Forum Meeting, 27 September 2006

English Heritage, Cambridge


John Sharpe (Acting Chair)JSRSPB

Michael AllenMAEERA representative

David BevanDBLocal Authority representative

Denise CarloDCSTEER

David CharlesworthDChEnvironment Agency

Mary EdwardsMEFriends of the Earth

John EganJECivic Trust Society

Katharine FletcherKFEnglish Heritage

Judith GriceJGGroundwork East of England

Sarah HamleySHEnglish Nature

Paul HindsPHEEDA

Alan MarchantAMBTCV

Julia MassonJMBroads Authority

Corinne MeakinsCMRegional Planning Panel representative

Steve Scott SSForestry Commission


Catherine WeightmanCWRegional Biodiversity Forum

Paul Wilkinson PWWildlife Trust

Laurence WraggLWCPRE


Jenny CarsonJCEast of England European Office

Agenda / ACTION
1 / Apologies & Introductions
Apologies: Simon Garnier - Chair (National Trust), Tony Chadwick (Woodland Trust),
Simon Lewis (WWF), Richard Powell (RSPB), David Vose (Countryside Agency), Peter Griffiths (EERA representative), Graham Nunn (GO-East), Claire Smith (secretariat)
2 / Minutes from the last meeting
Judith Grice is from Groundwork East of England, not Groundwork Trust, as per last minutes.
Action: Minutes to be amended.
  • EEEF membership list to be circulated to Paul Hinds.
    Action: JS to speak to PH.
Environmental Capacity/Limits
MA has discussed EEEF’s concerns with Brian Stewart. Four projects were accepted. Unfortunately the bid submitted on behalf of the RETAG sub-group was not one of these. BS has offered to put forward part of the £50k required for a reduced project. It was requested that forum members consider whether their organisation could also contribute financially towards the project.
Action: EEEF members to consider whether their organisation could make a financial contribution to the project. / CLS
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Matters Arising

3.1EEDA Strategy Group
Action outstanding. MA to speak to Richard Ellis. /


3.2Energy Review report

Action: ME to circulate draft response to members for comment. EEEF response to be submitted before the 31 October deadline. / ME

3.3RSS Inspector’s report

An EEEF sub-group meeting was held on 19 September. It was agreed to take forward a three phase project. Phase 1 - to compare the Inspectors report with our original submission, Phase 2 - to respond to the modifications in November. Phase 3 - to look at the SEA/AA. JS to draw up a project brief for consultants, with a view to producing a response on behalf of EEEF. £8k is available in the EEEF budget for consultants fees. JS to approach consultants and let tender for ‘modular’ contract. It was requested that the consultants also looked at EERA’s views on transport.
Action: JS to draw up brief and circulate via email and make an approach to consultants. / JS

3.4SEA presentation to EEEF

ME has discussed the suggestions put forward by EEEF with SG. A presentation/workshop on SEAs/AAs will possibly be postponed until the Spring at which time the invitation will be widened to include other bodies.
Action: ME to get a costing and a suggested programme for a presentation/workshop. SH to provide a simple briefing on SEAs/AAs as a stop gap. / ME/SH

3.5Summit on the Regional Economic Strategy

Summit to take place on 16 October at Newmarket. There will be good EEEF representation at the event.
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Sustainable Communities Leaflet

Final proof produced following feedback by members. Link to Inspire East ‘Excellence Framework’. Possible link to launch.
Action: PW to circulate final draft for comment.
/ PW
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EEEF workplan/calendar

    Sub group on RENVS to meet on 14 November. The meeting will discuss the role/views of EEEF.
    Action: SH to report back to EEEF.
    Action: PW to trawl other regions.
  • IRS
    Action: CM to circulate letter to all assemblies.
  • RTAG – DC to substitute for JS at the next meeting.
  • EEEF dates for 2007
Action: JS to find out dates for 2007 EEEF meetings to be included in the calendar. / SH
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Networking Nature conference

The Regional Biodiversity Forum is arranging a conference entitled ‘Wild Ideas for the Eastern Region’ to be held on 17 November at the East of England Showground in Peterborough. The event will be the start of the process to create an implementation plan for the East of England Biodiveristy Forum.
Action: CW to circulate initial list to members for comment/suggestions to ‘plug gaps’. / CW
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7.1Environment update from the East of England Brussels office
  • Maritime paper consultation open to June 2007
  • Thematic strategies list published including new bits of legislation
  • 2007 new EU funding programme including ‘LIFE+’ - environment
  • Sustainable Development Round Table
Now seeking new membership to the refreshed SDRT. EEEF have been asked to propose up to three members. SL no longer able to continue as the EEEF representative. Nominations for EEEF representatives to be sent to JS by 4 October. It was proposed that the new SDRT chair should be invited to the next EEEF meeting.
Action: EEEF members interested in being nominated to the SDRT to contact JS by 4 October.
Action: SG to invite the new SDRT chair to the next EEEF meeting.
7.3Regional Planning Panel
Waste Apportionment commented on. Next meeting 27 October.
7.4Historic Environment Forum
‘Heritage Counts’ the focus is on communities and volunteers.
7.5Regional Assembly/Environment & Resources Panel

Regional Assembly:

  • The community stakeholders are currently reviewing the membership of various panels, including co-opted alternates

Environment & Resources Panel:

  • Road traffic reduction – a major theme in December
  • Inspectors Report/SEA
  • Regional Biodiversity Forum
  • Business & Communications plan being developed
  • SITA funding round soon
  • Breathing Places funding coming
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Any Other Business

  • EA Regional Forum is on 16 November at Newmarket.
  • Bedfordshire rowing lakes – breaches possible E/W railway. Suggest SG writes to Committee to get the Secretary of State to call in decision.
    Action: SG to write to Committee.
  • Judith Grice has joined the advisory board for Inspire East.
  • ‘The future starts here’ route to low carbon economy (without Nuclear).
  • BD lobby to support climate change bill in this autumn’s Queen’s Speech. ME looking for volunteers.
    Action: ALL
  • DB attended the launch of the Cultural Strategy. For further information on the event contact DB. Issue of distinctiveness – possible subject for future EEEF meeting.
  • Regional group on environmental funding post ANEC bidding. Meeting in November.
  • Broads Authority are looking for three members and would like applications from the environment sector. Details are available on the BA website.
  • EEDA restructure is ongoing. Split into sustainable development and rural/ Invest in Comms.
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Date of next meeting

Tuesday 14 November at Natural England office, Peterborough