McCoy-Livingston Scholarship Information

The McCoy-Livingston Scholarship Program is managed by the Rotary Club of Emerald City Foundation in Seattle. The Program issues an annual award or awards to deserving high school applicants and the amount to be awarded for 2015 is $10,000. This amount can be awarded to one applicant or divided between several applicants based upon the decision of the awards committee. The award or awards are announced in the late spring and are paid directly to the college or university.


•  Not grade-based necessarily, but B average or better is required.

•  Applicant needs to plan on attending a two-year or four-year college or university with the goal of obtaining a bachelors degree.

•  Applicant needs to demonstrate previous community service and leadership.

•  A recipient is able to apply for and receive a second award.

Information Needed For Application

Data about the student, including name, address, birth date, résumé (if available), phone numbers and email addresses of student and parents.

Proof of graduation (or evidence that graduation is certain) from high school including a high school grade transcript. For student applying for a second scholarship, the grade transcript from the college or university and statement of current status from school to show that the student is on track to complete the first year on schedule.

Evidence of enrollment in a two-year or four-year university or college with a stated goal of obtaining a bachelor’s degree.

A summary of educational goals, amount of scholarship and loan funds requested from all sources, how a McCoy-Livingston Scholarship Award would further those goals, and what other scholarship and loan funds are available.

A one to two page essay on "servant leadership". This could include a description of community service experiences in the student’s life, his or her motivation in performing service for others, and what he or she has learned from those experiences.

Address, phone number and email address of office at university or college where scholarship check should be sent and, when available, the student’s identification number issued by the college or university.

Applications and any questions about the program should be sent via email message to Shari Storm, Committee Chair, at . Deadline for submittal of applications is 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2015.