Town Clerk: Mrs. Jayne Kendall
Town Mayor: Cllr. Paul Smith
Deputy Mayor: Cllr. David Webster
Minutes of the Meeting of Ulverston Town Council held at
UVHS on Monday 18 December 2017 at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllr’s: P. Smith (Chair), J. Airey, B. Brown, P. Halfpenny, H. Irving,
J. Jenkinson, P. Jones, C. Pickthall, J. Pickthall, B. Rajan, D. Webster, S. Webster, M. Wilson. Apologies: N. Bishop Rowe, A. Butcher. A. Rigg, D. Smith, Tennyson. Also Present: Town Clerk. Public (5) Police (1) Press (3).
W94. Requests for dispensations:
None received
W95. Declarations of Interest:
Cllr. J. Jenkinson: SLDC Planning,
Cllr. H. Irving: SLDC Planning
Cllr S Webster: Agenda Item 13.
Cllr D Webster: Agenda item 13.
W96. Public Participation:
RESOLVED that it be noted that the following point be was raised:
Nick Knibbs thanked all councillors for their support. He said that whilst a proposal had been put forward to put the mast and cabinets on the grass, the site still remained unacceptable.
W97 Town Mayor’s announcements.
· Dickensian Festival. He was unable to attend because of work commitments. The Deputy Mayor had attended and said it was a wonderful event.
· Civic Meal. The Mayor had hosted a most enjoyable civic meal for visitors from Albert and the Twining Committee. He had been presented with a gift from Albert which would be placed in the town council office.
· Ulverston Disabled Club. He had attended with Cllr Mrs Jones.
· UVHS Concert at the Coro which was a magnificent concert by the school.
W98 Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 20 November 2017 be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Mayor.
W99 Update: RESOLVED that council note the following updates:
· Ulverston and Furness Crime and ASB down
· Crime 479/484 ASB 230/248
· Figures for the last 12 months for Ulverston in isolation compared to previous 12 months:
· Crimes, 424 compares to previous year 422
· ASB 207 calls for service previous year 245
During last 30 days in Ulverston:
· 47 reported crimes; 7 Assault with injury; 1 Assault without injury. 4 offenders under active investigation, 2 Commercial burglaries, 3 Shoplifting offences. No crime trends, either offence or location
· Current Community Priority Area – Hart street/Derelict Brewery site, Former Bird in Hand and Union Inn: Ongoing work with Robinsons and increased patrols at key times.
· Dickensian: no policing issues.
Councillors Questions:
· What is an assault without injury? This is common assault, where a person may have been pushed but there is no injury
· Were there any car thefts in the area as had been reported elsewhere? No.
· Was the previous Friday quiet in town? Yes, it was, and police are ready for the Friday before Christmas.
· Were police aware of the car at Dragley Beck? Yes
W100 Planning:
SL/2017/1007 7 Holly Bank, Ulverston. Approve
SL/2017/0817 SLDC Depot, North Lonsdale Approve
SL/2017/1021 1 Mayfield Road, Ulverston. Approve
SL/2017/1025 North Lonsdale Rd, Approve
Subject to further consideration of the entrance, which need to be wider.
SL/2017/0997 Former WC, Priory Road Refuse (by majority)
This is a very busy and congested road with insufficient parking for this business.
SL/2017/1012/13 4 Market Place/ 5 Queen Street, Refuse (by majority
Reason: Unnecessary removal of staircase in listed building
SL/2017/1077. 5 Quines Court, Burlington Street. Approve
W101 Planning Appeal: SL/2016/1109: RESOLVED to note the
appeal for Sir John Barrow Way, Ulverston, a residential development for
106 dwellings. Appeal start date: 22 November 2017. Any new
representations must be made to the planning inspectorate by 3 January
2018. The appeal will be held in Ulverston. Those who wish to speak are
reminded that this will need to be booked with SLDC.
W102 Monument Lighthouse Keepers Annual Meeting: RESOLVED to note
the minutes. The Mayor thanked the Lighthouse keepers for their hard
W103 EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
RESOLVED to note the summary of the new legislation which will come into force in May 2018. The clerk will attend a training session in early 2018 and advise council.
W104 Vodaphone/SLDC: RESOLVED to note the update and summary from
Cllr D Webster and to approve that a letter be send to SLDC and
CCC, thanking them for their support and reminding both organisations
that the councils position was unchanged in its opposition to the site of
the mast.
W105 X70 Bus: RESOLVED to note the update and summary from Cllr J
Jenkinson. The friends group would combine with the Friends of the Barrow to Coniston group. Assurances had been given that any funding for the X70 would be ringfenced in the accounts. Further that Cllrs Jenkinson and Wilson would be appointed to be members of the committee. The next meeting would be held in January in Haverthwaite.
W106 Finance and Grants Standing Committee:
1. Minutes: RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting.
2. Accounts and Statements: RESOLVED To approve:
UTC current account October bank reconciliation. Corresponding bank
statement. Reserve account bank statement.
3. Internal Audit Report: RESOLVED To approve the outcome of the internal audit.
4. Draft Budget. RESOLVED to note the draft budget which had been produced on the basis of a standstill budget with no increase in the precept. The council has until January to inform SLDC of its precept request. Cllr C Pickthall said he was considering proposing an increase based on inflation at the January meeting.
5. Budget Variances. RESOLVED To note and approve the budget variances.
6. Highways Update. RESOLVED that town centre councillors come back to council with proposals for expenditure, which will come from CIL.
7. CGP Ulverston Trust Fund. RESOLVED that the following are appointed as trustees: Cllr’s Jenkinson, Bishop-Rowe, Halfpenny, S. Webster, Tennyson and C Pickthall, and that a bank account be opened known as the CPG Ulverston Trust Fund. Meetings will be held once every two months to consider grant application for the £18,000 which will be made available during the financial year.
8. Railway Trackbed. RESOLVED To note that there is some progress on this project and that Network Rail is provisionally minded to dispose of the trackbed to Ulverston Town Council.
9. Insurance Renewal. RESOLVED To authorise the appointment of Zurich on a three-year contract at a cost of £4066.58 per annum.
10. Gill Toilets. RESOLVED To note the contract from SLDC, which detailed the tapering scheduled payments and that the clerk be authorised to sign the agreement on behalf of the council.
11. Civic Matters. RESOLVED that alterations be made to the Deputy Mayor’s chain, by re-using surplus links from the Mayor’s chain.
12. Payments: RESOLVED that the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor authorise payments of accounts for the town council.
W107 Other Matters: Council RESOLVED to note the following matters
Cllr Smith: Premier Inn will open at the end of January.
Cllr Airey: Birkrigg lease is coming to an end and queried if town council
may be interested in taking this on. The matter will be discussed when
more information is available at a full council meeting.
Cllr Halfpenny: Requested consideration be given to double yellow lines
on Conishead Road. Cllr Wilson said that this is in hand and residents
had been consulted.
W108 Public Participation: Pat Appleton and Knick Knibbs thanked Cllr Webster
for his summary of the aerial situation and thanked all councillors for their
W109 Date of Next Meeting: Members to note the date of the next meeting of
Ulverston Town Council which is: Monday 15 January 2018 @ 7.00pm at
The Coronation Hall.