Minutes of Committee meeting, 6 March 2017, 3.30 pm, at Farnham Maltings

1 / Present
Sue Willson (Chair), Jo Watson (Vice chair), Mary Williams (Hon Secretary),Glennis Turner (Treasurer), Ann Vickers, Val Atkinson,Nickie Brander, Erica Currie Mike Love.
In attendance: Ron Mansfield, Malcolm Ellis, Ian Webster, Michael A’Bear, Bernard Whelan, Gill Smith.
Sue welcomed Gill Smith to the meeting; Gill will take the minutes when Bernard is away.
2 / Apologies:
Pete Wisbey, Anne Connolly, Margaret Ham.
3 / Minutes of meeting 6 February 2017
The minutes were approved by the Committee and signed by the Chairman.
4 / Matters arising
i / Ron took photographs of all members present, for posting on the website.
Action: Ron, Jo
Ron was thanked for taking these photographs.
ii / Maltings booklet: it was decided that Farnham U3A will not have an entry in the Maltings booklet for the time being.
iii / A whiteboard has been installed in Meeting Room 2. Groups using whiteboards will be required to provide their own pens. Group leaders are to be reminded to use water-soluble pens, not permanent markers.
Action; Nickie
Flipcharts: the Maltings will be asked to keep supplying them, we will hold an emergency stock, but this is not for everyday use.
Action: Mike, Mary
iv / Fire regulations re disabled members: now available, a copy will be put on notice board and added to the website.
Action: Ann V, Jo
v / Surplus audio equipment: covered in Ron’s report. Ron advised that safety mats are regularly disappearing, he was authorised to get two more.
Action: Ron
Mary reminded all present to submit monthly reports.
Action: All
5 / Reports from committee members
Reports had been circulated in advance.
6 / Points for discussion
i / Maltings Retirement Festival
The committee thanked Michael for organising Farnham U3A’s appearance at the event. Michael reported that it went very well, with 28 new members signed up at the event, and more possibly joining later.
The committee considered whether we would have a recruitment event in the Maltings Foyer shortly before Registration Day: to be decided on after the next Group Leaders Meeting, depending on group leaders’ reports of numbers of vacancies.
More groups are needed, and individual members need reminding that they should be prepared to be involved in the running of groups. Leaders are to be invited to put forward ideas about this at the next Group Leaders Meeting.
Action: Nickie
Jo is going to get a quote from Treloar school for printing the programme.
Action: Jo
ii / Responsibility for the conduct and running of groups
The question was raised as to the committee’s responsibility for how groups are run. It was noted that the committee does not have responsibility for this, groups are autonomous and the committee is just an enabler.
iii / Policy on disabled members
There has been an increasing number of incidents, particularly with the lift now out of action. The Maltings are applying for funding for two extra lifts. We cannot do anything about Maltings facilities, but group leaders should be aware of and sensitive to the needs of any of their members with physical or mental disabilities.
Ideally there should be a committee member with overall responsibility for dealing with concerns about disabled members, and to whom disabled members and their group leaders can refer.
Input on this is to be invited at the Group Leaders Meeting and in a Mailchimp message.
Action: Nickie, Sue, Jo
The Maltings have asked us to sign up to the “Dementia Alliance”: Sue will find a more about what is involved
Action: Sue
iv / Hedgehogs request re Farnham Carnival/Marshalling
It was agreed that we would not enter a float. As regards marshalling, it would be unrealistic to expect our members to commit themselves in advance to several hours of marshalling whatever the weather.
Sue to advise Hedgehogs.
Action: Sue
v / Christmas tree at St Andrews
Farnham U3A won’t participate, but the idea will be passed on to group leaders at the next Group Leaders Meeting in case any individual groups might wish to participate.
Action: Nickie
vi / Beacon system for payment of subscriptions
Glennis will investigate and report.
Action: Glennis
vii / Quiz
There are two complete teams and one nearly complete team for our own quiz event. Ann to put a poster on the notice board.
Acrion: AnnV
We also have a full team to enter the Hartley Wintney U3A quiz.
7 / Any other business
Third Age Matters: Mary said that we had to submit a list of subscribers every year, anyone wanting to receive it next year is to give the name and address to Mary. Existing subscribers will stay on the list without having to inform her. It was agreed that all committee members should receive this publication.
Action: All
Ann V said the problems had arisen with the sound system at the last Art History group meeting, which could be resolved with a “sound splitter.” It costs £15 and Ann was authorised to get one.
Action: Ann
Mike referred members to his last report concerning bringing food and drink into the Maltings.
Malcolm reported that the speaker programme for next year’s project is complete. He has been well supported by members.
Val is awaiting information from Maltings about availability of rooms in September – December.
Nickie said that all committee members should attend the next Group Leaders Meeting, there will be jobs for all of them.
Ann V was thanked for preparing the name placards that we used this meeting.
8 / Next meeting – 10 April 2017 at 3:30 pm.
The meeting ended at 5.20 pm.