Policy Steering Committee minutes 8-13-14

Participants: Barbara Cimaglio, Erin O’Keefe, Win Turner, Jennifer Gordon, Sara Bylow, Sue Andrews, Tom ?, Naya Pyskacek, Javad Mashkuri, Mark,Depman, Paul Florenza, Tony Morgan, Peter Young, Emily Hazelton., Kate Simmons, Lynn Desautels, Matt Tryhorne, Sandy McDowell – by phone

1. What is needed for sites to sustain the SBIRT model?

Collaborate and integrate with current healthcare reform initiatives – including the VHCIP & ACO (accountable care organization) systems.

Create SBIRT: - Performance and Quality Measures

Cost of Care Reductions Data

Billing strategies to include: collaborating with commercial insurance and tagging SBIRT codes to track reimbursement fro commercial insurers

Generate a more extensive collaboration with the Blueprint CHT and Medical Home models:

Reach out to Beth Tanzman

Training on how to utilize SBIRT

Deeper discussion about collaboration with CHTs – invite Beth

Increase the use of Technology

Built in tools in EMRs very helpful

The tools become “what we do” over time

Sustaining the positive aspects of SBIRT over time:

Questions to answer:

-  how to we continue to fund embedded clinicians

-  rely on social workers for continued BT

Idea: Hub/Spoke- could shared staff do BT for multiple settings?


Understanding what not to sustain over time:

Aspects of the Data Reporting

o  Finding an automated solution to the access database

o  What is the value of the wellness data beyond the grant- can we use it for the cost of care measures?

2. What is needed to spread SBIRT to other sites? What is state's role/partners' role?

-  Rural access to resources and personnel is limited

o  Educational learning groups in the community

o  Mobility/ flexibility of workers to serve multiple locations

-  Adopt the learning collaborative model

o  A blueprint requirement to participate in one or more

o  Can we do an SBIRT Learning Collaborative- emphasizing MI

-  Telehealth

o  Bistate had utilized this for other programs (dietetics)

o  Texting?

o  Can we find an expert in state government for telehealth

o  Steve Maier is looking at state telehealth needs for VHCIP & DVHA

§  Possible funding to open up in spring 2015

§  VNA home technology (Sandy has more details)

3. What actions can we take to increase participation in the medical community in SBIRT? What is the state's role/partners' role?

-  MD training on importance and on a handoff to SW/ BH

o  MD should acknowledge the risks of use with patient

o  Perhaps a preferable model to an MD led intervention

-  Educations through the medical practice board

-  Looking deeper at the warm handoff/ ART

-  Docs must know the scores (sometimes an EHR template issue?)

-  Quick modeling

-  Publicity

o  General Public- PSA, news, etc.

§  Encourage online self-assessments and primary care follow up

§  Focus language away from “alcoholic” and toward “risky behavior”

o  Within or through partner orgs: CVMC, Bistate, etc.

o  Med society newsletter

4. What actions can we take to increase the support for SBIRT from the treatment/ recovery communities? What is the state’s role/ partner’s role?

-  More resources

-  Site familiarity with resources

-  SBIRT at provider meetings (follow up w Curt White)