Physical Education Student Responsibilities

Locker Room

  • Use SJHS locks only. All other will be cut off.
  • Use only assigned locker
  • Locker is to be locked when not in use
  • Lock must be on locker
  • Locker Room will be locked at break and lunch, plan accordingly.
  • No eating in locker room.
  • No video or pictures are allowed to be taken in the locker room.
  • Keep the locker room clean pick up after yourself.


  • Only receive full points if wearing the school issued PE shirt and shorts.
  • School clothes worn under PE uniform or sweats will result in point deduction or even a zero for the day.
  • May wear any color sweats but must not be see through.
  • Only allowed to participate if wearing the proper athletic shoes or running shoes. No UGGs, dress shoes, flip flops, boots, sandals or any other shoe teacher deems inappropriate. If not wearing proper foot wear student is not allowed to participate and will lose all participation points for the day.
  • Shirts must be worn, no going shirtless in PE class.
  • No hats or sunglasses unless permission has been given by teacher.
  • All uniforms are to have student’s first and last name on them, no nicknames.
  • Rental uniforms are available for students who forgot their uniform but are not to take the place of a uniform. Maximum of three rentals per semester after that student will not be allowed to borrow from teacher.
  • Uniforms borrowed by student must be returned to teacher at the end of the period lack of doing so will result in a zero.
  • Rental uniforms are available on a first come first serve basis and must be signed out with teacher.


  • All students are to dress and participate in class every day
  • Notes from home only excuse student from the day’s activity and only excuse a student for a maximum of THREE days. If a student needs to be excused for longer they need a note from the doctor, physical therapist or athletic trainer.


  • Students are expected to treat all others in the class with respect from teacher to fellow students.
  • Bullying will not be tolerated.
  • Foul language will not be tolerated and will result in point deduction or a zero.