Project proposal form

TheConfluenceStudent Stream is a showcase for the talent and creativity ofFalmouth Universityand the University of Exeter Cornwall Campus students.

It’s not only a great opportunity to get work shown alongside established artists but also a platform to try out ideas, collaborate and gain experience. Confluence Student Stream projects support on on-going research and experimentation or exploration is more important than a finished and polished product.

This opportunity is open to students of all levels from both Falmouth University and the University of Exeter; you don’t have to be studying a creative subject to propose a creative project

Please complete this form with as much detail as possible and return it to . Don’t forget to include images or online links to support your proposal.

Name: / Click here to enter text. / Course: / Click here to enter text.
Year: / Click here to enter text. / Tutor: / Click here to enter text.
Email Address: / Click here to enter text. / Phone Number: / Click here to enter text.

If you are collaborating with another or if you would like to collaborate but don’t yet have any specific students in mind you can give more details in your project outline.

Are you proposing a Showcase work or a Creative Project?

Click here to enter text.

Give a short outline of your project: (300 words max)

Click here to enter text.

Do you have a location in mind, and have you already made contact with anyone about this location?

Click here to enter text.

How will your involvement in the project help with your studies or future development? (200 words max)

Click here to enter text.

What help will you need to deliver your project? For example, if there any specific materials and equipment needed and how it will be installed. (200 words max)

Click here to enter text.

Selection Process

Selected projects will be chosen by a panel of students from Falmouth University and the University of Exeter, who will be looking closely at the following areas:

·  How imaginatively and creative the project is

·  How relevant it is to the Penryn Campus context and audience

·  The quality of example work you send us

·  How achievable and practical the project is

·  How much it will benefit your studies and/ or career

If you have any questions at all or want to discuss your idea further contact us at