Liberty Battalion Event Orders “Navy League Dinner 2-9-17”

Mission: The Greater Central Texas Council of the Navy League requests that the East View High School NJROTC “Liberty Battalion,” of Georgetown, Texas provide a Color Guard at their Distinguished Speaker program on Thursday 9 February, 2017. The Speaker for the February meeting is:

The Honorable Jerry E. Patterson, President, Texas Navy Association
Lieutenant Colonel, Retired U. S. Marine Corps Reserve
Naval Flight Officer
Past Commissioner, Texas General Land Commission
Past Chairman, Texas Veterans Land Board
Past Member, Texas Legislature

Reporting Time: 1630 to NJROTC (Georgetown cadets need to catch the shuttle bus to East View at 1600 at the GHS (1st position in bus lane by the tree to EVHS Bus Lane 35) Release from class at 1600.

Departure Time: 1645 Return Time: 2200 NJROTC (EVHS) NJROTC

Transportation: GISD Bus departs at 1645 from EVHS NJROTC Facilities. Estimated return time is 2200.

Location of Event: The Navy League meets at the Austin Woman’s Club near the downtown area. The Austin Woman’s Club is located between 7th and 8th Streets and between Nueces and San Antonio. The Navy League dinner begins with networking at 6:15 PM and dinner at 7:10 PM. The Navy League request that the Color Guard be present by 6:00 PM in order to become familiar with the setting. After dinner, there will be a presentation by the distinguished guest speaker followed by a brief question and answer session.

Cost: None to Cadets invited to attend. The Navy League has provided 10 free guest slots and the Booster Club has provided 20 more reservations for cadets selected by NJROTC instructors. Cadets selected for the no cost slots will be notified by their instructor and will be obligated to attend upon their acceptance of orders.

Cadet Project Officer: Cadet Daniel and Cadet Givens

Instructor: Captain Gusman

Uniform: Service Dress Uniform (Color Guard, Cadet Officers, and Cadet CPOs) or Navy Service Uniform (C/PO1s and below)

------Cut and Return Bottom Portion------Acceptance of Orders (Navy League Dinner)

I, Cadet ______acknowledge that I have been approved for attending the Navy League Dinner and that I have been issued the event orders based upon my verbal commitment. I recognize that it is my responsibility to activate these orders by returning them signed no later than 3 days after receipt to confirm review and consent by a parent or guardian. I understand the instruction and direction provided above for the orderly and proper execution of this mission. In addition, I promise to conduct myself in a manner consistent with the Navy’s core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment and to obey all GISD rules and applicable laws. Finally, I understand that if for any reason it becomes necessary to cancel my commitment, I must do so in writing at least 24 hours in advance and that failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.

Cadet Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Excellence is Authorized!