The Three Little Pigs – Oral Language Program – May 2007


(10 minutes) / Picture chat using specific pictures & label items in the pictures
Sentence Work
(10 minutes) / Sentence work using sentence frame “I can see a …” Children refer to labeled pictures & complete the sentence
Read To
(15 minutes) / Revise what a good listener does & teacher reads the text to the children. Children imitate the phrases “I will build my house of…” & “Little Pig, Little Pig let me in..” “I will not let you in. Not by the hair of my chinny chin, chin.” I”ll huff and I’ll puff & I’ll blow your house down.”
Children will act out certain parts of the story.e.g. Huffing and puffing.
Individual activity
(10 minutes) / Children are asked to think of the characters in the story. They then draw the characters in the story. Teacher roams asking children to say who the characters are.
Share Time
(5 minutes) / Children share what they have learnt by answering the question “What have you learnt today?”


(10 minutes) / Oral sequencing of story using enlarged pictures. (5)
Ask children to give you a “What” question based on the picture.
Sentence Work
(10 minutes) / Sentence work – retelling the story using the pictures & using the sentence frame “In the story…”
Synonym Work
(10 minutes) / Synonyms – rapid naming of items (What is this? Asked by the teacher)
Can you give me another word that means this? Approx 4 words.
Read To
(15 minutes) / Remind children about how to be a good listener
Teacher rereads story encouraging children to join.
Children will act out certain parts of the story.
Group activity
(10 minutes) / Children retell the story in groups using puppets/masks.
Share Time
(5 minutes) / Children share what they have learnt by answering the question “What have you learnt today?”


(10 minutes) / Oral retell of story using pictures. Teacher chooses x number of children, hands them a picture, they come out the front, order themselves & retell the story based on their picture. Ask children to give you a “What” question based on the picture.
Sentence Work
(10 minutes) / Sentence work – retelling the story using the pictures & using the sentence frame “In the story…”
Synonym Work
(10 minutes) / Rapid naming of items revising previous day’s words & introducing new words (What is this? Asked by the teacher)
Can you give me another word that means this? Approx 4 words.
Read To
(15 minutes) / Remind children about how to be a good listener
Teacher rereads story encouraging children to join.
Children will act out certain parts of the story.
Group activity
(10 minutes) / Children retell the story in groups using puppets/masks.
Share Time
(5 minutes) / Children share what they have learnt by answering the question “What have you learnt today?”


(10 minutes) / Oral retell of story using pictures. Teacher chooses x number of children, hands them a picture, they come out the front, order themselves & retell the story based on their picture. Ask children to give you a “What” question based on the picture.
Synonym & Sentence Work
(10 minutes) / Synonyms & sentence work – Rapid naming of items revising previous day’s words. Can you give me another word that means this? Approx 4 words.
Teacher asks child to make a sentence using the labelled words in the story. Teacher asks another child to say that sentence in another way.
Read To
(15 minutes) / Remind children about how to be a good listener
Teacher rereads story encouraging children to join. Children will act out certain parts of the story.
Individual activity
(10 minutes) / Children retell the story in groups using puppets/masks.
Share Time
(5 minutes) / Children share what they have learnt by answering the question “What have you learnt today?”


(10 minutes) / Oral retell of story using pictures. Teacher chooses x number of children, hands them a picture, they come out the front, order themselves & retell the story based on their picture. Ask children to give you a “What” question based on the picture.
Synonym & Sentence Work
(10 minutes) / Synonyms & sentence work – Rapid naming of items revising previous day’s words. Can you give me another word that means this? Approx 4 words.
Teacher asks child to make a sentence using the labelled words in the story. Teacher asks another child to say that sentence in another way.
Read To
(15 minutes) / Remind children about how to be a good listener
Teacher rereads story encouraging children to join.
Children will act out certain parts of the story.
Individual activity
(10 minutes) / Story sequence– Children sequence individually 6 pictures from the story and retell story to teacher. There is also a recording station where children whom the teacher has not hear retells the story into a cassette recorder.
Share Time
(5 minutes) / Children share what they have learnt by answering the question “What have you learnt today?”