THE WELL Ministry @ the Omaha HUB


Cultivating A Faithful & Fearless Heart

A study on Hebrews 11

Week 1: Faith is the mark of God’s people (Hebrews 11:1)

As we go through the study of Hebrews 11, we will also read through the book of John, as a companion book. The goal of John is to form belief in our hearts~ John uses the verb “pisteuo” (believe) 99 times in his book. Matthew and Mark each use it ten times, and Luke nine.

The word “pisteuo” means:

  • to believe
  • to be persuaded of
  • to place confidence in
  • to trust
  • Signifies reliance upon

The goal of this study is to build faithful, fearless people of FAITH….so let’s drink deep of the well!

Faith =the beginning point of faith is believing in God’s character (HE IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS) and the end point is believing in God’s promises (HE WILL DO WHAT HE SAYS).

Assignment: As you read through the book of John, your assignment is to record those truths about who God is (or who Jesus is) and then to record the promises (what does He say He will do).

This week’s reading: John 1 & 2

What the Word tells us about who God is: / What God says He will do:

Reflect on the truths about God’s character (Jesus’ character). What stands out the most to you from these chapters of scripture?

Faith Challenge: We studied how faith is the mark of God’s people (you may want to reread Hebrews 11 in its’ entirety). This chapter is themed “heroes of faith” or “Hall of Faith”, but these men and women were NOT superheroes nor did any of them know the outcome of their persistence. They believed (pisteuo); they were sure of what they hoped for & they were certain of what they did not see. This is available to us too. It is God’s Spirit that gives us faith to believe in the first place. And the more that we trust and we believe and we see God operate in our lives in the realm of faith, it will increase in us more and more. This is our FAITH HISTORY. Even in our journey of FAITH, it is still HIS STORY.

How is faith being exercised in your life right now?

In what areas is my faith challenged (where am I being tempted to be moved by what I see, instead of what I believe)?

Verse study: Hebrews 11:1

This is a time for you to sit with the Lord and meditate on His Word. What does it say? What did it mean to the people of the New Testament culture? What does it mean for you? Are there any lessons or principles that I can apply? Set time aside to “chew on” the Word of God or as Mike Bickle says “Eat the Scroll”. The more that we study & sit with Jesus, the more we will desire Him and who He is, for we become what we behold.

What the Word says (write out the verse in 1 translation or many): / What it means in the context of the culture (use a commentary or study Bible): / What it means to me (meditate on the verse): / What is a lesson/ principle that I can apply?

Faith journaling: This may be a new idea for you, but it is important to record your HISTORY with the LORD. This is your FAITH HISTORY. And we need to share our testimony because it not only builds us up, but it encourages others and builds their faith. Revelation 12:11 tells us that we overcome by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB and the WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY! So, let’s start recording our faith history with God.

If you are not sure where to start, recall your faith story. How did you meet the Lord? How did His Spirit draw you into relationship with Him?

*Before you conclude this week, go back to page 1 and write a confession of faith. Then, confess it daily until it begins to work its truth into your life*