A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay on Tuesday 1st October, at 7.30 p.m.

Present: Councillors: M. Jenkins (Chairman), Mrs. R. Atkinson, C. Campbell,

D. Butler, W. Hanks, D. Hignell, C. Woodward

Cllr. G. Duffield (District Councillor), Cllr. R. Webber (County Councillor)

Clerk: Mrs. L. Martin

4 members of the public

Joined by Cllrs. Ms. T. Field

2013/223 Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. Mrs. H. Knight,

R. Mead and J.Warwick.

2013/224 Declarations of Interest and applications for dispensation

Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson declared a personal interest in the agenda item relating to accommodation for the Damascus Youth Project in that she had connections to the Project.

Cllr. D. Hignell declared an interest in the notification to Council of the planning application for the Barn House and the notification of the appeal for the extension to 93 Bradstocks Way, in that he was the applicant for the Barn House, and agent for the appellant at 93 Bradstocks Way. He noted these matters were just for reporting to Council, but stated he would leave the room if necessary.

2013/225 Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd September, 2013

These were agreed and signed as a true record of the proceedings.

2013/226 Matters arising from the Minutes of the meetings held on 3rd September,


Recreation Ground

Council noted that the working party undertaking a risk assessment would meet later in October.

High Street – Verges

These had been walked by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and representatives from the County Council and Southern Gas Networks. The areas for restoration had been agreed and works carried out.

Past minutes - Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson stated that in minute 2013/199 - village hall, she wished to have her comment recorded that the Parish Council had taken a long time to discharge an action agreed with the village hall committee.

Village Hall – subsidence

Cllr. Atkinson reported that a representative from the hall’s insurance


company had visited the hall and taken soil samples. There was possible subsidence owing to tree roots.

2013/227 Public Participation

Meeting open to the public – warehouse presentation

A member of the public wished to record in the Council’s minutes, his thanks to those involved in the presentation of facts about the warehouse proposal. He expressed his regret at the lack of councillors present at the meeting.

Cllr. Ms. T. Field joined the meeting

High Street – Verges

It was reported that the verges by Lady Place still had to be attended to.

Village Hall report last meeting

A member of the public echoed the statement of the chairman of the village hall committee at the last meeting and encouraged village hall matters to move forward.

Possible donation to parish

Reference was made to the planning application for a warehouse off Sutton Courtenay Lane and the offer by the applicant to provide a donation to either the Parish Council or Sutton Courtenay (National Power) Trust. It was stated that should funds be forthcoming it should go to the Council and not the Trust. There were strong requests coming from the responses to the community led plan questionnaire, and the public deserved a say in future spending. The chairman confirmed that there was no agreement to accept any funds as yet.

Millennium Common

It was reported that the Common area was a shambles, and hopes for improvements were expressed as funds were available, and a new committee appointed.

Evergreen Club

It was reported that the village hall charged £18 for the Evergreen Club to hire the hall. A request was made for the charge to be waived as the group was finding it difficult to meet the cost. The Chairman advised that this was a matter for the village hall management committee. Members had heard that the problem was due to transport issues rather than hall hire costs. Enquiries would be made by the secretary to the village hall committee and the matter discussed outside of Council meetings as the matter did not relate to the Parish Council.

Cllr. R. Webber joined the meeting


Housing Guidance

The Council was asked to consider drafting a document similar to that of Drayton Parish Council.

Cycle Track - Cutting

As Cllr. Webber had arrived, a question was raised regarding the cutting back of the overgrowth on the cycle track. Cllr. Webber would pursue this.

2013/228 County Councillor’s report – Cllr. R. Webber

Landfill Site The two planning applications had been turned down by the County Council. FCC had approached Cllr. Webber, so direct communication would assist in future matters.

Drayton Road Traffic Calming – The County Council was now saying that traffic calming in Drayton Road was possible.

General questions were put to Cllr. Webber.

2013/229 District Councillor’s Report – Cllr. G. Duffield

Recruitment Day – The District Council was holding a recruitment day for new district council staff

News sheet for members – There was to be training within the members on planning matters.

Appleford parish – Appleford parish was likely to be the subject of a planning application for recreation facilities for Didcot. He encouraged villages to think about the accumulative impact on their areas where there were several applications.

2013/230 Matters raised by members for information

Clerk’s workload – The workload of the clerk needed consideration when planning items.

Barretts Way / Bradstocks Way - Dog Waste Bin – This needed resetting in concrete.

Courtenay Close – It was understood that a driver emerging from Courtenay Close had hit a cyclist. Questions were asked as to what

could be done to improve visibility. The clerk would check with the County Council, as an officer had met on site with a resident to discuss whether the County Council could do anything, as Courtenay Close was a private road.

Harwell Road School Sign – This had now been straightened.

Barretts Way garage block – There was guttering in need of repairs, weeds that needed clearing, also litter.

Barretts Way cul-de-sac – residents were complaining about the state and condition of the amenity area

Old Wallingford Way , Football Club refuse bins – These were not being emptied by the contractor as the lorry was unable to get down the lane.


2013/231 Police Matters

There were no matters raised

2013/232 Planning Applications

a) Decisions on previous applications

P13/V1479/HH and P13/V1480/LB Single store side extension

7 Long Barn

Permitted 23rd September, 2013

Appeal against the refusal by Vale of White Horse District Council

to allow the erection of 9 dwellings (P12/V1614/O)

Peewit Farm, Drayton Road

Appeal dismissed 12th September, 2013

b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting

P13/V1893/HH Proposed alterations to existing conservatory roof to include roof lights and alter existing garage flat roof to a pitched tiled roof

8 Harwell Road

For: Mr. A. Whitehead

Comments: Council had no objections

P13/V1991/HH Proposed single storey oak framed extension to kitchen/breakfast room and single storey extension to study

The Barn House, Old Wallingford Way

For: Mr. I. and Mrs. S. Hignell

Comments: Council had no objections

c) Planning Applications considered at the meeting

P13/V1988/LB Replacement boiler to east side of building

The Abbey, The Green

For: Mr. B. Strachan

Comments: Council had no objections

P13/V1832/O proposed redevelopment of existing buildings and land to provide new buildings for storage and distribution (Class B8) and ancillary facilities, car and lorry parking, service areas, access and landscaping

Land west of the power station, Sutton Courtenay Lane

For: Diageo Pension Trust Ltd

Comments: Council objected to the proposal. The key objections were on the traffic implication, travel plan, cumulative impact, impact for the primary school, the overall design and impact, air quality, acoustic impact, drainage, effect on local biodiversity, socio-economic impact, and the coalescence of settlements.


d) Planning Correspondence

Notification of appeal against the refusal by the Vale of White Horse District Council to permit one and a half storey side extension

93 Bradstocks Way

For: Mr. I. Maconochie

2013/233 Possible donation to the parish

Council noted that the agents acting on behalf of the landowners of the w proposed warehouse site, had offered, to donate funds for the benefit of the parish. This was stated as being part of the landowner’s commitment of investing in the communities in which it had a presence. Members discussed whether the Council was the appropriate body to receive funding, or whether any offer should be made to another body, such as Sutton Courtenay (National Power) Trust.

Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson proposed that although the Parish Council had vehemently objected to the planning application for a warehouse, should the Vale of White Horse District Council be minded to grant permission,

then the community of Sutton Courtenay should be recompensed for the impact of the warehouse. This was seconded by Cllr. Butler.

The Chairman called for a show of hands of those in favour.

In favour


Members discussed which organisation should hold any funding, and noted that this would have to be secured legally. Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson proposed that should the Parish Council be in a position to receive funds, then the Parish Council should be the recipient body. This was seconded by Cllr. Butler

The Chairman called for a show of hands of those in favour

In favour



(i) that a letter be written to Acceleris, agents for the applicant, advising that, should the District Council, grant planning consent for a warehouse off Sutton Courtenay Lane, then the parish should be compensated by way of funds being donated to the Parish Council.

(ii) that Acceleris be asked to fund any legal costs involved for securing any funding.


2013/234 MEPC – Liaison Meeting 25th September, 2013

Cllr. Hanks gave a report on this meeting which he had attended. The site occupied 2.5million sq. feet of space in the units, and 7,000 people were employed. Some new units were being constructed and a re-design taking place by the front entrance, but this would be after the A34 Milton Interchange changes had taken place.

2013/235 MEPC – Accommodation for Damascus Youth Project

Council noted that the use of the Damascus office accommodation on Milton Park would come to an end later in the year. Council considered writing to MEPC to request that consideration be given to finding alternate accommodation.


(i) that a letter be written to MEPC requesting that consideration be given to finding alternative office accommodation for Damascus

(ii) that the Clerk liaise with Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson regarding this matter.

2013/236 Terms of Reference for Community Governance Review - Vale of White Horse District Council

Council considered the recommendation of the District Council’s working party, that the placing of the whole of Milton Park in one parish be included in the Community Governance Review being undertaken by the Vale of White Horse District Council. The Council could not see any advantage to this, and believed that any change would not have a positive impact for community governance in the area.


that this Council does not support the principle of considering the parish boundaries at this location

2013/237 Recreation Ground

Council received a report from Cllr. Butler who had inspected the area regularly since the last meeting. He reported that there was graffiti on the goal area within the multi-use games area.


that Cllr. Hignell undertake the play equipment inspections on a weekly basis until the November meeting of the Council.

2013/238 Millennium Common Committee Meeting 26th September, 2013

Cllr. Hignell gave a report from this meeting which he had attended. Quotations were being investigated regarding maintenance of the area. The Chairman together with the treasurer had powers to draw down


funds in an emergency. The position as to whether the committee

needed its own insurance was being checked.

2013/239 Housing Policy Guidance

Council noted, that, as part of its neighbourhood plan, Drayton Parish Council had prepared housing policy guidance. Council considered, at the request of a member of the public, whether a similar policy document should be drafted for Sutton Courtenay. The community led plan questionnaires were in circulation, and members felt that it was important to have the results of village opinion first. Members discussed the type of document. Preferences was for a general document.


(i) that the matter be deferred until after the community led plan consultation was complete

(ii) that a summary sheet for housing guidance be considered

at a future date

2013/240 Cemetery Wall – Plaque

Council considered a request for a plaque to be affixed to the inside of the cemetery wall by a family in memory of a relative. The location to be close to another family member’s grave. The plaque to contain the name, age and date of death.


that a brass plaque of dimensions 7” x 4” be permitted

2013/241 Correspondence

a) Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association – Annual General Meeting 17th October, 2013

b) Oxfordshire County Council – Entry to primary school information

2013/242 Accounts

The external audit for the year 2012/2013 had now been completed and Council noted the external auditor’s report. This stated that an incorrect box had been ticked on the annual return.

Council noted the quarterly report on the accounts from the financial officer. Council considered the insurance for the year October 2013- September 2014, and noted the discount available for entering into an agreement for a further 2 years after the current year.

Council noted the list of cheques to be signed and authorised payments totalling £4004.56 in respect of administration, grass cutting, dog waste bin emptying, removal of graffiti expenses, and donation


(i) that the annual return be approved and accepted

(ii) that the accompanying report be noted


(iii) that this Council enter into a 3 year agreement with Aviva for insurance cover

2013/243 Items for inclusion in Sutton Courtenay News

Council suggested that its decision to object to the planning application for a warehouse in Sutton Courtenay Lane and the appeal decision on the erection of 9 dwellings at Peewit Farm be included.