CEFPI Michigan Chapter Board Meeting Minutes
August 14, 2007
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Project Name: / CEFPI/Michigan ChapterDate: / August 14, 2007
Present: / Rol Schlosser
Jeff Hamilton
Eric Sassak
Jeff Atkins
Adam Lach
Mick Barney
Bob Roop
Julie Kelly
The meeting was called to order at 3:12 p.m.
Motion made by Rol to approve the June Meeting Minutes, seconded by Jeff Hamilton. Minutes approved.
President’s Report
- Bob welcomed Eric Sassak who will be representing TMP now that Barry has left.
- MIEM/MSBO – There won’t be much time to speak, however Scott Little did say we could leave literature and other information at the registration desk.
- We had not yet heard the results of the Governor’s election or the Logo Contest, perhaps at the international conference.
Vice President’s Report
- Dale is still waiting to hear more details about School Building Week. There is a mini-session planned to take place at the international conference. Dale is planning to attend.
Treasurer’s Report
- No report
Secretary’s Report
- No report.
Old Business
- SchoolBuilding Week – Jeff Atkins spoke to a teacher at Chippewa Valley Schools who gave him a verbal commitment to lead a team.
- MIEM/MSBO Conference – Julie to get literature to TMP and Partners In Architecture.
- Letters to School District contacts – For duplicate contacts for Bob, Rol and Dale, Julie to work on co-operative letter to include all logos and all signatures. The letters should be confined to the Business Manager and/or Facilities Director.
New Business
- CEFPI Events – Looking at a Late October date for a program to be held at HowellParkerHigh School in Howell.
- Bob to contact French for input/involvement from Perkins & Will.
- Items of interest would include community use of facility as well as that of area businesses.
- Look to have a panel of professionals/students.
- Did the students have input on the facility design/equipment used.
- Was there a survey conducted of area residents/parents?
- Look at hospitality options.
- Thinking about a May event to coincide with School Building Week and the presentation of designs. Possibly work around the MSBO conference or try to incorporate it somehow, especially if MSBO is going to be held in Detroit this year. Perhaps use Detroit Performing Arts or CassTechHigh School as a location.
A motion was made by Eric Sassak, seconded by Mick Barney, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed, meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
If there are any corrections to these minutes, please notify Julie.
The next chapter meeting is scheduled for 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at the office of TMP Associates, Inc., 1191 W. Square Lake Rd., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302, (248) 338-4561.
Submitted by:
Julie M. Kelly
G:\Team Meetings\Education Group\CEFPI\20070814Meeting Minutes.doc