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11 April 2003








First session

Geneva, 28 April to 2 May 2003

Item 5 (a) of the provisional agenda


Submitted by Parties and the Basel Convention Regional Centres

Attached are the project proposals submitted by Parties and the Basel Convention Regional Centres for consideration by the first session of the Open-ended Working Group.

Table of contents

Title of projectPage

1.Implementation of the control, detection and prevention

of illegal traffic of hazardous waste ...... 3-11

2.A New Partnership with Local Authorities for the Environmentally

Sound Management of Hazardous and other Wastes in Urban Areas ...... 12-19

3.Regional workshop on national strategic/action/implementation

plan of hazardous waste management ...... 20-26

4.Regional workshop on customs or enforcement officers on

preventing illegal traffic of hazardous wastes ...... 27-32

5.Life-cycle analysis of electronic products and environmentally

sound management of electronic wastes...... 33-38

6.Inventory of hazardous wastes in Guinea, Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire ...... 39-46

7.Implementation of Waste Minimization – Cleaner production Project – Training ...47-56

8.Implementation of Cleaner Production in Hazardous Waste Minimization

by Electrotechnical Industries to achieve the Basel Convention objectives ...... 57-73

9.Harmonisation of the transposition and implementation of

Annexes VIII and IX to the Basel Convention in Czech Republic,

Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia in relation to the existing

disposal and recovery facilities and prevailing kinds of shipped wastes ...... 74-85

10.Development of a database for use by the countries in the region ...... 86-93

11.Raising awareness of the Centre in various political

bodies in Africa and Environmental MEAs ...... 94-100

12.Review of the available documentation and websites relevant to

hazardous waste management and other wastes ...... 101-106

13.Needs assessment and development of a hazardous waste

management curriculum for Africa ...... 107-113

14.Partnership for the management of Used Oil in Kenya ...... 114-121

15.Assessment of the Environmentally Sound Management

of Used Oil in the Caribbean ...... 122-129

16.Preparation of a regional strategy for the Environmentally Sound Management

of Used Lead Acid Batteries in Central America and the Caribbean ...... 130-137





1.Name of the Party or Centre submitting the proposal

Basel Convention Regional Centre in Argentina

2.Title of the proposed project

Implementation of the control, detection and prevention of illegal traffic of hazardous waste

3.Countries and institutions/organisations participating in the implementation of the proposed project

The Basel Convention Regional Centre in Argentina. The Coordination Centre in Uruguay. Countries of Latin America. Others, at present the contribution of activities is being negotiated with JICA, Finland and Swiss.

4.Short description of the activities proposed under the project

4.1The set-up of a regional network for the monitoring and control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and the prevention of illegal traffic.

A regional workshop will be convened with the aim to progress towards the harmonization at the regional level of policies and tools for the prevention of illegal traffic through an enhanced cooperation on the matter.

4.2Pilot Project on the monitoring and control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes.

It will consist of the monitoring and controlling of the transboundary movements of selected waste streams in a number of countries. The scope, methodology, selection of hazardous waste streams would be discussed and decided upon at the workshop referred to in the previous section.

5.Expected outputs (results) of the proposed project and their use

5.1Informed and trained (30 representatives for the whole region) the participants, mainly custom authorities, policy makers, competent authorities, judiciary personnel, legal experts, police forces, enforcement personnel.

5.2Enhanced international networking of local authorities in countries parties to the Basel Convention on matters concerning transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and the prevention of illegal traffic.

5.3Specific training materials and documentation for the custom authorities in collaboration with CCR.

5.4Elaborated reference terms for the national training courses to customs authorities. Control of free zones.

6.Fields and activities of the Strategic Plan to which the project intends to contribute

The project will contribute to the implementation of activities falling into Fields (d) of the Strategic Plan for the Implementation of the Basel Convention.

7.Duration of the proposed project

September 2003 - September 2004 (12 months)

8.Cost of the project

The estimated total cost of the project is US$ 100,000, expected to be covered by:

the Basel Convention Trust Fund: US$ 50,000

counterpart contributions: US$ 40,000, and

in kind contribution (SBC): US$ 10.000.



1.1Sub-Programme:Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Chemicals

1.2Title of Project:Implementation of the control, prevention and prevention of the illegal traffic of hazardous waste”

1.3Project Number: -

1.4Geographical scope:Countries of the South American Region.

1.5Cooperating Agencies:

The Basel Convention Regional Centre in Argentina. The Coordination Centre in Uruguay. Countries of Latin America.

Others, at present the contribution of activities is being negotiated with JICA, Finland and Swiss.

1.6Duration:12 months

CommencingSeptember 2003

CompletionSeptember 2004

1.7Cost of project:

The estimated total cost of the project is U$S 100.000, expected to be covered by:

-The Basel Convention Trust Fund: U$S 50.000

-Cost to Counterpart contribution: U$S 40.0000

-In kind contribution (SBC): U$S 10.000

1.8Total Cost of the Project: U$S 100.000

1.9Project Summary:

The project shall assist countries of the South American Region to enhance national capacity in implementing Basel Convention in monitoring and controlling transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes and in preventing illegal traffic. This project aims at enabling the custom authorities of the countries of the Subregion to implement measures with the view of preventing illegal traffic of hazardous wastes. The project will be implemented through the identification of the key enforcement problems at boundaries of countries of the region and through the accomplishment of working meetings and training workshops. The project includes mechanisms of exchanging information and coordination between Competent Authorities and Customs of the countries of the Subregion, training to the responsible members of the customs area in the application of useful methodologies for the discovering of “not” declared dangerous waste transboundery traffic. Finally, propaganda and training as regards the internal rules of each country and the Basel Agreement is taken under consideration.

This initiative will be implemented under the framework of the Strategic Action Plan of the Basel Convention adopted at the sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention (December 2002) as well as under the follow up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg (September 2002).




The transboundary movements of hazardous wastes which are in breach of international and national law represent a threat to human health and the environment, particularly for developing countries, and is therefore an issue of international concern.

This illegal traffic, motivated by the expensive costs of recycling or environmentally sound final disposal, has been increasing simulated by the form of “sub products of manufacture”, “humanitarian aid”, “secondary materials”, etc.

In order to avoid the costs of recycling in Europe, different generators began to look for new places to dispose of their wastes at minor costs and risks and, as a consequence, creating a black market focused on this kind of commerce.

Experience shows that to prevent illegal traffic of hazardous wastes, efforts should be made to increase the capacity of custom authorities of the region. This purpose includes some topics, as the fortifying of control structures through the continuous training in the development of appropriate laws and innovator technologies that make an environmental and rational control in source, not only to the control authorities but the different local and community actors.

This project aims at enabling the custom authorities of the countries of the Subregion to identify the key points in the boundaries. Other aspects considered includes the implementation of awareness raising systems and the exchange of information and the alert as regards to transboundary movement of hazardous wastes.

In addition an effort should be made to collect and disseminate the information concerning the capital of experience developed along the years by important stakeholder involved in the implementation of the Basel Convention related to the illegal traffic of hazardous waste.

2.2Legislative authority and Contribution to Sub-programme

2.2.1Legislative authority

The World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg (2002) has strongly encouraged the international community to address the problem of international illegal traffic of hazardous waste. This project will be implemented in the context of the follow up to the Johannesburg summit as well under the Strategic Action Plan of the Basel Convention adopted at the sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention (December 2002).

2.2.2Project contribution to overall sub-programme implementation

The proposed project will contribute to the implementation of the sub-programme on Hazardous Waste and Toxic Chemicals in relation to:

The implementation of a control system of transboundary movements by means of the generation of tools and adequate training of customs.

The implementation of an awareness raising programme and exchange of information and the alert as regards the transboundering dangerous wastes.

Implementation of methodologies for the detection and control of not legal dangerous wastes.


3.1General Objective

The objective of the project is toassist countries of the South American Region to enhance national capacity in implementing Basel Convention in monitoring and controlling transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes and in preventing illegal traffic.

3.2Specific objectives

a)To develop a regional network for the monitoring and control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and the prevention of illegal traffic.

b)To implement control of transboundary movements by means of the generation of tools and adequate training to enable customs authorities of the countries of the Subregion, identifying the key points in the boundaries.

c)To implement of a system of propaganda and interchange of information and the alert as regards the transboundering dangerous wastes.

-To achieve a flow of continual information about transboundary movements of hazardous wastes among the countries of Latin America.

e)To implement of methodologies for the detection and control of not legal dangerous wastes.


a)Network established for the monitoring and control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and the prevention of illegal traffic.

b)Informed and trained (30 representatives for the whole region) the participants, mainly custom authorities, policy makers, competent authorities, judiciary personnel, legal experts, police forces, enforcement personnel.

-Specific training materials and documentation for the custom authorities in collaboration with CCR.

c)Enhanced international networking of local authorities in countries parties to the Basel Convention on matters concerning transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and the prevention of illegal traffic.

d)Elaborated reference terms for the national training courses to customs authorities. Control of free zones.


a)The active cooperation of the Latin American countries and CCR (i.e., Focal Points and Designated National Authorities of the Basel Conventions, Custom authorities), is essential;



Regional Workshop

-Enhanced coordination achieved between Contracting Parties regarding the prevention of illegal traffic in Latin American countries through the set up of a regional mechanism and harmonized governmental policies on the matter

-Draft guidelines for the prevention of illegal traffic in the region

Pilot Project

-Annual statistics with analytical commentaries on imports of a given number of waste streams; quantities, destination and type of disposal

-Recommendations for the development of an efficient and effective regional mechanism for the monitoring and control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and the prevention of illegal traffic


1. The set-up of a regional network for the monitoring and control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and the prevention of illegal traffic

A regional workshop will be convened with the aim to progress towards the harmonization at the regional level of policies and tools for the prevention of illegal traffic through an enhanced cooperation on the matter. The participants mainly customs authorities, policy makers, competent authorities, judiciary personnel, legal experts, police forces, enforcement personnel as well as representatives from regional organizations (e.g. UNEP; WCO, etc.) should consider the possibility to organize a regional mechanism based on information networking, standardization of testing/analysis procedures and protocols, coordination and implementation of joint police and judiciary activities, strengthening of regional institutions, etc. These elements would be discussed and would lead to the preparation of guidelines for the prevention of illegal traffic in the Latin American countries region to be further submitted to the national authorities for consideration.

The topics to be covered would include:

-regional & national legislations/regulatory regime of the Basel Convention

-review of needs and facilities in the region

-identification and prevention of illegal traffic I development of tools for the control of (illegal) imports of hazardous wastes

-flows and networking of information

-access to testing & analysis facilities / development and adoption of regional protocols

-criminalization of cases of illegal traffic

-control measures and mechanisms I harmonization of enforcement policies at the regional level

-promotion of international cooperation in the judiciary and police areas

-options available for the set-up of an effective and responsive regional network for the monitoring and control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and the prevention of illegal traffic in the region

-guidelines for the prevention of illegal traffic in the Latin American countries region

2.Pilot Project on the monitoring and control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes

It will consist of the monitoring and controlling of the transboundary movements of selected waste streams in a number of countries. The scope, methodology, selection of hazardous waste streams would be discussed and decided upon at the workshop referred to in the previous section.

The pilot project will allow for the review of real life situations encountered by the authorities in the monitoring and controlling of the transboundary movements. Transport inspections, company visits and control procedures will be carded out within the framework of the project which will have a duration of 6 months. The pilot project will be completed by the preparation of a final report containing an analysis of problems and gaps encountered during its implementation. The practical experience acquired in the process and the recommendations proposed for the improvement of the monitoring/control system in the Caribbean could further be considered when elaborating on the proposed guidelines for the prevention of illegal traffic.

4.3Work plan and timetable The work plan and timetable are presented in diagrammatic form (see in Annex 1).

4.4Budget (see in Annex 2)


5.1Institutional framework

5.1.2Ultimate authority

The ultimate authority in managing the project will rest with the BCRC Argentina /SCB with collaboration with Basel Convention Regional Coordinating Centre for capacity-building activities in this field.

5.1.2Division of responsibilities

Regional Basel Training Centres (BCRCs), in close consultation with the SBC/ joint management team, competent authorities of the countries of the subregion and Basel Convention Regional Coordinating Centre will coordinate on a contractual basis all the regional activities (organization of the regional forum, implementation of the pilot project activities The SBC joint management team as well as the BCRC will be assisted in their tasks by experts in this field from various horizons, including from local and central authorities, industry, academia and the civil society.

5.1.4Addresses for correspondence

All correspondence regarding substantive and technical matters should be addressed to SBC, Basel Convention Regional Centre Argentina concerned. Correspondence regarding financial and budgetary matters should be addressed to UNEP (…).


Normal UNEP procedures for the monitoring and reporting of the project will be followed.

Annex 1: Workplan and Timetable

2003 / 2004
S / O / N / D / J / F / M / A / M / J / J / A / S
1 / Project Preparation-documentation
2 / Regional workshop
3 / Preparation of guidelines-pilot project
5 / Preparation of guidelines (revised)
6 / Pilot Project
7 / Final report
8 / Evaluation



Annex 2: Budget
10 / PERSONNEL / 01/09/03
01/09/04 / TOTAL
1100 / Project personnel / Administrative support personnel
1102 / SCC staff (in-kind) / 10.000 / 10.000
1103 / Travel International Consultant / 5.000 / 5.000
1900 / Personnel sub-total / 15.000 / 15.000
2100 / Sub-contracts Component
2101 / Sub-contracts organization workshop, including travel costs of resource persons / 50.000 / 50.000
2900 / Sub-contracts sub-total / 50.000 / 50.000
3220 / Group Training
3220 / Pilot Project / 29.000 / 28.000
3200 / Meetings
3201 / Project preparatory regional workshop (3 days, 10 persons) / 3.000 / 3.000
3900 / Training sub-total / 32.000 / 3.000
5200 / Reporting costs
5201 / Reproduction and dissemination of the guidelines (50 pages, 40 copies) / 1.000 / 10.00
5500 / Evaluation
5501 / Post-project evaluation / 3.000 / 3.000
5900 / Miscellaneous sub-total / 3.000 / 4.000
90 / 9999 / Sub-total / 100.000 / 100.000
TOTAL / 100.000 / 100.000
** Second phase
Sources of funds
Subregional Centre Argentina / 10.000 / 10.000
The Basel Convention Trust Fund / 50.000 / 50.000
Counter part contribution (JICA, Finland, Swiss) / 40.000 / 40.000




UNEP/SBC/BCRC China Project

Project Proposal

Section 1 - Project identification

1.1Sub-programme: Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Chemicals

1.2Title of Project: A New Partnership with Local Authorities for the EnvironmentallySound Management of Hazardous and other Wastes in Urban Areas

Title of sub-Project:New partnership with local authorities for the environmentally sound management of hazardous and other wastes in the Asia-Pacific region

1.3Sub-Project Number:

1.4Geographical Scope: Asia-Pacific region

1.5Cooperating Agency and cities:SBC,unitar, SEPA, local environmental authorities.

1.6Duration: 15 months

Commencing: Dec. 2003

Completion: Feb. 2005

1.7Cost of Project: US$ 80,000

Demonstrating Project:US$ 50,000

Forum: US$ 30.000

1.8Sub-Project Summary

This project is one of the sub-projects of the A new partnership with local authorities for the environmentally sound management of hazardous and other waste in urban areas, sponsored by SBC/UNITAR, which implemented under the framework of the strategic action plan of the Basel Convention adopted at the sixth meeting of the conference of the parties to the Basel Convention as well as under the follow-up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg (2002).

The aims of this project are to provide assist in building up a new partnership involving governmental and local authorities, the private sector and civil society for environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes in Chinese city urban areas, such as Qingdao. The project comprises two phases; the first is to implement the demonstration project of environmentally sound management hazardous and municipal wastes, especially in establishment of collection system, treatment & disposal facilities of hazardous industrial and electronic wastes in urban arrears, assist local authorities to develop the related decision supportive tools in urban areas, then a regional forum will be organized and present the practical experience to other cities in the region.