Grant Guidelines
The Union Schools Education Foundation awards grants to educators of the Union School District once a year for projects that provide educational opportunities for students that would otherwise go unfunded by District allocations.
There are four initiates the District has identified to the Foundation as areas of focus and this year the Foundation has decided to award grants in those following four areas:
1. Early Childhood Education
2. Community Schools
3. STEM Initiative
4. College and Career Ready programs.
To submit a Grant the following is required:
1. Completed, TYPED Grant Application. Applications can be downloaded from UPS or USEF websites.
2. The Grant Application must be thorough and accurate in assessing the impact of the project. Explain how this Grant relates to the District’s initiatives stated above.
3. Detail your funding request and get necessary signatures.
4. Include specific information about the materials and equipment needed, sources for supplies, and all costs. If your Grant includes the purchase of hardware or software, you must verify compatibility with UPS computer systems. Include the approval from the IT department with your application.
5. Site Grants may be submitted but are limited to 1 grant per every 1,000 students at the site, and must impact a majority of the students at the site. (Example: if a particular site has 750 students, the site can apply for one Site Grant.) All site Grants must be reviewed and approved by the site Principal.
6. Districtwide or special program Grants may be submitted. Grant must impact students throughout the District within a grade level and preferably all students within an education level. All Districtwide or special program grants must be approved by Dr. Hartzler or Dr. Dodd, prior to submission.
7. On the actual “Grant Application” form, DO NOT disclose the name of the applicant(s) or school (if an elementary school). Name(s) and site should be on “information” portion of the form only.
8. All applications must be submitted with required approvals from the site principal, program administrator, or for District Grants, the Superintendent. Approvals must be indicated on the “Information” portion of the form.
9. All applications must be completed, typed, and received by Friday, January 31, 2014, at 5 p.m. to USEF, Grant Committee, 8506 E. 61st St., Tulsa, OK 74133.
In awarding Grants, the Foundation’s Grant Committee shall be governed by the following:
1. To ensure the integrity of the grant allocation process, members of the Grant Committee shall not have any direct evidence identifying the applicant or school site. If the identity of a secondary school is referenced in an application, every effort will be made to not reference the identity of the applicant.
2. All Grant applications are sent through a District vetting process prior to review from the Grant Committee to ensure every request is concurrent with District goals and initiatives.
3. The Foundation will award grants based on the proposed program/project as it relates to the District’s key initiatives, merits of the application, and the impact on learning and measurable cost effectiveness.
4. A sample of the “Grant Scorecard” is available on the UPS and Foundation websites.
5. The Foundation will consider Grants for additional phases or components of a program or project that was previously awarded a Grant.
6. Grant applications with any reference to applicant’s name, other than on the “Information” sheet, will be disqualified.
7. Individual teacher, team or classroom grants are limited to a maximum of $1,000 each. Site grants may be submitted and will be limited to $2,000 each. Districtwide or special program grants are limited to no more than $5,000 each.
8. Multiple grants may be submitted; however, only one (1) grant will be awarded per individual/team member during a school year. (Note: the grant with the highest composite score will be selected and awarded, if more than one grant is submitted.)
9. The final awarding and funding of all Grants shall be made by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees based on recommendations by the Grant Committee.
“Grant Information Sheet”
Applicant’s Name*: ______Title: ______
Email Address: ______
Home Address: ______
Phone Number: ______School Site: ______
Type of Grant (check one): □ Teacher, Classroom or Team Grant □ Site Grant □ Districtwide or Special Grant
Title of Program/Project: ______
Required Approval(s):
Site Principal/Program Administrator: ______Date: ______
Union Technology Dept. (if applicable): ______Date: ______
Superintendent (if applicable): ______Date: ______
I verify the information I have submitted in this Grant Application to be true to the best of my ability. I further understand the criteria for evaluation and will respect the decision of the USEF Grant Committee.
______Date: ______
Signature of Applicant(S)
*NOTE: This is the only place the applicant’s name should appear on the application. The “Grant Information Sheet” is NOT provided to the Grant Committee during the review process.
2013-14 Grant Application
Title of Program/Project: ______
Complete the questions below in regards to the program/project for which you are requesting funds. Please remember all Grant Applications MUST BE TYPED.
1. Describe in one paragraph a summary of the needs this program/project addresses.
2. Explain how this request relates to the “Four Pillars” of the Union School District (Early Childhood Education, Community Schools, STEM, or College/Career Readiness).
3. What are the learning objectives, materials needed, and the instructional methods that will be used? (Please submit supporting documentation such as vendor descriptions or illustrations.)
4. What is the approximate number of students who will be affected by this program/project (both directly and indirectly)?
5. How will you determine whether the objectives are achieved and if the program/project is successful? What measurements will be used?
6. What is the time schedule for implementation of this program/project?
7. Provide a detailed budget. Include specific information such as materials and equipment needs, sources for supplies, and costs. Categories to be used could be items such as materials, equipment, food, shipping and handling, etc.
Item Supplier Budget Amount
Six(6) pig heart/lungs Scientific Anatomy, Inc. $120.00
+ 8.50 shipping
8. Total Grant Requested $ ______
Total Cost of Project $ ______
(If you are receiving funds from another source please provide that information.)
Please read and initial.
If a Grant is awarded, you agree and take full responsibility to provide to the Foundation all proper invoices and documentation verifying the use of the funds by April 1, 2015. If documentation is not received all funds must be returned/reimbursed to the Foundation. No Grant will be funded if employment has been terminated with Union Public Schools. All purchases made through Foundation Grant funds are the property of Union Public Schools and must be left with the classroom or site if employment is terminated with the District.