Tutorial Request Form (TRF)
Subject: Subject Teacher:
Subject Grade: Topic: / Name:
AVID Period:
Pre-work Inquiry / Resources (used) / Collaborative Inquiry / 3-Column Note-Taking / Reflection / Total
Detailed Source, Page # & Problem #: ______
Initial/ Original Question or Problem (in exact wording):
What I Know about My Initial Question (WIK):

Critical Thinking about Initial Question: (*Show all work until your point of confusion)

2 / Identify General Process and Steps: (take us through your train of thought and use academic language, i. e. identified key characteristics)

Question from Point of Confusion (POC): **MUST BE DIFFERENT THAN INITIAL QUESTION** (Where did you get stuck?)
Define key academic vocabulary associated with POC:
2. 1
Notes on POC:

Three-Column Note-Taking:(In Class – During the Tutorial)

Take three-column notes (questions – notes – steps/process) during the tutorial on notebook paper. Keep your notes in your binder to study. *These are not Cornell notes.*

Reflection: (In Class – After the Tutorial)

My/The Point Of Confusion was:____/1

I initially thought that…, but I learned… ____/2

What specifically helped me better understand my/the POC was/when (A-HA moment!!!) ____/1

Therefore next time I know I need to ….____/1

Today’s Tutorial (went well/ did not go well) because….____/1

Next time I can improve by…____/1

Tutorial Request Form (TRF)
Pre-Work Inquiry (Before the Tutorial)
Subject: Subject Teacher:
Essential Question/Topic: / Name:
AVID Period:
Pre-work Inquiry
/ Resources
/ Collaborative Inquiry / 3-Column Note-Taking / Reflection / Total
Detailed Source, Page # & Problem #: ______
Initial/ Original Question or Problem:
Key academic vocabulary and definition associated with topic/question:

What I Know about My Initial Question (WIK):


Critical Thinking about Initial Question: (*Answer Question until POC: Thinking Map, diagram, working out math problem, bullets )

/ Identify General Process and Steps:
(bullets or numbers)

Question from Point of Confusion (POC): **MUST BE DIFFERENT THAN INITIAL QUESTION**

Three-Column Note-Taking:(In Class – During the Tutorial)

Take three-column notes (questions – notes – steps/process) during the tutorial on notebook paper. Keep your notes in your binder to study. *These are not Cornell notes.*

Reflection: (In Class – After the Tutorial)

My POC is based on a focus area from my Tutorial Analysis Grade Reflection: ____ Yes ____ No

I was a student presenter during tutorial today: ____ Yes ____ No

In the space below, elaborate on the following questions as you reflect on the tutorial process:

  • What was your POC? (if you were a presenter) What was the POC? (if you were not a presenter)
  • What did you learn about your/the POC?
  • When/how did you gain a greater understanding about your/the POC?
  • How does this new learning connect to previous learning or experiences, yourself, or the world?
  • What did you find meaningful about the tutorial session?