Bringing Workers Together

Minutes of Preston & South Ribble Trades Union Councilheld 20/06/2012 at 7pm.
Location:The Stanley Arms, Preston.

Delegates / Officers present:Lynne Wallace (LW) (Secretary, P&SRTUC), Matthew Brown (MB) (PCS), Chris Lomax (CL) (UNISON), Derek Sutcliffe (DS) (GMB), Bill Etherington (BE) (TASSA), Les Parker (LP) (UNITE), Jimmy Leigh (JL) (UNITE), Peter Bailey (PB) (GMB), Janet Newsham (JN) (Unite), Stephen Smith (SS)(Unite) Gavin Hartley (GH) (PCS), Darryl Fryer (DF) (PCS), Andy O’Donnell (AO) (PCS)

Guests/observers present:Mick Mulcahy (MM) (UNITE)

Apologies for absence given: Terry Bayes (TB) (President, P&SRTUC), Dave Savage (DS) (PCS-DWP), Phil Crowe (PC) (UNITE), Ian McGill(IM) (FBU), Sarah Robinson (SR) (PCS).Dudley Carter (DC) (Unite) Ian Vicary (IV) (Unite) Paul Callaghan (PC) (Unite) Tim Harper (TH) (Unite),Rosa Hegarty (RH) (Unite) Andy Guy (AG) (PCS), Brenda Gibbons (BG) (UCU), Dave Rochester (DR) (UNITE), Derek Barton (DB) (UNITE),

Minutes of the last meeting:Minutes of the last meeting were accepted

Matters arising:none

Opening Remarks: Formally agreed to thank the LATUC for sending a £50 donation to the Guild Fund.

Secretary’s ReportLynne asked all present to remind their unions to pay this years affiliation fees

2) Treasurer’s ReportTreasurer Absent

3)Organiser’s ReportPay up presentationMB informed the council about the work of the pay up organization a “Mass action against Poverty Pay” and there plan to target Sainsbury’s supermarket with action and pressurize them into paying workers at least the living wage. MB volunteered to contact the organization and see how the Trades council can help.

LATUC delegates The former delegates have left, DS(PCS) has previously volunteered and JL also volunteered.

AP -1 LW to send email to delegates confirming the details and email LATUC with the names of the delegates

Social Function a “Socialist Walker” group has been organized by MM and the plan is to go walking once a month. The venue for the first month is Barley near Pendle Hill visiting Clarin House.

AP-2 MM will send details of the walk to LW who will send them out on the usual distribution list. All agreed that the social function will be a standing item on the agenda

Preston GuildJN gave an update on the guild preparations. The Banners have been completed and thanks were expressed to Jackie Marley for all her hard work AP-3 LW to send a letter of thanks to Jackie from the trades council to personally thank her. Thanks were expressed for donations of £400 from Unite for the Guild fund. Marshalls for the event were JL and his wife, JN and LW. A trade’s procession briefing is taking place and JL will the outcome report back to the Guild sub committee meeting, the date to be arranged after tonight’s meeting.

Len McCluskey the General Secretary of UNITE the Union is attending the Trades procession on the 1st September 2012 and UNITE have organized a social function for after the procession from 3.00pm to 6.00pm at the Jalgos Social Club Manchester Road Preston all P&SRTUC delegates are welcome to attend. LP questioned if the TU had been invited to attend the Guild Court event but no delegates had a wish to be present at the court.

Work Place Reports Industrial Action PCS Revenue and customs Group are on strike on the 25th June 2012 and a message of support and fraternal greetings was sent to them from the Trades council. LP was disgusted that reps in the public sector could be disciplined and threatened with dismissal for telling members about a legally held industrial action and feels action should be taken to stop this agreed to discuss this further at a future meeting.

Lancashire County Council problems are continuing with staff being moved to a privately run call centre against there will discussions are ongoing

LW reminded all work reports are sent out electronically to the Trade council distribution list,


Proposed that P&SRTUC affiliate to the Labour Representation Committee (LRC).Whose aim is to return theLabour party to its original socialist beliefs. It was agreed to affiliate at a cost of £50.00 and invite a speaker to a future meeting

AP -4LW to arrange a cheque for £50.00 from treasurer and invite a speaker from the LRC

Action Points

AP -1 LW to send email to delegates confirming the details and email LATUC with the names of the delegates

Ap 2 MM will send details of the walk to LW who will send them out on the usual distribution list. All agreed that the social function will be a standing item on the agenda

AP-3 LW to send a letter of thanks to Jackie from the trades council to personally thank her.

AP -4 LW to arrange a cheque for £50.00 from treasurer send it to LRC and invite a speaker from them

Datesand times of next meeting:Wednesday, 18thJuly, 7pm.

Venue of meetings:The Stanley Arms (upstairs), Lancaster Road, Preston (next to the Guild Hall).

.Lynne Wallace


c/o PCS Office | Floor 10 | The Unicentre | Lords Walk | Preston | PR1 1DH

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