Santa Fe Community College – Staff Senate Minutes

Date: 3/7/2007

Location: Room 224

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 noon

Agenda Items: TIAA -CREF, other issues

Co-Chair: Susan Dugan Adjunct Faculty Office

Recorder: Janet Berry Service-Learning

Attendees: Emily Smith HR

Beth Flannery Tutoring

Shawn Haynes Business Affairs

Maria Dilda Nursing

Karen Burke Allied Health

Barbara Arguedas ABE

Anna Tupler ESS

·  The college invests 10.15 % towards ERB retirement funds. However, if a Santa Fe Community College employee has TIAA -CREF, the college applies 3% of that 10.15% towards the ERB as well. Is this equitable?

·  There was some confusion about the % taken from our paychecks. We will invite Karla to Staff Senate to clarify what % both plans actually do receive from the college towards retirement benefits.

·  A draft for Staff Development Day was passed out and we appreciate the hard work that goes into this event.

·  The first class of the new Leadership Academy had a great graduation ceremony. The second class has begun.

·  Twenty staff members volunteered to be on the Hearing Council. Barbara Arguedas, Jane Sandoval, Ken McPherson, Jerry Ortiz, Helen Bransford, and Deborah Carr are members of the first group to be trained for this grievance process. They will be the group for the year.

·  The weather regulation is still in the process of being finalized. Is there any reference to the night and or weekend classes in the regulation? In regards to people missing work due to bad weather, is there a policy about annual leave being used to compensate for their missed time. We’d like to work with the public schools if possible, on whether or not there is a time delay or cancellation.

·  A staff member looked into the benefit package at Maricopa Community Colleges in regards to flexibility on tuition benefits; possibly given to other staff or used in a different manner. They have a flex plan with no limit to taking classes at their particular institution.

·  The PEP system is still frozen. However, on the employee evaluation forms, if the job description is not accurate, an updated description may be passed in with the supervisor’s approval, to determine if that employee is in the correct pay scale.

Next meeting: March 28, 2007 11:00- noon room 224