1. What is the difference between passionate and companionate love?
2. What are the three components of Sternberg’s triangular theory of love?
______, ______, ______
What does Sternberg call the fullest kind of love – with all three components present?
3. Name 4 factors that appear to play a role in determining with whom we fall in love.
4. What is attachment? List and briefly describe the 3 attachment styles:
5. Do men and women view sex and love differently? Briefly Discuss.
6. Do heterosexuals and lesbians and gay men view sex and love differently? Briefly Discuss
7. How does jealousy affect a relationship?
8. Which of the characteristics discussed in the book as ingredients for a lasing relationship do you think are most important? Why?
9. Which of the strategies for talking about sex with a partner that are listed in the book do you think would be most interesting and helpful? Why?
1. What are the functions of sexual fantasy?
2. How are men’s and women’s sexual fantasies different?
3. What are the purposes of masturbation:
Fill in the term for each definition:
4. An expression of sexuality where a person does not engage in sexual behavior ______
5. Oral stimulation of the penis ______
6. Oral stimulation of the vulva ______
7. Oral stimulation of the anus ______
8. If a man wanted his ejaculate to have a more pleasant taste, what could he do?
True or False:
9.____Women as well as men may experience nocturnal orgasm.
10.____Although some sexual fantasy is generally considered healthy, most sexual fantasy is considered to be indicative of poor relationships or other sexual problems.
11. ______One study revealed that married women who masturbated to orgasm had greater marital and sexual satisfaction than women who did not masturbate
12.___HIV cannot be transmitted through oral sex.
13. ___Anal intercourse is the least common sexual behavior used by gay men
14. The favorite intercourse position for college men is ______
The favorite intercourse position for college women is ______
15. What is tantric sex?
What do the letters stand for in the following abbreviation:
L ______
Terms Related to Sexual Orientation
Use the following terms to complete the definitions below:
Ally Gender Non-conformity Questioning
Asexual Heterosexism Passing
Bisexual Homophobia Sexual Fluidity
Coming out Lesbian Sexual Orientation
Gay Queer
1. This is the direction of a person’s sexual drives, desires and fantasies – who they are attracted to ______
2. Not conforming to stereotypical masculine and feminine behaviors______
3. Term for a female who is attracted sexually and emotionally to some other females______
4. Term for a male who is attracted sexually and emotionally to some other males ______
5. Term for a person who is attracted sexually and emotionally to some males and some females ______
6. Term for a person who lacks sexual attraction to either sex ______
7. People who are in the process of figuring out their sexual orientation or gender identity ______
8. Once a negative term, now used as a positive way to describe people of alternate sexual orientations
9. Term for a non-LGBT person who stands up for the rights of LGBT people ______
10. Variability in same-sex and other-sex attraction and involvement at different times and in different situations throughout the life span ______
11. A fear or hatred of homosexuality, especially in others, but also in oneself ______
12. Beliefs that stigmatize and put down any behaviors, identities, relationships and communities that are not heterosexual ______
13. The process of becoming aware of and disclosing one’s identity as an LGBT person ______
14. Presenting a false image of being heterosexual . ______
15. What determines sexual orientation?
16. How is Gender nonconformity related to sexual orientation?
17. What event in the 1960s is considered to be a turning point in the Gay Rights movement?
18. What symbol did the Nazis force homosexuals to wear on their clothing?
True or False
19.___More men than women are bisexual.
20.___There have been numerous studies that have indicated a typical family pattern among homosexual clients: most commonly, an authoritarian, domineering father, and a passive and detached mother.
21.___Recent research indicates that gay men tend to have more older brothers than heterosexual men.
22.___The Miliatary’s Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell Policy is supported by the majority of Americans
23.___Recent research has demonstrated that homosexuals are more likely than heterosexuals to be left-handed.
24.___ In ancient Greece, homosexual relationships between men were considered superior to heterosexual relationships on an intellectual and spiritual level