Recording Pupil Premium

Types of pupil premium

Type of Pupil Premium / Data collected / Amount
EYPP / Spring School Census / 53p per hour (providers will receive £302.10 for each eligible child who takes up the full 570 hours of state-funded early education they are entitled to.)
FSM / All School Census’ / £1320 for pupils in NC year groups R-6
All School Census’ / £935 for pupils in NC year groups 7-11
Service Child / Spring School Census / £300
Post Looked After / All School Census’ / £1900

Pupil premium funding

The provision of additional funding to schools via the deprivation pupil premium is directed to those pupils from deprived backgrounds and is based on their eligibility for free school meals (FSM).

Pupils aged 4 and above in ‘Reception’ to ‘Year 11’ (or aged 4 to 15 where national curriculum year groups do not apply) are eligible for pupil premium funding. Pupils attending non-maintained special schools receive pupil premium via the local authority and the alternative provision census – not directly as a result of the school census.

Pupil premium payment terms are described in the pupil premium conditions of grant which are available on the department’s website.

The additional funding via pupil premium applies to FSM eligibility in England only. Periods of FSM eligibility in other countries do not apply when determining a pupil’s eligibility for the pupil premium.

Each period of FSM eligibility has a system generated Country of UK code attached to enable the department to ensure that those pupils who have only experienced periods of FSM eligibility outside of England do not attract the pupil premium.

For periods of eligibility when a pupil was on roll at a school in England the Country of UK code will be ‘ENG’. Pupils who were on roll at a school in Wales will have been assigned a code of ‘WLS’.

Free school meal eligibility

(a) Data collected

Periods of free school meal (FSM) eligibility since the previous census for those pupils on roll on census day; including any periods of FSM eligibility prior to pupils joining the current school; are returned in each termly census.

Pupils may only be recorded as FSM eligible if they meet the FSM eligibility criteria (that is: in respect to family income) and make a claim (see section 5.3.6 (c) of School Census Guidance for details of when a pupil should be classed as FSM eligible). Pupils who are only in receipt of a free school lunch due to the infant pupil universal entitlement are not recorded as FSM eligible and not eligible to receive pupil premium.

The following three data items will be used to collect this information:

• FSM eligibility start date

• FSM eligibility end date

• Country of UK

These data items will be collected for pupils within the scope of the collections on roll on census day and with any periods of FSM eligibility that were live at any point since the previous census; that is: those with:

a) an FSM eligibility start date on or before the current census day and no FSM eligibility end date (eligibility on-going on census day); or

b) an FSM eligibility end date from the first day after the previous census and on or before the current census day

When using the ECC FSM checking service please note:

  • ATRUEresult indicates an entitlement to FSM – and the child/ren of this claimant should be included on School Census returns as being eligible for FSM. This will subsequently generate Pupil Premium for your school.
  • AFALSEresult means that the ECS could not confirm an entitlement to FSM. In these instances, schoolsmayconsider requesting paper proof from parents of a qualifying benefit to determine eligibility.

What do schools do about infant aged pupils that join the school / accept a place after the spreadsheet data collection period to identify if a child is from a low income family?

  • Schools will be responsible to manually check the free school meals eligibility of any KS1 child that joins the school after the spreadsheet information has been submitted or if they miss the deadline. Schools can ask parents to produce documentary paper evidence of the criteria below:

Income Support
Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance
Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999
Child Tax Credit - provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) that does not exceed £16,190*

Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit.
Income-Related Employment & Support Allowance
Working Tax Credit 'run-on' - the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.

*Subject to parliamentary change.

Post looked after arrangements

Post looked after arrangements collects information regarding children, who - on census day – have left local authority care in England and Wales through either adoption, a special guardianship order, a residence order or a child arrangement order. Children who have left care under one of the measures listed above will be eligible for the post looked after element of the pupil premium.

It is for those with parental responsibility (adoptive parents, special guardians and carers of former looked after children on residence / child arrangements orders) to decide if they wish to self-declare their children’s status to schools. Parents are to provide supporting evidence, for example, a photocopy of the adoption order, and confirm that their child was previously in care. Parents may conceal sensitive information (for example the name of the birth parents) should they wish. Schools are reminded that this is particularly sensitive data and of the ongoing need for confidentiality. Schools should ensure that, as for other pupil level data items, they comply with their responsibilities with respect to the data protection act when processing this data. Schools record the information using the correct code set. Only one of the values will apply to each pupil and a school’s MIS should provide a default value of N – not declared.

Service children in education indicator

The service child in education indicator is collected for all pupils on roll on census day, with the exception of pupils with enrolment status of subsidiary (dual registration) in PRUs. It should record the information as stated by the parent / guardian and / or child. See paragraph 5.3 (a) and (b) of the School Census Guidance for further information on collecting data from a parent / guardian or child.

The school must not ascribe the service child indicator to the pupil. This information must come from the parent / guardian or pupil. Valid codes are ‘Y’ (yes), ‘N’(no) and ‘R’ (refused) with an additional code of ‘U’ (unknown) to indicate no response given or other reason for no information. This field defaults to ‘N’ to reduce the burden on schools and schools will only change entries for children from service families. This field is collected in the spring census only.

It is essential that this data item is correctly recorded on the school census as the service children indicator is used by the department to determine the pupil premium allocations for schools. It assists with identifying both the impact that being a service child has on the education of a pupil and the impact that catering for large numbers of service children has on individual schools.

Please note that data on individual pupils is not shared with the Ministry of Defence (MoD). A ‘service child’ has a parent or parent(s) who is / are service personnel serving:

a) in regular HM Forces military units

b) in the armed forces of another nation and stationed in England

c) exercising parental care and responsibility

Please note that reserve units are not classed as the regular armed forces and such pupils are not recorded as service children on the school census. 74

The service children indicator is only relevant to children whose parents are designated as personal category 1 or 2 which are shown on the GOV.UK website.

Early years pupil premium [ALL schools] [used for funding]

The early years pupil premium (EYPP) is additional funding for early years settings to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged three and four year olds.

Children become eligible for early years pupil premium from the term following a child’s third birthday and retain this entitlement until they move into Reception, when they become eligible for the ‘mainstream’ pupil premium. The data collected via the spring census will be used by the department to determine the early years pupil premium allocation which the department provides to local authorities to fund their early years providers.

Please note: Pupils aged 4 at the start of the academic year in reception and above are eligible for the school age pupil premium and therefore are not eligible for early years pupil premium funding.

Children will be eligible for EYPP, and should therefore be recorded with early years pupil premium eligibility equal to TRUE, if they are receiving any hours of funded early education and either:

• meet the benefits related criteria for free school meals (please note: meals delivered as part of the universal entitlement are not FSM)

• are in the care of the local authority (in England or Wales)

• have left care (in England or Wales) through


ospecial guardianship

oa child arrangement order (formally known as a residence order)

For those pupils eligible for the early years pupil premium, the reason why they are eligible is also required against the basis of eligibility field (100560). This should be recorded as follows:

• [EE] – eligible through economic reasons: where they are eligible via the benefits related criteria for FSM

• [EO] – eligible through other reasons: where they are eligible due to being in care or due to leaving care through adoption, a special guardianship order or a child arrangement order

• [EB] – eligible through both reasons: where they are eligible through both economic and other reasons

• [EU] – eligible through unknown basis: where the school knows the child is eligible for EYPP (due to receiving funding from the local authority) but does not necessarily know the reason why they are eligible


Have reception pupils been checked / recorded for pupil premium eligibility?

Have KS1 pupils been checked / recorded for FSM eligibility?

Has start date of FSM eligibility been entered?

Has country been recorded as England for FSM eligible pupils?

No pupils recorded with temporary UPNs?

Has the Summary report been check by Headteacher/Finance to ensure all pupil premium pupils are correctly recorded?

Useful links

DFE Pupil premium videos

Educations and Skills Funding Agency

School Census Information and Guidance

Education Transport and Awards

When you have created your census return we strongly recommended that the summary report is inspected carefully with particular attention paid to those sections that will affect pupil premium.