G.2 of the EPC Manual
Contact Hours
Lecture / 30
Laboratory (select one):
Other (select one):
Recitation (music)
Total Contact Hours / 30
  1. Colleges and Universities consulted during course development:
/ No, this was a national accrediting body recommendation
  1. Level at which four-year colleges and universities offer this course:
/ n/a
If course is usually an upper level course, explain why it is being offered at freshman/sophomore level. / n/a
  1. Have you consulted with Truxal Library staff to ensure that adequate resources (books, reference materials, online databases) are available to support this course/program? Yes No

  1. Grade Policy: A/F Other
Pass/Fail / If Pass/Fail or Other, give brief rationale:
  1. Repeatable for additional credit:
    Yes No
/ If yes, enter maximum credits allowed: ______
  1. Maximum section size:
Lecture / 30
Other(specify type)
/ If fewer than 20, state rationale:
  1. Facility Required: General Purpose
    Special Purpose
/ Explain what kind of Special Purpose facility is needed:
  1. Continuing Education Share – Is this course to be shared with Continuing Education-
Yes No / If yes, state rationale:
The checklist that follows contains the documentation required to accompany this proposal form. Submit all documents in one email to the EPC Committee Chair and the Secretary.

Form #3 Checklist

(See “Instructions for Submitting Electronic Forms” in Section II.B of the EPC Manual)

Document / Attached / N/A
Form # 3 – New Course Form
Form #3A – Course Outline
WIDS Course Outcomes Summary
Form #10A – Recommendation to Create a New Course Lab Fee
As Appropriate:
Please submit the following forms,
Form #6 – General Education Course
Form #12A – Diversity Course
Form #7 – Computing and Information Technologies Competency Designated Course

Form #3A – Course Outline

Instructions for completing Form #3A are in Section II.A.4 in the EPC Manual


Course Information:

Course Name: / Introduction to Health Information Technology 2
Course Number: / HET 113
Credit Hours: / 2
Initiator: / Kelly Hugo
School: / School of Health Professions, Wellness and Physical Education
Department: / Health Information Technology
Date: / November 28, 2011
*Course Category (ies): / EXTERNAL REQUIREMENTS:

Catalog Description:

HET 113
Introduction to Health Information Technology 2
2 credits – 30 hours of lecture; one term.
Learn electronic health information systems and their design, implementation, voice recognition technology and application. Continue to build on knowledge of imaging technology, information security and integrity, data dictionaries, modeling, and warehousing to meet health care system needs. Apply policies/procedures to facilitate electronic health records and other administrative applications.
Prerequisite: HET 111 (with a C or better).

Division Of Subject Matter:

Main Topics / Lecture Hours / Directed/Lab Hours / Practicum/ Clinical
1.0 / Introduction to the Electronic Health Record / 2
2.0 / Information Systems Theory and Systems Development Life Cycle / 3
3.0 / Challenges to EHR Adoption / 2
4.0 / EHR Project Management:Roles in Design andImplementation / 3
5.0 / EHR Goal Setting and Impacton Quality of Care / 3
6.0 / Healthcare ProcessAssessment / 2
7.0 / Functional Needs Assessment / 2
8.0 / Data Infrastructure Assessment / 3
9.0 / Information Technology and Systems Infrastructure / 3
10.0 / EHR Selection and Contract Negotiation / 2
11.0 / Growing Momentum for Health Information Exchange (HIE) / 2
Testing / 3
Total / 30

Detailed Course Outline

Main Topic / Lecture Hours / Directed/Lab Hours / Practicum/
1.0 Introduction to the Electronic Health Record / 2
1.1 Electronic Health Record Definition / .5
1.2 Components of the EHR / .5
1.3 EHR Terminology / .5
1.4 Core Clinical Applications / .5
2.0 Information Systems Theory and Systems Development Life Cycle / 3
2.1 General Systems Theory / .5
2.2 Information Theory / 1
2.3 Information Systems Theory / .5
2.4 Systems Development Life Cycle / 1
3.0 Challenges to EHR Adoption / 2
3.1 Legality of the EHR / 1
3.2 Overcoming Clinician Resistance / 1
4.0 EHR Project Management:Roles in Design andImplementation / 3
4.1 Prerequisites for EHR Success / 1
4.2 EHR Project Scope and Characteristics / .5
4.3. Project Manager Skills / .5
4.4 Project Phases and Lifecycles / 1
5.0 EHR Goal Setting and Impacton Quality of Care / 3
5.1 Benefits of an EHR / 1
5.2 Cost-Benefit Feasibility Study / 1
5.3. Goal Setting / 1
6.0 Healthcare ProcessAssessment / 2
6.1 Importance and Scope of Process Assessment / 1
6.2 Purpose and Timing of Process Assessment / 1
7.0 Functional Needs Assessment / 2
7.1 Importance and Scope of Functional Needs Assessment / 1
7.2 Purpose and Timing of Functional Needs Assessment / 1
8.0 Data Infrastructure Assessment / 3
8.1 Data Infrastructure / .5
8.2 Types of EHR Data / 1
8.3. Vocabularies in EHR Functionality / .5
8.4 Data Structures / 1
9.0 Information Technology and Systems Infrastructure / 3
9.1 Scope of EHR System Architecture / .5
9.2 Hardware / .5
9.3. Network Configuration / 1
9.4 Application Integration/Interfaces / 1
10.0 EHR Selection and Contract Negotiation / 2
10.1 Executing EHR Planning / .5
10.2 Selecting a Vendor / .5
10.3. Request for Information / .5
10.4 Performing Final Due Diligence / .5
11.0 Growing Momentum for Health Information Exchange (HIE) / 2
11.1 Health Information Exchange (HIE)in the US / .5
11.2 Health Information Exchange Organizations / .5
11.3. Health Information Exchange Architecture / .5
11.4 Benefits of Health Information Exchange / .5
Testing / 3
Total / 30


Title / Author / Publisher / Year of Publication / ISBN
Electronic Health Records / Margaret K. Amatayakul / AHIMA / 2009 / 978-1-58426-219-0
Introductions to Computer Systems for Health Information Technology / Nanette B. Sayles
Kathy C. Trawick / AHIMA / 2010 / 978-1-58426-220-6

References (Optional)

*NOTE: Eligibility for any of these categories must be clearly evident from the content of the detailed course outline.

EPC Form 3 – Revised 6/11