Workers’ Educational Association

The UK’s largest voluntary sector provider of adult learning

Course Outline

This course outline describes what will be covered in your course.

It also sets out what you should expect to learn. There will be an opportunity for course members to discuss the course content with the tutor.

Course Title / Art History: The Portrait in Art
Course ID / C2416188 / Tutor / Peter Harrison
Start date / 03/10/2012 / Day(s)/time(s) / Wed. 10.30 am
No. of sessions / 20 / Hours per session / 2 / Fees / £150
Venue / St Mary's Church (London)
Branch/Partner / Finchley
Branch/Partner contact details / Ruth Kissin, Tel: 020 8202 9500
Anita Bernstein, Tel: 020 8346 8576,
Publicity Description
This course will examine some of the roles portraiture has played in European culture, contrasting the work of different artists and periods by adopting a thematic approach to the topic. Court art, society portraits, children and self-portraits are just some of the areas covered
Course Aims
1. Understand different types of portrait (e.g. court, society, group, self)
2.Identify different types of portrait
3.Describe 3 different roles of the portrait before the age of photography
Class Topics
1.  Introductory class
2.  The Court 1 (Medici, Gonzagas, Phillip IV, Charles I)
3.  The Court 2, (Napoleon, Louis XIV, Charles IV of Spain)
4.  Group portraits (Night Watch, Las Meninas, Plague House at Jaffa, Bellelli Family) )
5.  Self portraits 1 (Durer, Rembrandt, Goya)
6.  Self portraits 2 (van Gogh, Gauguin, Kahlo)
7.  Funerary portraits
8.  Society Portraits 1 (Gainsborough, Reynolds, Nattier, Ramsay, Raeburn)
9.  Society Portraits 2 (David, Boldini, Jacques-Emile Blanche, John, Orpen)
10. Children (van Dyck, Mary Cassat, Berthe Morisot, Picasso, Joan Eardley)
11. The Modern Portrait 1 (Cézanne, van Gogh, Modigliani, Ensor,)
12. The Modern Portrait 2 (Wyndham Lewis, Picasso, Matisse, Kokoschka
13. The Modern Portrait 3 (Sutherland, Bacon, Giacometti, Hockney, Freud, Warhol)
14. The Iconic Portrait and its context 1 (Van Dyck’s Charles I, Velasquez’ Phillip IV)
15. The Iconic Portrait and its context 2 (The Ambassadors, Mr & Mrs Andrews)
16. The Great Portraitists 1 (Leonardo, Holbein, Antonello da Messina, Van Eyck)
17. The Great Portraitists 2 (Titian, Bronzino, Lotto, Rubens, Hals, Rembrandt)
18. The Great Portraitists 3 (Van Dyck, Velasquez, Ingres, Géricault, Manet, Sargent)
19. The Caricature (Leonardo, Cruikshank, Gillray, Daumier, Lautrec, Grosz, Searle)
20. The 18th century Pastel Portrait
Pre-course preparation, reading, internet research etc. (This preparation is not essential)
National Portrait Gallery:
Women who Ruled:
Portrait Painting in England:
Portraits – Renaissance/Baroque
500 Self-Portraits
Portraits (Taschen Basic Genre Series)
Portraiture / Roland Kanz
Shearer West / Phaidon 2005
Taschen 2008
OUP 2008
Essential costs/materials: None
Level: 2
Entry Requirements / None
Qualification gained / None
Teaching and learning methods used
This course will be taught in illustrated classes and discussions, with a written topic summary for every class. Students will be encouraged to discuss the material of the classes with the tutor.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course learners will be able to:
1. Recognize portraits from different historical periods
2. Recognize the likeness of at least five artists who produced self-portraits
3. Discuss the uses of portraits in publicity and the media
How do you know you are learning?
Your tutor will ask you to write some of your thoughts on portraits, but there are no formal tests or exams. He will also give you informal feedback on your progress.
Suggested Further Study and Progression Routes
During the course, the tutor will offer information and advice about further opportunities for
learning in art history, history and related topics.
Brief tutor profile
Peter Harrison is a practising artist, a graduate of Glasgow School of Art, and of Glasgow University. He exhibits regularly, and his work is represented in private and public collections. He has been teaching in the FE sector for 6 years.

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57 Riverside 2, Sir Thomas Longley Road, Rochester, Kent ME2 4DP

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The Workers' Educational Association is a charity registered in England and Wales (number 1112775) and in

Scotland (number SC039239) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 2806910)