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Fig. S1 Example of sampling design on one native warm-season grass buffer. A = 50-m butterfly transect (n = 3 per buffer separated by 50-m). B = 200-m bird transect (n = 1 per buffer). C = butterfly habitat sampling 0.25-m2 quadrats (n = 6 per transect, 18 per buffer). D = plant community sampling 1-m2 quadrats (n = 10 per transect, 30 per buffer). Note: In actuality, the bird transect overlays the butterfly transects.
Table S1 Plant species detected. Species planted in the CP33 mix are boldface.
Native Grasses: Andropogon gerardii; Andropogon glomeratus; Bouteloua curtipendula; Dichanthelium commutatum;Digitaria ciliaris; Hordeum pusillum; Muhlenbergia capillaris; Panicum virgatum; Schizachyrium scoparium; Sorghastrum nutans; Tripsacum dactyloides;
Inroduced Grasses: Echinochloa colona; Paspalum dilatatum; Paspalum notatum; Paspalum urvillei; Schedonorus phoenix; Setaria pumila; Sorghum bicolor; Sorghum halepense; Urochloa mutica
Native Perennial Forbs: Allium canadense; Asclepias tuberosa; Conoclinium coelestinum; Desmanthus illinoensis;Diodia teres; Erigeron strigosus; Eupatorium capillifolium; Eupatorium perfoliatum; Helianthus angustifolius; Helianthus maximiliani; Hyptis alata; Lespedeza virginica; Lobelia spicata; Mimosa microphylla; Mimosa strigillosa; Oenothera speciosa; Oxalis stricta; Phytolacca americana; Plantago lanceolata; Polygonum glabrum; Potentilla simplex; Pycnanthemum incanum; Ranunculus fascicularis; Rudbeckia hirta; Rumex hastatulus; Senna obtusifolia; Sesbania herbacea; Solanum carolinense; Solidago canadensis; Symphyotrichum pilosum; Taraxacum officinale; Verbena halei; Vernonia gigantean
Native Annual Forbs: Agalinis purpurea; Amaranthus hybridus;Ambrosia artemisiifolia; Ambrosia trifida; Bidens bipinnata; Chamaecrista fasciculata; Chamaecrista nictitans; Chamaesyce cordifolia; Cirsium horridulum; Conyza canadensis; Galium aparine; Gamochaeta purpurea; Geranium carolinianum; Helenium amarum; Iva annua; Jacquemontia tamnifolia; Krigia virginica; Lactuca canadensis; Lamium amplexicaule; Monarda citriodora; Nuttallanthus canadensis; Physalis pubescens; Plantago virginica; Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium; Pyrrhopappus carolinianus; Triodanis perfoliata; Valerianella radiate
Introduced Perennial Forbs: Rumex crispus
Introduced Annual Forbs: Cucumis melo; Daucus carota; Sonchus asper; Torilis arvensis; Verbascum thapsus; Verbena brasiliensis; Vicia sativa
Native Perennial Vines: Ampelopsis arborea; Campsis radicans; Ipomoea pandurata; Rubus trivialis; Toxicodendron radicans; Vitis rotundifolia
Perennial Sedges and Rushes: Carex annectens; Carex striata; Cyperus echinatus; Cyperus esculentus; Cyperus rotundus; Cyperus surinamensis; Juncus tenuis; Rhynchospora cephalantha
Native Shrubs and Trees: Callicarpa americana; Pinus taeda; Prunus angustifolia; Robinia hispida; Rubus argutus; Sambucus nirgra ssp. canandensis
Introduced Shrubs: Lespedeza bicolor
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Table S2 Detected butterfly species and guild classification.
Disturbance Guild: American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis), American Snout (Libytheana carinenta), Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes), Common Checkered Skipper (Pyrgus communis), Checkered White (Pontia protodice), Clouded Sulphur/Orange Sulfur (Colias philodice/Colias eurytheme), Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae), Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia), Southern Dogface (Zerene cesonia), Eastern Tailed-blue (Cupido comyntas), Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus), Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae), Little Yellow (Pyrisitia lisa), Long-tailed Skipper (Urbanus proteus), Monarch (Danaus plexippus), Pearl Crescent (Phyciodes tharos), Sleepy Orange (Abaeis nicippe), Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia).
Grassland Guild: Clouded Skipper (Lerema accius), Crossline Skipper (Polites origenes), Delaware Skipper (Anatrytone logan), Dun Skipper (Euphyes vestris), Eufala Skipper (Lerodea eufala), Fiery Skipper (Hylephila phyleus), Sachem (Atalopedes campestris), Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus), Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis), Southern Cloudywing (Thorybes bathyllus), Southern Skipperling (Copaeodes minima), Swarthy Skipper (Nastra lherminier), Tawny-edged Skipper (Polites themistocles), Whirlabout (Polites vibex).
Forest Guild: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes), Great Purple Hairstreak (Atlides halesus), Hackberry Emperor (Asterocampa celtis), Horace's Duskywing (Erynnis horatius), Olive/Juniper Hairstreak (Callophrys gryneus), Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor), Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis), Red-banded Hairstreak (Calycopis cecrops), Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis), Spicebush Swallowtail (Papilio troilus), Tawny Emperor (Asterocampa clyton), Viceroy (Limenitis archippus).
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Table S3 Detected bird species and guild classification.
Obligate and Facultative Grassland Species: Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater), Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), Dickcissel (Spiza americana), Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus), Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna), Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus), Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura), Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus), Sedge Wren (Cistothorus platensis)
Non-grassland Species: Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea), Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea), Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis), Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus), Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla), Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea), Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis),Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos), Orchard Oriole (Icterus spurius), Purple Martin (Progne subis), Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris), Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia), Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor), Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteria virens)
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Table S4 Summary statistics for metrics used in pairwise correlation analyses for 2007 on semi-natural grassland buffers (Clay County, MS, USA). N = number of buffers sampled.
Variable / N / Mean (SD) / UnitDisturbance Guild Butterflies
disturbance butterfly abundance / 43 / 8.82 (3.71) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
disturbance butterfly species richness / 43 / 12.30 (2.77) / #/buffer (total of 6 visits)
common buckeye abundance / 43 / 0.67 (1.21) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
cloudless sulfur abundance / 43 / 3.62 (2.61) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
little yellow abundance / 43 / 0.27 (0.46) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
orange sulfur abundance / 43 / 1.82 (1.42) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
pearl crescent abundance / 43 / 1.64 (1.56) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
sleepy orange abundance / 43 / 0.09 (0.15) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
Grassland Guild Butterflies
grassland butterfly abundance / 43 / 1.76 (1.48) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
grassland butterfly species richness / 43 / 3.61 (1.93) / #/buffer (total of 6 visits)
fiery skipper abundance / 43 / 0.43 (0.59) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
Grassland Birds
grassland bird abundance / 43 / 1.38 (1.85) / #/ha (mean of 6 visits)
grassland bird species richness / 43 / 1.26 (0.95) / #/buffer (total of 6 visits)
dickcissel abundance / 43 / 0.81 (1.10) / #/ha (mean of 6 visits)
red-winged blackbird abundance / 43 / 0.51 (1.32) / #/ha (mean of 6 visits)
nest density / 43 / 1.72 (2.56) / #/ha (summer total)
diskcissel nest density / 43 / 0.46 (0.68) / #/ha (summer total)
red-winged blackbird nest density / 43 / 0.73 (1.39) / #/ha (summer total)
plant species richness - August / 24 / 13.17 (3.45) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
Johnsongrass cover / 43 / 12.93 (17.07) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
grass height / 43 / 77.90 (17.70) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
grass cover / 43 / 66.86 (20.45) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
Native Warm-season Grasses
big bluestem cover - August / 24 / 6.19 (4.60) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
little bluestem cover - August / 24 / 7.63 (5.13) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
Indiangrass cover - August / 24 / 44.01 (19.44) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native warm-season grass cover / 43 / 53.50 (26.02) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
Maximilian sunflower cover - August / 24 / 3.85 (4.67) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
partridge pea cover - August / 24 / 5.36 (9.58) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
forb cover / 43 / 27.05 (19.61) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
forb species richness - August / 24 / 9.38 (2.70) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
forb stem counts - August / 24 / 14.05 (11.08) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native annual forb stem counts - August / 24 / 5.64 (3.88) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native annual forb species richness - August / 24 / 2.88 (1.26) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
native perennial forb stem counts - August / 24 / 8.08 (9.80) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native perennial forb species richness - August / 24 / 4.46 (1.53) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
legume cover / 43 / 5.93 (8.31) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
flowering stems / 43 / 0.18 (0.33) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
Table S5 Summary statistics for metrics used in pairwise correlation analyses for 2008 on semi-natural grassland buffers (Clay County, MS, USA). N = number of buffers sampled.
Variable / N / Mean (SD) / UnitDisturbance Guild Butterflies
disturbance butterfly abundance / 33 / 5.32 (2.52) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
disturbance butterfly species richness / 33 / 6.67 (1.96) / #/buffer (total of 6 visits)
common buckeye abundance / 33 / 0.34 (0.43) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
cloudless sulfur abundance / 33 / 2.06 (1.62) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
little yellow abundance / 33 / 0.03 (0.07) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
orange sulfur abundance / 33 / 0.46 (0.31) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
pearl crescent abundance / 33 / 0.15 (0.24) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
sleepy orange abundance / 33 / 1.50 (1.50) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
Grassland Guild Butterflies
grassland butterfly abundance / 33 / 1.07 (1.95) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
grassland butterfly species richness / 33 / 2.36 (1.56) / #/buffer (total of 6 visits)
fiery skipper abundance / 33 / 0.65 (1.58) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
Grassland Birds
grassland bird abundance / 33 / 1.56 (2.01) / #/ha (mean of 6 visits)
grassland bird species richness / 33 / 1.39 (1.03) / #/buffer (total of 6 visits)
dickcissel abundance / 33 / 0.81 (1.00) / #/ha (mean of 6 visits)
red-winged blackbird abundance / 33 / 0.62 (1.28) / #/ha (mean of 6 visits)
nest density / 33 / 2.20 (2.87) / #/ha (summer total)
diskcissel nest density / 33 / 0.61 (0.96) / #/ha (summer total)
red-winged blackbird nest density / 33 / 1.29 (2.47) / #/ha (summer total)
plant species richness - May / 16 / 15.38 (4.03) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
plant species richness - July / 16 / 13.13 (2.90) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
plant species richness - August / 16 / 14.19 (4.94) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
Johnsongrass cover / 33 / 4.85 (5.78) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
grass height / 33 / 67.83 (18.85) / meters (mean of 6, 0.25m2 plots)
grass cover / 33 / 42.36 (12.18) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
Native Warm-season Grasses
big bluestem cover - May / 16 / 4.90 (3.40) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
big bluestem cover - July / 16 / 11.33 (8.24) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
big bluestem cover - August / 16 / 7.73 (4.98) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
little bluestem cover - May / 16 / 2.81 (1.85) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
little bluestem cover - July / 16 / 1.89 (2.87) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
little bluestem cover - August / 16 / 2.63 (1.89) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
Indiangrass cover - May / 16 / 8.98 (6.00) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
Indiangrass cover - July / 16 / 25.73 (19.19) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
Indiangrass cover - August / 16 / 28.16 (20.40) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native warm-season grass cover / 33 / 36.93 (21.74) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
Maximilian sunflower cover - May / 16 / 0.64 (1.01) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
Maximilian sunflower cover - July / 16 / 1.51 (2.86) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
Maximilian sunflower cover - August / 16 / 2.10 (4.55) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
partridge pea cover - May / 16 / 0.24 (0.45) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
partridge pea cover - July / 16 / 0.18 (0.22) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
partridge pea cover - August / 16 / 0.19 (0.22) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
forb cover / 33 / 32.10 (19.12) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
forb species richness - May / 16 / 10.25 (3.17) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
forb species richness - July / 16 / 8.75 (2.49) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
forb species richness - August / 16 / 9.44 (4.10) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
forb stem counts - May / 16 / 17.79 (10.38) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
forb stem counts - July / 16 / 17.21 (13.29) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
forb stem counts - August / 16 / 18.97 (16.23) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native annual forb stem counts - May / 16 / 2.04 (1.57) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native annual forb stem counts - July / 16 / 2.97 (5.18) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native annual forb stem counts - August / 16 / 2.28 (3.47) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native annual forb species richness - May / 16 / 3.75 (1.98) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
native annual forb species richness - July / 16 / 2.81 (1.22) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
native annual forb species richness - August / 16 / 2.63 (1.36) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
native perennial forb stem counts - May / 16 / 15.41 (10.23) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native perennial forb stem counts - July / 16 / 13.75 (11.97) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native perennial forb stem counts - August / 16 / 16.34 (14.79) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native perennial forb species richness - May / 16 / 5.31 (1.58) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
native perennial forb species richness - July / 16 / 4.75 (2.11) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
native perennial forb species richness - August / 16 / 5.44 (2.28) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
legume cover / 33 / 3.87 (5.86) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
flowering stems / 33 / 0.04 (0.07) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
Table S6 Summary statistics for metrics used in pairwise correlation analyses for 2009 on semi-natural grassland buffers (Clay County, MS, USA). N = number of buffers sampled.
Variable / N / Mean (SD) / UnitDisturbance Guild Butterflies
disturbance butterfly abundance / 24 / 9.85 (6.30) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
disturbance butterfly species richness / 24 / 6.83 (2.06) / #/buffer (total of 6 visits)
common buckeye abundance / 24 / 0.51 (0.52) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
cloudless sulfur abundance / 24 / 3.76 (3.51) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
little yellow abundance / 24 / 0.39 (0.93) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
orange sulfur abundance / 24 / 0.29 (0.28) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
pearl crescent abundance / 24 / 0.69 (1.84) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
sleepy orange abundance / 24 / 3.42 (2.24) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
Grassland Guild Butterflies
grassland butterfly abundance / 24 / 0.74 (1.23) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
grassland butterfly species richness / 24 / 1.21 (1.22) / #/buffer (total of 6 visits)
fiery skipper abundance / 24 / 0.51 (0.99) / #/buffer (mean of 6 visits)
Grassland Birds
grassland bird abundance / 24 / 1.89 (2.47) / #/ha (mean of 6 visits)
grassland bird species richness / 24 / 1.29 (1.20) / #/buffer (total of 6 visits)
dickcissel abundance / 24 / 0.91 (1.24) / #/ha (mean of 6 visits)
red-winged blackbird abundance / 24 / 0.88 (1.47) / #/ha (mean of 6 visits)
nest density / 24 / 2.04 (2.84) / #/ha (summer total)
diskcissel nest density / 24 / 0.85 (1.30) / #/ha (summer total)
red-winged blackbird nest density / 24 / 1.06 (2.18) / #/ha (summer total)
plant species richness - May / 9 / 14.67 (4.72) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2plots
plant species richness - July / 9 / 17.33 (7.28) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
plant species richness - August / 9 / 17.11 (7.29) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
Johnsongrass cover / 24 / 10.11 (10.30) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
grass height / 24 / 98.44 (27.09) / meters (mean of 6, 0.25m2 plots)
grass cover / 24 / 40.73 (11.85) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
Native warm-season Grasses
big bluestem cover - May / 9 / 5.46 (3.34) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
big bluestem cover - July / 9 / 12.50 (10.03) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
big bluestem cover - August / 9 / 19.20 (11.11) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
little bluestem cover - May / 9 / 2.81 (3.01) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
little bluestem cover - July / 9 / 2.10 (1.84) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
little bluestem cover - August / 9 / 2.19 (2.45) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
Indiangrass cover - May / 9 / 4.99 (2.05) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
Indiangrass cover - July / 9 / 13.57 (7.25) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
Indiangrass cover - August / 9 / 16.83 (9.84) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native warm-season grass cover / 24 / 25.53 (10.09) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
Maximilian sunflower cover - May / 9 / 0.41 (0.63) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
Maximilian sunflower cover - July / 9 / 0.52 (0.57) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
Maximilian sunflower cover - August / 9 / 0.34 (0.28) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
partridge pea cover - May / 9 / 0.00 (0.00) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
partridge pea cover - July / 9 / 0.54 (1.55) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
partridge pea cover - August / 9 / 0.04 (0.10) / %/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
forb cover / 24 / 28.64 (14.19) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
forb species richness - May / 9 / 8.89 (3.62) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
forb species richness - July / 9 / 11.11 (5.23) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
forb species richness - August / 9 / 11.11 (5.93) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
forb stem counts - May / 9 / 22.53 (11.59) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
forb stem counts - July / 9 / 16.78 (7.89) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
forb stem counts - August / 9 / 17.36 (9.40) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native annual forb stem counts - May / 9 / 0.44 (0.65) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native annual forb stem counts - July / 9 / 0.88 (1.57) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native annual forb stem counts - August / 9 / 1.29 (2.69) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native annual forb species richness - May / 9 / 1.89 (2.69) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
native annual forb species richness - July / 9 / 2.00 (2.35) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
native annual forb species richness - August / 9 / 1.56 (1.94) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
native perennial forb stem counts - May / 9 / 19.70 (12.77) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native perennial forb stem counts - July / 9 / 15.37 (7.50) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native perennial forb stem counts - August / 9 / 15.62 (8.53) / #/m2 (mean of 30 plots)
native perennial forb species richness - May / 9 / 5.56 (2.24) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
native perennial forb species richness - July / 9 / 7.78 (3.03) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
native perennial forb species richness - August / 9 / 7.11 (2.67) / #/buffer (total of 30, 1m2 plots)
legume cover / 24 / 3.24 (7.10) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
flowering stems / 24 / 0.22 (0.57) / %/0.25m2 (mean of 6 plots)
Table S7 Suitable (ρ > 0.75) and marginally suitable (ρ ≥ 0.5 but ≤ 0.75) relationships between butterfly metrics and bird or plant metrics. Suitable metrics in bold. * indicates correlation was significant at P0.10. Suitable (ρ > 0.75) are boldface.
Year / Butterfly Metric / Bird or Plant Metric / ρDisturbance Butterfly Metrics with Birds
2008 / pearl crescent butterfly / dickcissel abundance / 0.509 / *
2007 / pearl crescent butterfly / grassland bird abundance / 0.542 / *
2008 / pearl crescent butterfly / grassland bird abundance / 0.531 / *
2007 / pearl crescent butterfly / grassland bird species richness / 0.533 / *
2007 / pearl crescent butterfly / red-winged blackbird abundance / 0.527 / *
Grassland Butterfly Metrics with Plants
2008 / fiery skipper butterfly / big bluestem cover - Aug / -0.532 / *
2008 / fiery skipper butterfly / forb species richness - July / 0.630 / *
2009 / fiery skipper butterfly / Indiangrass cover - May / -0.511
2008 / fiery skipper butterfly / little bluestem cover - Aug / -0.509 / *
2008 / fiery skipper butterfly / native annual forb species richness - Aug / 0.570 / *
2008 / fiery skipper butterfly / native annual forb species richness - May / 0.516 / *
2008 / fiery skipper butterfly / native perennial forb species richness - July / 0.507 / *
2008 / fiery skipper butterfly / partridge pea cover - July / -0.586 / *
2008 / fiery skipper butterfly / plant species richness - July / 0.572 / *
2008 / grassland butterfly abundance / forb species richness - July / 0.523 / *
2008 / grassland butterfly abundance / forb species richness - May / 0.715 / *
2009 / grassland butterfly abundance / grass height / -0.532 / *
2008 / grassland butterfly abundance / native annual forb species richness - Aug / 0.521 / *
2008 / grassland butterfly abundance / native annual forb species richness - May / 0.652 / *
2008 / grassland butterfly abundance / native annual forb stem counts - May / 0.570 / *
2009 / grassland butterfly abundance / native annual forb stem counts - May / 0.728 / *
2009 / grassland butterfly abundance / native perennial forb species richness - Aug / 0.502
2008 / grassland butterfly abundance / partridge pea cover - July / -0.519 / *
2008 / grassland butterfly abundance / plant species richness - May / 0.699 / *
2009 / grassland butterfly abundance / plant species richness - May / 0.554
2009 / grassland butterfly species richness / big bluestem cover - Aug / -0.500
2008 / grassland butterfly species richness / forb species richness - July / 0.525 / *
2008 / grassland butterfly species richness / forb species richness - May / 0.677 / *
2009 / grassland butterfly species richness / forb species richness - May / 0.505
2009 / grassland butterfly species richness / grass height / -0.532 / *
2008 / grassland butterfly species richness / native annual forb species richness - Aug / 0.557 / *
2009 / grassland butterfly species richness / native annual forb species richness - July / 0.500
2008 / grassland butterfly species richness / native annual forb species richness - May / 0.527 / *
2009 / grassland butterfly species richness / native annual forb stem counts - May / 0.754 / *
2008 / grassland butterfly species richness / plant species richness - May / 0.651 / *
2009 / grassland butterfly species richness / plant species richness - May / 0.589 / *
Disturbance Butterfly Metrics with Plants
2008 / disturbance butterfly abundance / big bluestem cover - Aug / -0.705 / *
2009 / disturbance butterfly abundance / big bluestem cover - Aug / -0.603 / *
2008 / disturbance butterfly abundance / big bluestem cover - May / -0.607 / *
2008 / disturbance butterfly abundance / forb cover / 0.609 / *
2009 / disturbance butterfly abundance / forb cover / 0.789 / *
2009 / disturbance butterfly abundance / forb species richness - Aug / 0.803 / *
2009 / disturbance butterfly abundance / forb species richness - July / 0.823 / *
2009 / disturbance butterfly abundance / forb species richness - May / 0.747 / *
2008 / disturbance butterfly abundance / forb stem counts - Aug / 0.668 / *
2009 / disturbance butterfly abundance / forb stem counts - Aug / 0.695 / *
2008 / disturbance butterfly abundance / forb stem counts - July / 0.625 / *
2009 / disturbance butterfly abundance / forb stem counts - July / 0.695 / *
2008 / disturbance butterfly abundance / forb stem counts - May / 0.506 / *
2008 / disturbance butterfly abundance / grass cover / -0.633 / *
2009 / disturbance butterfly abundance / grass cover / -0.529 / *
2008 / disturbance butterfly abundance / grass height / -0.665 / *
2009 / disturbance butterfly abundance / grass height / -0.671 / *
2008 / disturbance butterfly abundance / Indiangrass cover - Aug / -0.577 / *
2009 / disturbance butterfly abundance / Indiangrass cover - Aug / -0.653 / *
2008 / disturbance butterfly abundance / Indiangrass cover - July / -0.675 / *
2008 / disturbance butterfly abundance / Indiangrass cover - May / -0.579 / *
2009 / disturbance butterfly abundance / Indiangrass cover - May / -0.552
2008 / disturbance butterfly abundance / little bluestem cover - Aug / -0.654 / *