Preparation of Annual Review Package: Each student will be required to submit an Annual Review Package that consists of (i) Progress Report, (ii) Grad Plan (if approved) (iii) Transcript, and (iv) CV. Annual Review Package is to be prepared on an annual basis and submitted no later than deadline specified, in the format specified by program secretary. You are required to submit an Annual Review Package unless you have successfully defended your dissertation proposal.
- Prepare your progress report. You are responsible for preparing a written report using this Annual Review of Advisee Progress form. If you have nothing to report in that category enter “none” or “does not apply” when you have nothing to report. In most cases, complete sentences are not required – lists of accomplishments are sufficient. However, the faculty does request that you provide complete reference citations for any publications, presentations, or grants. The easiest way to prepare this report is to download this file and enter your responses into the form fields.
- Grad Plan: Submit a copy of Grad Plan if approved by guidance committee.
- Transcript: Submit copy of transcript that shows all courses completed up to current semester.
- CV: CV should be current and up to date.
Name: / PID:
Program Start Date (Semester/Year):
Academic Advisor: / Date:
Progress toward degree (insert actual or anticipated dates)
- Guidance committee establishedsemester year
- Tentative Grad plan developed in consultation with advisor semester year
- Grad plan approved by guidance committeesemester year
- Preliminary exam successfully completedsemester year
- Apprenticeship Project written report completed and approvedsemester year
- Apprenticeship Project successfully defendedsemester year
- Expected date of Comprehensive Examsemester year
- Passed Comprehensive Examinationsemester year
- Number of times taken Comprehensive Examination
- Dissertation/thesis committee established semester year
- Defense of dissertation/thesis proposal semester year
- Defense of dissertation/thesissemester year
- Completion of degreesemester year
- List of courses completed since previous review (give semester/year, course number, title, and grade)
- List of courses proposed for coming year (give semester/year, course number, and title)
- Total credits completed to date.
- Current GPA
Professional Development
- Volunteer or paid work related to career objective
- Service on grad student/departmental/college/university committees
- Membership in professional organizations
- Conferences or meetings attended and dates
- Acquisition of technology skills
- MQM Seminars – Proportion attended
- Activities you have completed to improve your writing skills.
- Other
Scholarships and Fellowships
- New scholarships and fellowships you have received during the past year
- Scholarships and fellowships that have carried over from the previous year
- Teaching experiences (e.g., skills courses, lecture-type courses, volunteer assistant in course, co-teaching, guest lectures) since previous review (give course number, title, name of primary instructor, and your responsibilities)
- Plans for coming year
- Other
- Participation in research projects since previous review (give project title, name of PI, your
- Plans for coming year
Scholarly Productivity
- Publications submitted, in press, or published since previous review (give complete reference citations and describe your contribution if paper is co-authored)
- Presentations delivered since previous review (give complete reference citations and describe your contribution if paper is co-authored)
- Grant proposals submitted or funded since previous review (give complete reference citations and describe your contribution if proposal is co-authored)
- Plans for coming year
- Other