ACF Nationals

Packet by Chicago B (Susan Ferrari, Laura Kirkpatrick, Selene Koo, David Press)


Patients with Von Hippel-Lindau disease are unable to regulate this physical process because they can no longer downregulate HIF1. Commonly studied in vitro with the tube-forming assay, this process may be inhibited by antibodies against vascular endothelial growth factor. While this process is important in wound healing and in the female reproductive cycle, it is also important pathologically in tumor growth. FTP, identify this biological process that creates new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels.

Answer: angiogenesis (prompt on vasculogenesis before giveaway) (srf)

In violation of Zaitsev's rule, the major product in this reaction is the least substituted alkene, while the minor product is known as the Saytzeff product. In this E2 reaction, a quaternary ammonium salt is treated with an excess of methyl iodide and with silver oxide to give an ammonium hydroxide, which is heated to give the final product.

FTP, identify this elimination reaction which converts a quaternary ammonium salt to an alkene and an amide.

Answer: Hofmann elimination(srf)

All members of this class cantain a tubular stomodaeum that leads into the enteron. The enteron is divided radially into mesenteries which can be used to distinguish between the subclasses, which include Ceriantipatharia. Some extinct orders within this class include Rugosa and Tabulata, while a more modern example is Scleractinia. All members of this class develop directly into planulae larvae after fertilization, eliminating the medusoid stage. FTP, identify this class of cnidarians which includes the gorgonians, sea pens, sea anemones, and corals.

Answer: Anthozoa(srf)

Kazimierz Kuratowski proved that this property holds if and only if there exists a topological K-5 or K-3,3 subgraph. Simple graphs with this property have a number of edges less than or equal to three times the number of vertices minus six. Graphs with this property were also proven by Appel and Haken to be 4-colorable. FTP, what property of a graph says that the graph can be drawn in two dimensions without having any edge cross?

Answer: planarity(dmp)

He chose to become a scientist after finding work in a sugar factoryextremely boring, and proposed the tetrahedral arrangement of groupsaround the carbon atom to explain the numerous stereoisomers ofcarbon-containing compounds at the age of 22. He also determined thatthe osmotic pressure of a solution is directly proportional to the soluteconcentration and the temperature, and developed an equation that relatesthe temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant to the enthalpychange of the reaction. For ten points, identify this Dutch winner ofthe first Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Answer: Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff(sck)

Its existence was confirmed by performing underground nuclear explosionsand analyzing the frequencies of earthquake wave vibrations from theChilean earthquake on May 22, 1960, although its existence was firstsuggested in 1926 by Beno Gutenberg, who saw a decrease in amplitude of compressional waves reaching the earth’s surface between 100 and 1000kilometers from an earthquake. Also known as the seismic wave guide orthe low-velocity zone, for ten points, identify this layer of the earthfirst named by Barrell that consists of low-density semi-plastic materialimmediately below the lithosphere.

Answer: asthenosphere(sck)

Proteins can be separated by their characteristic one of these by resolving the proteins in an electrophoretic gradient of amphiphilic molecules. Molecules near this pH are particularly useful as dilution buffers, although small changes in pH near this point will significantly affect the ionization state of the molecule. Given by the average of the acid dissociation constants of the ionizable groups in a molecule, for ten points, identify this point at which a molecule has no net electric charge.

Answer: isoelectric point(sck)


He is inspired initially by a puppet show telling the story of David and Goliath but temporarily devotes himself to the merchant business after he discovers that Count Norberg shares the attentions of his beloved Mariana. The pragmatic Werner points out to him that his heart lies elsewhere, however, and pursues his dream of acting. For ten points, identify this young man whose travels and apprenticeship were described by Goethe.

Answer: Wilhelm Meister(sck)

Originally published in an edition of 300 copies, this novel's epigraph is taken from Psalm 139, "I will praise the; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." The narrator, an archaeological scholar, is intrigued by Moktir's theft of a pair of scissors in Biskra, while convalescing from a bout of tuberculosis. The second half of the novel mirrors the first, as the narrator takes his wife Marceline back to Biskra, and watches indifferently as she dies. For ten points, identify this story narrated by Michel, the first novel written by Andre Gide.

Answer: L'Immoraliste or The Immoralist(sck)

Taking its epigraph from Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks, this novel ends abruptly with its female protagonist running towards a helicopter. As Maureen becomes less motherly after drowning a litter of kittens, her husband Bam assumes a more nurturing role towards their three children. A major organizationl motif in the novel is the master-slave relationship between the Smales family and their servant, who brings them to his village to protect them from violence. Identify this Nadine Gordimer work set during a revolution in South Africa.

Answer: July's People (srf)

After his abrupt dismissal from his studio job, the main character's roommate, Sir Francis Hinsley, hangs himself. Aimee Thanatogenos, the cosmetician of the Orchid Room, writes to Guru Brahmin's advice column to help her decide between her two suitors, Dennis Barlow and the undertaker of Whispering Glades. Barlow's attempt to disguise the fact that he works as an animal mortician fails when he officiates at the funeral of Mr. Joyboy's mother's parrot. FTP, identify this Evelyn Waugh work that pokes fun at the American funeral industry.

Answer: The Loved One(srf)

This woman's maid, Natasha, turns her amorous neighbor Nikolay Ivanovich into a pig using a magic cream. Though this woman is married to a wealthy man, she longs to leave him for her lover, who she met at the Kremlin wall. Her adventures include presiding over a Satanic ball and trashing the apartment of Latunsky, a critic who led the attack against her lover's book about Pontius Pilate. FTP, identify this woman, one of two title figures in a Bulgakov work.

Answer: Margarita Nikolayevna(srf)

One of the novel’s two villains spends much of his scenes playing with small birds and mice. One of the protagonists is a drawing master hired by a wealthy hypochondriac to teach watercolors to his niece, Laura, and her unattractive half-sister, Marian. The drawing master, Walter Hartright, falls in love with Laura, who, unfortunately, must obey her late father’s last wish that she marry Sir Percival Glyde, who seeks to swindle her out of her uncle’s money. At the start of the novel, Walter Hartright encounters the title character, Anne Catherick, who bears a striking resemblance to Laura in, FTP, what 1860 sensationalist novel by Wilkie Collins?

Answer: The Woman in White(lak)

In this 1929 novel, Osaka and Tokyo serve as symbols for the traditional and westernized cultures competing in Japan, and become identified with the novel’s central characters, a husband and wife in a loveless marriage. Considering himself a “modern man” in a “modern marriage,” the protagonist lets his wife, Misako, take a lover, but gradually falls under the sway of his conservative father-in-law. The protagonist, Kaname, becomes fascinated with his father-in-law’s submissive mistress, who is compared to a doll throughout the novel. For ten points, name this autobiographical novel by Junichiro Tanizaki.

Answer: Some Prefer Nettles or Tade Kuu Mushi(lak)


French troops under Lannes were first engaged early in the morning by Bennigsen's army. Ney's corps was sent down the triangle of land created by a millstream and the AlleRiver at about 5 in the afternoon, decisively capturing the Sortlack Wood and trapping Russian forces. Some Russian troops escaped across the PregelRiver back to Russia, but 30 miles away, Konigsberg was evacuated in response. For ten points, identify this June 14, 1807 Napoleonic victory.

Answer: Friedland(sck)

They were divided into six tribes, including one called the Magi, and were united under Deioces in the 8th century BC. A total solar eclipse on May 28, 585 BC, caused these peoples led by Cyaxares to abort a battle with the Lydians and negotiate a peace treaty. An alliance with the Babylonian ruler Nabopolassar culminated in the conquest of the Assyrian capital of Nineveh in 612 BC. For ten points, identify this horse breeding people who had their capital at Ekbatana.

Answer: Medes(sck)

This Franciscan was the author of the Doctrina breve, the earliest surviving book printed in the New World, and was the first to see Juan Diego's cloak with the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe upon it. He helped found the College of Santa Cruz de Tlaltelolco, a school for indigenous girls, in his appointment by Emperor Charles V as Protector of the Indians. For ten points, identify this man who was appointed the first Archbishop of Mexico by Pope Paul III.

Answer: Bishop Juan de Zumarraga(sck)

His actual name means "stable door," because his Empress mother gave birth to him next to one. His Buddhist great uncle Umako Soga heavily influenced his religious preferences, directly effecting his later rule. He was the first to establish contact with the Sui Dynasty, the system of official ranks and as well as the 17 article constitution. FTP, name this prince who ruled Japan as regent to Empress Suiko?

Answer: Prince Shotoku Taishi or Prince Umayato(dmp)

Although it prohibited interlocking directorates worth more than $1,000,000 in the same industry, unions and agricultural companies were excluded thanks to special interests having their way. In further concessions to labor it legitimized boycotts and non-violent strikes and protests against companies. In addition to the aforementioned restrictions, this act forbade companies from cutting prices in only certain areas in order to destroy competitors. FTP, name this antitrust act passed in 1914, which augmented the Sherman antitrust act.

Answer: Clayton Antitrust Act(dmp)

This 1800 event was instigated by two brothers, one a blacksmith, and the other a preacher. The event was foiled by a violent storm that washed out the roads and bridges leading to Richmond. The 25-year-old blacksmith was to be crowned the King of Virginia, and all whites, except for Methodists, Quakers, and Frenchmen, were to be slain. Gabriel, the blacksmith, was subsequently betrayed by one of his thousand slave followers, who did not want their masters to be killed, ending, for ten points, what first major slave rebellion in the United States.

Answer: Prosser’s Rebellion(lak)

He gave his sister Anna in marriage to Vladimir I of Kiev in 988, receiving in exchange 6000 men who joined the Varangian guard. Though he was crowned as his father's co-emperor when he was three, after his father's death the empire was ruled by two generals, Nicephoras II Phocas and John I Tzimisces. He suppressed a revolt by the landowners of Asia Minor early in his reign and, in the 990s, reclaimed much of Syria, but his most famous battles were those fought against Tsar Samuil such as the battle of Kleidion. FTP, name this Byzantine emperor, whose exploits earned him the nickname Bulgaroktonos.

Answer: Basil II (accept Basil Bulgaroktonos or Basil Bulgar-Slayer before giveaway) (srf)


Eight of the ten books of the Rig Veda begin with dedications to this god. A Brahmana text states that Yama gave this god his immortality, but in the Rig Veda, Yama merely tells Varuna that he is hiding in the waters. In the Mahabarata, it is he rather than Shiva who begets Skanda. His most important role is that of messenger to the gods and bearer of sacrifices. FTP, identify this figure, the Hindu god of fire.

Answer: Agni(srf)


Saint Thomas Aquinas equated this with the Christian angels. It was usually placed behind the fixed stars, but one mention equates it with the stars themselves. Its discoverer also said that it was unbounded and causes perfect circular motion. FTP, what is this "being" primarily seen in the Metaphysics, which Aristotle describes as the uncaused cause?

Answer: Prime Mover(accept equivalents of prime, i.e. first)(dmp)


It is named for a man of the tribe of Naphthali who comforted the captive Israelites under the Assyrian king Salmanasar. His son journeyed to the country of the Medes, where he married the daughter of Raguel and Edna. However, he first had to slay the demon Asmodeus, who had killed her first seven husbands. Both the demon-slaying and the healing of the old man's eyes were accomplished with the help of the archangel Raphael. FTP, identify this book of the Catholic Apocrypha.

Answer: Tobit or Tobias(srf)


This composition was first performed six months after the composer's death in 1911 with Bruno Walter conducting. Scored for orchestra, tenor, and alto or baritone, the text is based on seven poems translated by Hans Bethge, with the last movement, Farewell, combining the text of two of the poems. Other movements include The Drunkard in Spring and The Lonely One in Autumn. For ten points, identify this symphonic work based partially on the poems of Li Tai-po, written by Gustav Mahler.

Answer: Das Lied von der Erde or Song of the Earth(sck)


Some important roadside attractions here include the deepest hand-dug well, the giant ground mover Big Brutus and the Barbed Wire Museum. Council Grove, Iola and Chanute (sha-newt) all lie on the Neosho river in this state. The state also houses SouthwesternCollege, BethanyCollege and WashburnUniversity. FTP, name this state whose largest town is Wichita

Answer: Kansas(dmp)


In 1942 Oskar Lange argued that this holds for money markets because more cash is not desired in the system. Keynes asserted that this is fallacious since nobody had created any comprehensive theory for supply and demand of total output. This is also often cited by supply-side proponents because it counters the notion that overproduction is possible. FTP, what law is popularly stated as "supply creates its own demand?"

Answer: Say's Law or the Law of Marketsor the Say-Mill Generalization



A collapsed statue lies in the lower left hand corner of the composition, while an upright statue stands at the upper right hand corner. An enormous canopied bed with heavy velvet draperies collapses around the two central figures. A knife rests next to the foot of one of the titular characters, the strand of pearls that she wears has been broken, and her assailant, the other titular character, rips at the remaining gauzey shreds of her clothing. For ten points, name this painting by Tintoretto depicting the rape of a young woman by the son of a Roman ruler.

Answer: Tarquin and Lucrezia(lak)


A bird sits in the lower left hand corner of the painting, while a pair of drama masks sit at the lower right. Putti on the right lift up a handful of pink petals, while a man on the left clutches his face in agony. A tanned, muscular gentleman with an extremely elongated arm pulls a blue curtain over the two central figures. The female central figure sits on a lighter blue cloth, and holds a piece of fruit in her lower hand; with her upper hand, she grabs the arrow held by the second central figure, disarming him as they kiss, in for ten points, what ambiguous work by Agnolo Bronzino.

Answer: Allegory of Love or Venus and Cupid or An Allegory with Venus and Cupid (lak)

The name is the same. One is a man in service to the government of Vienna, chief counselor to the Duke of the city, who, while the Duke is away, attempts to dissuade his temporary replacement from executing a man who impregnated his wife just before their marriage. Another is an Italian Prince who banishes the murderer of a member of a noble family, and is related to the former fiancé of the wife of the man he banished. For ten points, give the shared name of these two Shakespearen characters, one from “Measure for Measure,” the other from “Romeo and Juliet.”

Answer: Escalus(lak)



Identify the following about post-translational protein modification.

A. (10 points) This 76-kB protein can attach to other proteins to modify their cellular location or target them for proteasomal degradation.